I see you, Secret Witch - hiding your Feminine magic, mistrusting your deep wisdom, and doubting your healing gifts. You’re realising you have this deep soul call to being a healer - perhaps you’ve experienced some awakening within your own life that you’re starting to feel “I could do something with this” - but it feels terrifying, and so you keep your magic hidden.
You feel all the fear - the phrase ‘Secret Witch’ might even scare you, though it brings resonance too. Sometimes you feel like an ‘imposter’, wondering if you even ‘have’ magical gifts, or if magic is ‘real’ - and yet you feel the strange paradoxical feeling that if you *don’t* do something with these secret hidden magical gifts you have, you’ll *die* with them still inside you - and the thought of getting to the end of your life and knowing you *didn’t* do something with this magic breaks your heart. You know you have to share these gifts and manifest a more magical life.
I see you - you’ve spent a lifetime self-doubting and mistrusting your inner Feminine magic and wisdom, pushing it down and favouring or prioritising the perceived ‘safety’ of logic, for the fears of not trusting the ‘mystery’, losing control and being seen as a ‘lunatic’. Perhaps you’ve disconnected from your womb’s wisdom and your ‘messy’, inconvenient - sometimes painful - Feminine cycle (your bleed has likely felt like an ‘annoyance’), suppressing and numbing your body and her natural rhythms and deep intuition. You’ve shamed your changeable, sensitive emotions, your vivid dreams and your knowing premonitions. You’ve pushed yourself to create a life that doesn’t really live up to what you’d hoped - and now you’re feeling exhausted, and alone, longing to be a healer, yet also wondering “am I really cut out for being a healer?” and feeling like an imposter.
Oh, I feel your heart, magical one.
You loop around feeling the undeniable call to all things magical - you know there’s something greater than ‘this’ mundane life, and that you have some hidden purpose - yet you’re scared to step into your healing gifts and magical manifestation power because you mistrust that magic can be truly real and trusted. You wonder: “what if this is just a ‘fantasy’? What if I’ll just become part of a ‘witchy cult’? What if I don’t have magic like other people do? Can I really trust my body’s wisdom? Am I really able to manifest?” Your brilliant mind has spent a lifetime being conditioned that the only thing that’s ‘valuable’ is logic - something more ‘understandable,’ ‘predictable’, which can be ‘reasoned’ - yet you know in your *bones* that magic is real, from the signs, synchronicities, and unexplainable things that have occurred in your lifetime. It’s undeniable - and yet, you still find yourself doubting yourself, questioning your inner wisdom, resisting magic and mistrusting the mystery of the creative, flowing Feminine way…
I feel you - and I’m here to show you a new way to heal yourself - to connect to your innate magic within, and begin to know you can trust your Feminine wisdom, and embrace your healing gifts (even amidst the fear of your gifts not being logical, being judged as a lunatic, or fearing you aren’t magical or ‘unique’ enough). These fears don’t mean you’re not here to be a magical healer - they just mean that you’re really a secretly magical woman, who shames her magic. It’s time for you to begin to tune back into your natural rhythms, your inner wisdom and begin to trust the mystery, so you can open more fully to who you are - and embrace your healing gifts.
I see your possibility to reclaim your Feminine magic, mystery and wisdom. It’s Archetypal Remedy Luna (the Moon as you’ve not worked with her before) who will show you the way and help you begin to heal yourself and begin to heal your self-doubt as to whether your magic is real - in our upcoming 6 week journey to reclaim your inner magical ‘wise woman’…
This is for you if...
🖤 you know it’s your destiny to be a healer (witch) but you doubt yourself. You’ve a secret sense you’re here for something more meaningful, magical, heart-led and purposeful - maybe you have a mysterious connection with the moon, or feel synchronicities and premonitions, or channel ideas or secretly commune with spirits - but you constantly feel an ‘imposter’, and never feel ‘good enough’ to embrace your magic
🖤 you feel trapped in your busy, dull, grey, unfulfilling, ‘logical’, linear life of chaos and drama, and struggle to create space for your witch. You find it hard to juggle mundane and magic - you’re constantly putting out fires - and you long to learn to create life differently; it’s time to manifest a more magical life
🖤 you’re sensitive and ‘feel’ more than others; you’re often easily overwhelmed by things like noises, lights, odours, touch, electricity, people, and ‘other worlds’. You have big emotions, and no matter how hard you try to suppress them and be more ‘positive’, you explode in a meltdown of anxiety, which you shame yourself for
🖤 you experience low energy and nervous exhaustion - your body whispers (or shouts) to you with fatigue, tension, pain, or numbness. You may suffer with ‘womb’ symptoms or mysterious Feminine cyclical disorders (e.g. menstrual pain, endometriosis, PCOS), and you’ve a sense there’s a hidden underlying pattern to heal (you’ve outsourced your healing to ‘quick fixes’ in the past and now you’d like to learn to heal yourself)
🖤 you’re hyper-vigilant (you’ve a brilliant mind) and attempt to predict and control all future problems, trying to solve them from a ‘logical’ place (and you’d like to learn how to flow better) OR you tend to numb and distract from your problems - with things like work, tv, food, alcohol, drugs, scrolling social media or other ‘quick fixes’
🖤 you run around people-pleasing at the expense of your energy, feeling helpless, emotional and, resentful, leaving very little time for youself - or, if you ever do honour your own needs, you feel selfish, self-indulgent, shameful and guilty - because you fear what people will think of you if you say ‘No’ so you can prioritise yourself and your magic
Maybe it’s time to:
your Self-Doubt.
your Healing Wisdom.
your Feminine Mystery.
your Feminine Mystery.
The way you’ve been feeling makes sense, magical one. If you’re anything like me, I used to doubt myself, fearing not being able to trust the Feminine flow of life, not being able to trust my inner wisdom and not being able to trust my soul. I spent my whole life mistrusting my deeper magical purpose, self-doubting, pushing my healing gifts away and fearing losing control and being judged as a ‘lunatic’ if I embraced and trusted it.
I didn’t see that I was simply a ‘magical’ one who had been born into a world that valued ‘logic’ and made ‘magic’ wrong and untrustworthy.
I’d always felt a deep yearning to be a healer, and I approached it logically, gaining all the certificates - in reiki, aromatherapy, homeopathy (you name it, I’ve probably ‘trained’ in it) - but I later felt stuck because no matter how much I spent on training (and I totalled I’d spent over £90,000), I still never fully manifested ‘success’ as a healer. I *still* felt the deep fear of being able to trust my body and my deeper intuition to guide me - and unable to confidently trust my magical gifts and express them into the world.
Until I worked with Archetypal Luna - the Moon - as an Archetypal Remedy…
Here’s my Point of View...
Many women take this fear of being ‘magical’ and assume their self-doubt means they aren’t cut out to be healers - yet it doesn’t mean this at all. The fears of trusting our ‘magic’ (and therefore ‘losing control, failing, losing approval’ or ‘feeling unsafe’) is a normal part of the journey of opening to our soul purpose. And all it really means is there’s still some personal healing reclamation of our ‘magic’ to do to become the healer we long to be (whether we plan to heal ourselves or others).
Because becoming a healer is just that: a *becoming*.
We’ve simply not been taught this in the ‘quick fix’ (Masculine) path, which has us sold on the idea of becoming a healer being ‘easy’ and ‘fast’ (I’m sorry to be the bearer of truth, but the reality is the path of soul is never easy, and it’s best taken slowly and tenderly).
What I learned along the way is that this natural fear of our ‘magic’ is really just one of the Secret Witch wounds - one of the deep ‘wounded healer’ fears that aspiring healers have to heal for themselves along the journey of ‘becoming’ a healer.
My point of view is that this ‘self-doubt’ of your magic doesn’t mean you’re not cut out for being a healer - it’s simply time to heal your inner healer’s mistrust of your inner magic and learn to trust your own wisdom, so you can heal yourself of your healer wounds and become who your soul was born to be -
and Archetypal Luna (Moon) has just the remedy. 🌙
Archetypal Luna was the remedy that help me begin to rekindle the connection to my Feminine body and her manifestation power, so I could hear my intuition more deeply, and embrace my inner magic and healing gifts. She’s the ultimate reclamation of our inner ‘wise woman’, who helps us reclaim the lost (shamed) parts of our magical sensitive souls - to learn to stop doubting, trust our inner magic, our gifts, our deep intuition and wisdom and sink into embracing the flowing mystery, creating our lives from there.
Prior to that, I’d doubt if magic was ‘real’ - I’d question if I really had any ‘magical’ healing gifts, I’d put other healers on a pedestal thinking ‘I don’t have magic like that’ - or ‘I’m not magical enough’. I’d question if magic was something I’d ‘made up’, or a ‘fantasy’ that I’d like to trust. I doubted if I was just simply a ‘lunatic’, as my deeply sensitive body felt the changes of the Full Moon and I was lying wide awake at witching hour, in the middle of the night, channelling all sorts of magical ideas, or communing with spirits. From there, I wasn’t fully able to ‘open’ to my gifts and possibility to be a healer - because of the fear. It wasn’t until I went on a journey of ‘personal’ healing and reclamation of my ‘magical soul’ that I was able to fully step in, open to my magical gifts and manifestation power, and discover what I was truly here for (before I reclaimed my trust in my gifts, I’d been ‘thinking’ my way into my gifts, logically) - and truly make the impact with others I longed for in my heart.
In working with a Soul Guide to peel back the layers of my soul, I learned how to open my heart to magic and the Great Mystery (even in her inconvenient nudges), and learned to really step into trusting my magical healing gifts - loving myself in my fear, tenderly following the next breadcrumb, in my soul’s time, and without having to obliterate my life.
I realised that I’d been working with the energetic archetypal remedy of Archetypal Luna - and working with her more consciously helped me not only to open to my gifts, but to manifest all sorts of magic in my life. Unexpectedly, embracing my true inner magic and reclaiming my wholeness (like the light of the Full Moon), helped me heal my relationships with my family, be a loving role model to my baby girl and magnestise dream soul clients. I learned to harness my Feminine magic to create *all* of life - manifesting the most magical life I once could never have imagined. Having healed this for myself, I began to see the same patterns showing up for other women who were born for more magic, and I created the Archetypal Apothecary healing modality - grounded in both my experience and standing on ancient legs of magical universal healing laws and principles - to guide magical women into their healing gifts.
Archetypal Luna became one of the foundational Archetypal Remedies of my Archetypal Apothecary path, which now offers the path I needed back then - guiding women into the 3 steps of Self-Healing, Discovery and Expression of their gifts, so that you can heal your inner healer and save the time, energy and money it cost me (over a decade and £90,000), and become a healer in just 3 years.
One of the fears I felt in this journey was that I couldn’t ever ‘trust’ my magic - that I wasn’t ‘magical’ enough to be a healer, or that magic wasn’t ‘safe’, or that I’d lose ‘control’ or that people would ‘judge’ my magic as ‘weird’ and that I’d be ‘alone’. I was scared of embracing this part of me that my inner little girl had innocently shamed to keep me safe. What I found was, the more I learned to embrace this part of me, the safer I felt to express it - and the more magically I began to manifest my life, by embracing the ‘real’ me.
You are not alone, my love. We have a whole community of Secret Witches learning to embrace their gifts - and it is so healing to gather in circle with other women in this way, connecting deeply to magic, so we can begin to gather evidence to inform our confidence that this really *is* who we are - and that this aspect of us is so loved and welcome.
It’s helpful to remember: you wouldn’t feel a call to Luna if you weren’t *born* here for magic.
And… Until we honour her calls, she will keep knocking - and we will forever feel this split between the magic and the mundane.
Imagine 3 months from now... Come on a journey with me...
Imagine 3 months from now. You’re feeling more connected to the magic of your Feminine body, and her rhythms and cycles - and you’ve begun to learn to trust your wisdom and deeper intuition, healing your self-doubt. You're tuning into your heart’s deeper, witchier calls, and holding a magical vision to manifest what’s in your heart - and even though it may not look entirely ‘possible’ to you, yet, you’re willing to be in the mystery of the magic and stay open to possibility. You’re learning to trust your inner nudges, and open to signs and synchronicities - and magical, ritualistic ways of calling your desires in.
Most importantly - whatever your magical soul longs for - you’re learning to welcome *all* the previously shamed and ‘secret’ magical parts of yourself, tending your sensitive nervous system and loving yourself deeply enough to hear your sensitive emotions, and more fully embrace your magical way of being in the world. You’re listening to and feeling more connected to your intuition and trusting the signs and synchronicities you’ve been experiencing. You’re trusting yourself to listen to your body, feeling more energised and ‘topped up’. You’re aware of the deeper underlying fears that have had you doubting yourself and stopping you from trusting your magic - and you’ve experience of the realness of ‘alchemy’ - so that you are able to love yourself in those old patterns - and begin to choose differently - into holding your magical vision and trusting yourself to flow with the mystery. You’ve gained a beautiful magical sisterhood and community around you, and you feel safe to express your magic with them. Perhaps you’re even beginning to share your magical worldview with your partner or family, and loving yourself in the messiness of that. You might even be leaning into opening to ‘admit’ you have magical gifts that you desire to step into, or trusting your gifts more deeply. You’ll most definitely be hearing the deeper calls of your magical soul, and opening to manifesting them. If you’re further down the ‘healer’ path (which isn't a requirement, this is for any sensitive magical woman who longs to heal herself), you might begin to reveal more about your unique healing gifts, or be leaning into expressing yourself more ‘magically’ in your business - perhaps you’re showing up and embracing your ‘magic’ on podcasts, or sharing your message at events, or working more intimately with 1:1 clients, or sharing the magic that has been in your heart for ages on social media, with deep love. Either way, wherever you are in your journey, you have a much deeper sense of your own ‘inner magic’ - and you’re beginning to love and welcome this part of you that has been kept so secret - until now.
This is what Luna helped me create - even though at one point it felt impossible to me, too.
If you’re resonating with this - perhaps you’re feeling ‘truthbumps’, or you’re nodding along like “yes, yes, this is me”, or perhaps you’re experiencing synchronicities calling you this way (hello ‘moons’ showing up everywhere!) - then it’s likely your soul is calling you to the tender next steps of opening to rekindle your magic. Likewise, if you’re instead feeling deep resistance (especialy to the idea of being a ‘Secret Witch’, then know this: soul often calls to us in less than desirable and glamorous ways, so this, too, is just as much a call as resonance is…
Is something stirring in your body, calling you deeper? If so, it might be time to activate your inner apothecary and reclaim your magic. Read on…
Your Journey with ‘Luna’ (Archetypal Moon)
Our 6 week journey with Archetypal Remedy, ‘Luna’ (Moon) - in which you will be guided to channel the Archetypal Remedy for your own self-healing - is the initiation into your inner magic. The energetic remedy we will be working with is ‘Luna’ - which is actually the archetypal energy of the Moon - she is one of our ‘Magical Queendom’ Remedies, which means she is a remedy of something that cannot be ‘fully explained’ - a remedy of the ‘mystery’ - which holds up a mirror and helps us to embrace that aspect within ourselves.
Luna offers the journey into unconditionally loving and welcoming *all* the magical parts of you that want to express - including your (once shamed) sensitive, deep intuition and knowing, your Feminine cycles and rhythms (even if you no longer have a menstrual cycle, or womb), and deeply magical and unique healing gifts. Luna reveals a place beyond the self-doubt, and the fight between ‘mundane’ or ‘magic’ - revealing a ‘third way’ where you can courageously open to the full expression of your magical soul and healing ‘wise woman’. She will call you into her ‘magical’ energetic, helping you begin to illuminate the wounding patterns that stop you from trusting your Feminine body wisdom, your healing gifts, the signs, synchronicities, vivid dreams, channelling and premonitions you experience, and alig you with your deeper, more magical soul purpose. She will reveal where you’re being called to love *all* of yourself and embrace your inner magic, unapologetically.
Within a circle of women, we’ll journey together exploring and creating around these themes:
cyclical Feminine wisdom (even if you no longer have a menstrual cycle - or womb)
soul alchemy
universal laws and principles of real magic
The unique Archetypal Apothecary path guides you in transmissions of the Archetypal Remedy, ‘Luna’ (Moon), harnessing energy healing, self-illumination, embodiment practices, nervous system tending, inner child tending, and magical initiation and practice like ritual and visioning - in your own home and in the wild.
Based on the Universal law and healing principle, “similia similibus” (like cures like), Archetypal Luna (Moon) is a remedy that calls you from mistrusting your magic and feeling trapped in a mundane life that doesn’t suit your sensitive needs, helping you heal your fears of trusting your healing gifts, and reconnect to your deep, cyclical Feminine womb wisdom to manifest a magical life as a wise woman. She offers the tender steps into reclamation of your Feminine magic, mystery and wisdom.
We gather in circle on Thursdays, online via Zoom and in our community for 6 weeks, whilst the veil is thin between the two worlds, this October. I’m creating a group container in this way to provide a much more accessible way to work with me than my 1:1 fees allow, and making it possible for anyone to join globally.
It’s a potent healing space, where you’ll be held lovingly - and, perhaps for the first time in your life you’ll begin to understand the phrase “all is welcome”. There’s no ‘sharing’ required from you in the live circles, but there will also be a private community group which is a beautiful and alchemical space for you to share with sisters along the journey - and some space to share in circle, if desired.
You’ll Receive:
1 x 90 minute live Opening Ceremony (via Zoom) for Archetypal Remedy dosing, transmission and healing initiation
Weekly invitations (enquiries, rituals and embodiment practices) to engage with at home and in the wild
2 x 90 minute live ‘teaching’ and ‘sharing’ (optional) circles for integration support
1 x 90 minute Closing Ceremony to honour and share wisdom and learning from your journey
Q&A opportunities
Transmissions from Nicole to deepen the journey
Full integration support and holding from Nicole in the group, for 6 weeks, for anything that arises to be healed
Sisterhood - a global coven of magical sisters sharing deep work - these go way deeper than your average ‘muggle’ group, and most of the integration happens in this space
Lifetime access to all replays and group alchemy
You’ll Become a Woman Who Is:
🌙 releasing self-doubt and starting to feel you can open to your possibility as a magical, Feminine healer, teacher or guide - a ‘wise woman’ with *unique* gifts - you’ll be opening to admitting you have magical gifts (whether just to yourself and your sisters, or to the wider world), and holding this heart’s vision as your intention - even if that does feel terrifying.
🌙 welcoming home the sensitive, magical ‘witchy’ parts of yourself you’ve kept ‘secret’ and shamed - including your ‘sensitive’ emotions, your ‘inconvenient’ intuition, your ‘wierd’ pull to the magic of the moon that you fear might have you judged as a ‘lunatic’ - and all other ‘magical’ aspects of yourself that you’ve ‘shamed’ as ‘unwelcome’, ‘unlovable’ - or ‘untrustworthy’
🌙 cultivating a deeper sense of connection to the inner intuitive wisdom held in your Feminine body and her natural rhythms, so you can be guided by her and welcome your body’s (sometimes messy, painful) intuitive calls - and beginning to heal physically and reclaim energy and vitality
🌙 opening your heart to trusting the magic of life more deeply - you’re allowing yourself to flow with the mystery, alchemise darkness into gold, and begin to trust the magical signs and synchronicites you’ve been ignoring, following the next soul breadcrumb that is revealed, loving yourself in your fear and tending to the parts of you that have been scared to trust
🌙 beginning to kindle your magical, creative, ‘manifestation’ power - tuning into your heart to begin to create from there and liberating the ‘logical’ part of you that has led until now, working with magical practices and universal laws and principles to create a soul-led life (and letting your inner little girl know that you’re safe to embrace magic in this way)
In other words, you’ll have begun the tender healing journey into rekindling trust in your healing wisdom, embracing your Feminine body’s mysterious intuition, and manifesting magic - opening to trust your healing gifts and taking aligned-action towards your meaningful purpose as a healer, teacher or guide.
This is a fit for you if you:
are a sensitive woman who wants to stop ‘fixing’ and lovingly open to your power and the possibility to heal yourself magically
are longing for an authentic, soul-paced journey to learn how to lovingly reclaim your inner magic (and you want to own your responsibility to do that)
will devote to watching the replay of the live circles within 48 hours (recommended maximum) so you can keep at a soul-aligned pace with the journey
are ready to choose to create a small amount of time for yourself (recommended 30 minutes per day) to devote to ongoing weekly invitations (enquiries, practices and rituals) at your soul’s pace - even when that feels ‘inconvenient’
are willing to look in the mirror at sometimes difficult-to-see underlying patterns that arise to be seen around your magic, and receive full support - including powerful, loving reflections of truth that may at times feel uncomfortable
feel a call to a life of more powerful meaning and impact - perhaps as a healer, teacher or guide, even if that feels terrifying (though you may also not know this specifically - all sensitive souls are welcome)
are willing to honour the sacredness of the journey, by engaging (in whatever way feels aligned and comfortable to you)
This is not a fit for you if you:
want to keep outsourcing your power to ‘quick fixes’ - I won’t be healing you, because we can only heal ourselves
you don’t want to create a small amount of space for yourself each day to dive into the deep work in the invitations - enquiries, practices, rituals
you aren’t here look deeply in the mirror at your wounds or to learn to open through your fears, elevate beyond feeling at the mercy of a mundane life and lovingly tend your nervous system and inner little girl
have other priorities that are currently higher than your self-healing (please choose this wholeheartedly)
want to rush the journey of becoming a healer and want to keep trying healing and marketing ‘quick fixes’ which diminish your true power
aren’t female - this is for women only because the work we will be doing is about becoming aware of and honouring different aspects of the Feminine, including biology, experiences, energetics and cycles specific to female bodies.
Luna is a powerful journey - a tender next step in your initiation. It will reveal and begin to heal things you’ve not previously opened to look at. Luna is only for you if you’ll take responsibility for your power, walk into the fire and submit to magical initiation.
You will work live with one specific intention you’d like to transform - come with one in mind.
Next Live Circle Dates
Unfortunately, you have just missed this round of LuNA - but you might like to check out some of our other journeys and register interest in the next round of LuNA here:
6 weeks of soul initiation.
Investment of £333.
NOTE: This is the only time I’ll be running ‘Luna’ at this low investment - and for a while, as other Archetypes are calling to me to express next; so if you are called, don’t delay. Spaces are limited, so if you’d like to join please do honour that call sooner as these lower investment crucibles tend to fill fast (we’ve enrolled for other Archetypal Remedies before they’ve even been released). My 1:1 fees begin at £3333, so this is an incredible opportunity to begin to walk the path at a much lower investment.
Can you hear the magic of your Feminine mystery calling you, Ancient one?
It’s your time to rekindle the deeper magic your soul was born for.
Will you honour that call, sweetheart?
Hear Tammy’s Experience of Walking the Path...
What Other Women Say About the Path...
“it confirmed my magic”
“Before this journey, I hadn’t really believed in my magic side, I’d been discovering it but not really trusting it. But in the final circle, a few women bathed me in words like “transcendent and other-worldly” and it confirmed my magic; something that I’d been doubting about myself.
I have a better idea of what my own medicine and gifts are - who I came here to be and how I can be of service to others. I had agreed to develop a collaboration with another organisation before the group journey and I feel like the work I did in this journey to get to know myself has made it easier for me to get across what it’s all about, what I’m all about, and how I can help others to find their own magic through their voice. It’s made my path a lot more clear.”
- Laura Hill, Crucible Participant
Additional Words from Women About The Path...
“The one thing I would say I’ve taken away is that we all have this incredible power and magic within us. It's in you, it's in me, it's in all of us - and working with Nicole will open that door and unlock that and let it out for you to express in the world. And that's a gift that you'll give to the world - and it's why you're here: to use that beautiful power and magic. That's what you're *here* for. Let Nicole help you.” — Tamlyn Godsall, 1:1 client
"Participating in this program has been a phenomenal experience that is truly inspirational. Knowing now that I am so much more powerful than I think I am and my life can truly be what I want it to be is exhilarating! Going forward after this program, my life will never be the same; my eyes have been opened to so much possibility within myself. I now embrace the magic within me and all around me!" — TA, crucible participant
“The journey is very safe and very Feminine, based in Feminine energy. And so soft but with that strength of being held - it allows for that transformation and magic to arise.” — crucible participant
“Working with Nicole has been nothing short of magical. The way she can hold a group with such love, warmth and care. Her true unconditional love is so very healing. Her gentle, gorgeous way, so knowledgeable, so wise, so humble and so deeply gifted.” — Deborah Binun, Rosa participant
“Wild expression is just being who I am, but feeling safe with that. Because through my old stories, I felt very unsafe with being wild. My experiences of living with my wild parents, it made me feel like I had to barrier myself against wildness and against magic - and I've learned that I’m safe to be wild, safe to be magic. Safe to express it.” - Victoria Brown, 1:1 client
“To anyone considering hiring Nicole, if you're sitting in front of her and you're having this conversation with her, it's probably a Yes already because you wouldn't be there if it wasn't. You'll absolutely have the most magical journey and you'll get way more than you ever thought possible. You'll get to know yourself better, you'll get to know your gifts better, you'll be expressing them in the world, you'll have much more clarity on your vision, you will have help with everything that you're going through - whatever you bring to each session with Nicole, Nicole is there, holding the space. And so she's magical, she's powerful, she's gentle, she's a friend and you'll just absolutely love the journey. There's absolutely no regrets that I've had. I did two journeys with Nicole - and probably will do more in the future. So, feel into your heart and your heart will know the answer. It'll be magic. ” - Tamlyn Godsall, 1:1 client
“I have illuminated layers of wounding and old stories. I came to a new and higher level of loving myself which feels amazing, powerful magical and so healing.” - Marion, Aurum participant
“If you’re considering this, don’t let the fear of the “witch” + “magic” put you off - these are parts of yourself that you don’t know yet - parts that can bring wonderful insights and healing.” — crucible participant
“This journey has been so illuminating. I've been able to start to more consistently honor my intuition, that inner voice that often speaks to me, which I sometimes hear and sometimes shy away from (for fears of what it might mean to answer it). I've begun to see myself in my authentic expression and welcome it, and feel empowered in that and believe my inner knowing. And be seen by other like-minded, powerful gifted women. This feels so deeply satisfying. I’ve awoken… to that inner voice. It has been a truly magical experience, and I am so grateful to Nicole for pouring her heart into this work, and for being such an available and present guide. She is such a gift!! She actually responds to everything we share individually, and offers such meaningful reflections. She can help you look behind blocks and go into spaces you may have wanted to go but hid from until you felt truly safe, or even illuminate things that have been completely outside your current view. And to all of my sisters that journeyed with Aurum with me, thank you for being willing to be so authentic and go into all of the places!! It made such a difference. I love you all.” — Colleen, crucible participant
"It was life-changing for me to choose into this work - and it continues to be. Nicole opened my eyes to the profound magic of daily practice. The group showed me what it can be like when sisters come together to be vulnerable and loving, and that intimacy can exist without being shamed or chastised. I’ve learned to see “yucky” or “undesirable” parts of me as fragmented parts of me, shadows that can be loved back into wholeness. I have stepped into my magical power because of the love and wild remedies you so lovingly dosed. I am so, so grateful. Thank you, from the bottom of my heart.” — ES, crucible participant
“I haven’t worked for the last 6 years as I’ve been a stay at home Mum, so I didn’t think it would even be possible for me to invest this time and money in myself to create a soul-led life and business (especially with having a 5 year old and 3 month old baby when I started!), but if your soul is calling you to this path and you choose it, there are magical ways of creating the time and money you need to invest in it.” - Olivia Roff, 1:1 client
“I am so incredibly grateful for the magic of this journey. Difficult (like you said - more difficult than I expected) but so miraculous. There’s no going back! Thank you so much Nicole.”- AR, crucible participant
“Nicole is like a loving fast forward button to deep healing” — crucible participant
Claim your Space in Circle
Is your magical soul feeling the call?
Q: I can’t make the live sessions, can I still join?
A: The live sessions will be recorded and replays will be shared into the groups. They are transmission and teaching circles, rather than sharing circles (sharing opportunities will be provided, though it mostly goes deep in the group), so whilst there’s the invitation to join us live, it is optional. We do ask that you try and co-create a way to join us for the first live ceremony as it’s nice to gather everyone together and be connected, but it’s not a requirement if it’s a real challenge. We will also space the live sessions across different time zones, so that people can join live at some point.
Q: I’m not sure if I want to be a ‘healer, teacher or guide’ - I feel a call, but it terrifies me, and I’m not sure - is it for me?
A: Yes, this is absolutely for you - most women called to being a healer will feel a lot of fear when they first hear the call to a deeper purpose with their unique, magical gifts, so it’s completely normal that this feels terrifying, and that you’re uncertain if that’s really your calling. This journey is for sensitive souls to heal themselves and their inner healer wounds - and so when I use the word ‘healer’ I am also referring to women who want to learn how to become their own healer, as well as healing others. My invitation is to come with an open heart and see what’s revealed as you journey - this is a journey of learning to soften and tend fear, and open to what your heart actually desires, so it’s perfect for where you are, and can be navigated at your soul’s own pace.
Q: I’ve heard you talking about the ‘Secret Witch’ and I’ve real resistance to the idea of “being a “witch” - does this mean it isn’t for me?
A: It is so common for my women to have resistance to the idea of being a ‘Secret Witch’ because she’s a mirror for the parts of ourselves we fear - the way we work with these powerful Archetypal Remedies is that they activate hidden parts of our soul or psyche that we have kept hidden for so long. When we resonate with stories that activate us - like the Secret Witch - this can can create some resistance or triggering, because usually these parts of us want to stay hidden for the very reason that it keeps us safe to hide who we are. So, if you have resistance, it’s actually more likely that this is the exact healing you need to create your more meaningful life. Will you trust that?
Q: I am not sure I trust magic - I’m more logical and prefer scientific explanations for things, but I am still feeling drawn to this, but I’ve a preference for knowing “how” - is this for me?
A: This is perhaps one of the biggest paradoxes that many sensitive women hold; their simultaneous love for and hate of magic. There’s often a deep mistrust and rejection of magic in women who are here with magical gifts, whilst also being drawn to it, time and time again - I’ve been there, and know it well. Sensitive women will commonly completely deny their magic by going into more logical things and trying to ‘rationalise’ it, or explain it with science - and it’s all, ultimately, a way of innocently bypassing their unique gifts. The fact that you’re in this paradox suggests that you are a healing one - because usually there is some deep resistance when women are truly magical - and so it’s likely actually the very program you need (because Luna especially helps us heal this fear). Will you trust your desire to lead?
Q: I’m a complete beginner to magic and I don’t know anything about the Archetypal Remedies or how they work - do I need to?
A: This journey is aimed at those taking the very tender first steps into the Archetypal Apothecary path, which means there are no prerequisites to know anything about magic - or the Archetypal Remedies - at all. There will likely be many women who know nothing about magical healing, but just feel a deep call from their soul to be with us, so you are completely welcome. This will be your first magical initiation. However, if you would like to geek out on the art and science and learn more, you can check out this event we hosted here, which dives into the “What, Why and How of Archetypal Remedies.”
Q: I’m an experienced healer - I’ve already explored so many healing modalities - including homeopathy, or aromatherapy - but I’m still struggling to create a business in the world; how is this different to other healing, and is it for me?
A: Whilst some of my women are beginners to healing, it’s also really common that my women have journeyed with #allthehealing before arriving at my door, so this is a really powerful question. The Archetypal Apothecary path offers a totally unique Soul Map for women to heal, discover and express their gifts. Remedies aren’t just another modality or ‘thing to do’ - they offer a unique philosophy that guides women into deeper healing of the fears that are stopping them from expressing their gifts into the world. Our path initiates women into soul - aka the true science and art of deep healing - and it is likely that this will be the deepest work of your life yet. It is work that helps you to make conscious all that has previously been unconscious, which is rare in the ‘quick fix’ healing world (and why this path has been intentionally designed). Many of my women have explored other modalities and found them unhelpful in isolation (it’s not an either/or - it’s both) - because they lack the deep healing homeopathic, archetypal and energetic healing work that is integrated in this path to heal all of the trauma layers in the way of you being a healer in the world. And that’s really the key to why my women haven’t yet become healers and birthed their business. This deep healing of your healer wound will help you to begin this journey into actualising your soul purpose. Likewise, if you have deep experience of magic, this is also still for you - our Archetypal remedies will activate you in deeper levels of your healing, and meet you where you are.
Q: My nervous system is already activated enough with fear - I’m not sure I’m ready for being triggered. And yet, I’m really called to this - is it for me?
A: This circle is intentionally designed to guide sensitive women through the most loving of healing - one of the most important principles of this path is love. You will be led by Nicole into learning to tend lovingly to your wounds, until you know deeply in your bones that all of you is welcome. The whole point of this is that your nervous system will learn that someone with power (aka you) has shown up with the loving tending it longs for.
Q: Is this circle only for women?
Yes, this circle is for women only, because the work we will be doing is about becoming aware of and honouring different aspects of the Feminine, including biology, experiences, energetics and cycles that are specific to female bodies.
Q: I love the feel of this program and am really called to it - but I’m used to a more spiritual path which says we don’t need to “do” anything - there seems to be a lot of ritual work or practices here. Is that a requirement?
A: Often my clients come from a spiritual ascension path, before they arrive here at the descent to soul. I myself have walked a spiritual path in my work with the Three Principles, or Law of Attraction, and it was very helpful; yet we are here to co-create with soul. This means we are here to create magic here on earth, in our bodies - as that’s really the only place magic can be fully experienced. Our work in this path is that of embodiment - and magical practice and ritual is a hugely important part of that. Will you trust your soul to be leading you where you need to go?
Q: I’ve done a lot of spiritual work that tells us we don’t need “healing” because it’s all ‘just thought’ - is this for me?
A: I hear you on this one - that was my path too, and it’s many women who journey with me have been here (many of them exploring spiritual ascension). It’s not really an either/or - it’s actually both - we co-create as spirit in a body, and this descent back to the body is really the next breadcrumb. Healing is really another word for ‘expansion’ - yet it can be misinterpreted for us needing ‘fixing’ (which we don’t). If we are rejecting ‘healing,’ we ignore the wounds held in our bodies and that leaves them creating unconsciously for us and stealing our focus, without us knowing. To truly create what we desire, we need to come back into our bodies and face these unconscious wounds and love them so that our focus can fully be towards love, spirit and truth. Ultimately, love is the healer, and as we learn to love the parts of ourselves that we have shamed, they no longer steal our focus, and we come back to wholeness and can harness our focus toward what we truly desire. These two podcast episodes will be serving for you - Episode 28 - Do We Need Healing with Dominic Scaffidi + Episode 20 - How to Harness your Focus to Create Intentional Magic with William Whitecloud.
Q: I’m really called to this path but it feels really “unknown” and I’m a bit nervous to go there. How can I get over the fear of joining?
A: This is again such a common and welcome fear along this journey. The path of soul is not easy - and it is not for everyone - but you’ll know if it is calling you because you’ll begin to be activated in ways you’ve not felt before - and you may also begin to notice synchronicities calling to you. The only way to really overcome this is to offer yourself as much love as possible to the parts of you that want to ‘know’ the way. If you are sensing it is for you, then it likely is for you - and it will keep calling you until you answer. Can you offer yourself the love you need to choose it anyway?
Q: I don’t even know if magic or power are available to me- I doubt my gifts - what if I’m the one person that it’s not possible for?
A: I think this is the question that pretty much all of my women feel applies to them; and this fear is so welcome. And still, I’ve never met a woman drawn to working with the Archetypal Apothecary who isn’t magical and powerful (even though she likely doesn’t feel it). Usually there is simply some deeper fear about magical capability and worthiness that is in the way of you seeing your gifts. Paradoxically, this is the very work that Archetypal Apothecary healing modality guides you into seeing. The greatest paradox in the path of soul is that the wisdom we gain within the journey helps us to see the truth we feel we need to choose it; so the deeper invitation is to allow yourself to be courageous and choose to trust your heart to lead - this is the deep work here. The only ticket required to enter the gateway to this journey is hope for your possibility.
Q: Is sharing required in this program? I’m a bit nervous to share in front of other people.
A: I can almost guarantee that every woman joining this program will feel this fear of being seen and sharing. And, in our introductory journeys, the live circle element is more of a teaching circle, which will mean there is little sharing required - unless you have a question or long to share something in the space where you are invited to. There is a beautiful group for the sisterhood to connect deeper, where you can share as much of your heart as you long to - this is your journey and you choose how deeply you go and how much you offer of yourself (though you’ll get more from it if you do choose to share).
Q: I'm drawn to this but life is really busy and don't know how I'll fit it in to my schedule.
A: This is a common resistance of the women who have a deep call to this program, because it is ingrained in us by the world to put 'things to be done' first, and that we are ‘self-indulgent’ if we choose healing or magic. And, if you’re feeling this, it means it is actually even *more* of a confirmation that this journey will be especially deeply serving for you. Your own Archetypal Apothetcary is calling to you because the powerful part of your soul wants you to grant yourself permission to create a magical new way of being in life. Will you choose to hear her?
Reach out if you’ve any more questions that will help you choose…
If you’re still unsure whether ‘Luna’ can help you…
Oh my heart, if you’re still reading this far, I’m honouring you for still being here; and I can sense you have some understandable fears or reservations arising. Believe me, I know it’s feeling like a risk for you to choose into a journey like this - and you may be thinking “will this be worth it?” or “what if this is another thing that just doesn’t work?” or “can I really do this?” - or “what will others think if I allow myself to choose this, and I powerfully create magical healing transformation?” I want you to know, these are all such normal fears, and they’re so welcome in my space - and you’ll come to learn to love yourself in these, if it’s aligned for you to join us.
I’d love to know: if you’re still not sure, what is it you need to create from our journey together, in order for it to be worth choosing? Message me to let me know and we can explore if what you desire is possible in this group program…
If you’ve not already, I’d recommend you see our vast number of testimonials from other women above, and I invite you to check out some of the above FAQ’s, to help you see if your particular question is answered there.
Regarding my own experience, I’ve been guiding women in their healing journeys for a decade - and you don’t have to just take my word for it - our work with Archetypal Remedies has been featured in lots of press. Over the years, I’ve shared my voice as a leading specialist in both healing and mainstream press, including Soul and Spirit Magazine, Holistic Therapist Magazine, Kindred Spirit Magazine, Tiny Buddha blog, Yoga Magazine, Metro, Badass Woman’s hour radio, Natural Health Magazine, Oh Magazine, Wellbeing Magazine, True Health, Sivana East, MgGill Media and many others - and written educational pieces for holistic colleges, including leading homeopathic college the Centre for Homeopathic Education (CHE) in London and New York. I’ve also hosted or been invited to hold space at events and leading holistic wellbeing festivals like Fire + Alchemy, Mind Body Spirit, Rest Fest, The Life Centre and More Yoga in London, sharing my healing ceremonies, or keynote talks. I’m fully insured as a professional, qualified healer, and am a specialist Consultant for global healing organisations and suppliers, including Base Formula, for whom I regularly write educational blogs.
If you’re just beginning here, we also intentionally offer a Starter Pack which contains lots of great free resources - including an Illumination Workbook and free Taster Healing Journey with Archetypal Rosa, as well as links to our press features, blogs, Secret Witch Show podcasts (which are full of magic) and free workshops around ‘how’ the magical technology of the path works. I’d recommend you begin here as it is intentionally designed to help you begin the journey yourself and get a taster to see if you like our work. Check it out below…
Want a Taster? Begin with our Starter Pack, Illumination Workbook and Free Journey with Archetypal Rosa...
How to know if you’re ready to heal your soul & open to your healing gifts
- even if it’s terrifying
Want a Taster of Luna herself?
Join us on 5th September 2024 for our taster experience
“How to open to your healing gifts - especially if you fear and doubt your ‘magic”
PS: To Recap...
To recap: in this journey, you’ll open to healing with Archetypal Remedy, Luna (Moon), which will guide you into healing your self-doubt, trusting your healing wisdom, embracing your Feminine mystery and manifesting magic, so you can open to trusting your unique, healing gifts and take aligned-action towards your meaningful purpose as a magical healer, teacher or guide. It’s a step towards becoming a healer - for yourself or others. This journey is the result of over a decade of my experience as a healer, teacher and guide, and offers the path I *wish* I’d had so that I didn’t spend all the time, energy and money I did; all carefully and magically curated to guide you along your journey in the most loving way possible. This is a popular group program, which I won’t be running again for a while - and spaces are limited and expected to go quickly, so if you’re feeling the calling to kindle your magic, ensure you secure your space with us in circle.
Still Not Ready? That’s Okay...
I completely honour when it’s just not the aligned time for women to join - and it’s really important to me that women honour that for themselves, because we want you to join our programs and feel able to engage and get the most from them. I’d recommend tuning into your heart beyond the fear, and weighing up the costs and benefits of joining, in order to choose consciously, and if it is still not aligned, then I’d recommend listening to our Secret Witch Show podcast which is full of gems for you to travel yourself - you can check that out here (and join our Secret Witch Society on Facebook, to share with us too):
This requires a commitment to your soul, therefore payments are non-refundable.