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Are you thinking of booking an Alchemy Call for guidance around your next steps? You’re so welcome; and - are you sure?

Hello my love,

If you have landed here on this page, firstly, I want you to know that I’m deeply honouring and celebrating your courage to even contemplate a journey into your healing and your deeper soul gifts.  I know how much vulnerability that requires, and I’m holding your heart. I’m honoured that you are feeling the heart-led desire to book a complimentary call with me to explore and get some guidance on your tender next steps.  All of you is welcome here.

And, if you do choose to book an Alchemy Call, I want you to know that I lovingly set my sacred time aside to fully honour you and be present with you to help you illuminate (for yourself) what’s needed to journey forwards into your vision of self-healing, discovery and expression of your unique gifts (which, by the way, is a remedy the world so deeply needs).  

To fully honour my time and yours, here are a few things I invite you to ask yourself before you book - and although it might sound strange, one of those is the question of “are you sure?” - so if you’re feeling the call to an Alchemy Call please watch this short 20 minute video first  


Are you  


All of you is so welcome in my space.

If Yes, then please do book your call here sweetheart - I look forward to exploring with you: 

Also: Download Your Starter Pack...

I also ask that you go through our Starter Pack prior to our call, which contains…

  • Our ‘Illumination Workbook’ to help you contemplate which fears and blocks are wanting some love, where you’re at, where you want to go, your deepest desires, as well as what your next steps could be…

  • Our ‘Archetypal Rosa’ Taster Ritual Experience - “How to know if you’re ready to heal your soul and open to your healing gifts - even if you’re terrified” (this is a great place to begin)

  • Links to our most potent Secret Witch Show episodes around the fears that women have of stepping into soul - including “How to Lovingly Liberate your Money Fears” (because the investment is often a fear of women, and I’m here to meet you in it)

  • An invitation to our ‘Luna News’ moonly newsletter full of rich content and illuminating Full Moon ritual

  • An invitation to our ‘Secret Witch Sisterhood’ where we offer exploration around monthly themes around self-healing, and also gather together for a free, live ‘Manifesting with the Moon’ New Moon healing ritual.

  • Some links to our Kindred Spirit Magazine blogs so you can get a feel for me and my work

And, by the way, if you’ve decided it’s not aligned right now, that’s absolutely okay too - perhaps it’s not yet the right time, perhaps it’s a group journey, or perhaps you need to get to know me better.  In which case, I’d recommend you begin with downloading our Starter Pack, or our group journeys (whether our free events or our lower investment group journeys) - they’re full of just as much gold.



If you’d like to Read what I said, instead, here’s the Transcription:

I’m truly here to help you with getting clarity on your next soul breadcrumb on your path - whether that ends up being something that’s aligned to work with me on, or even if it’s something else I know of or can recommend that might help you journey onwards towards your soul’s purpose.  It could be anything, and it’s our work to discern together:

  1. Where you are right now and the fear in the way of your vision  

  2. Where you want to go and what your heart longs to create 

  3. What’s most aligned for you next and what will help you get to where you want to go

For women who make their way here, this can often (understandably) feel a challenge to illuminate fully by ourselves because us sensitive souls typically have wounding around tuning into our bodies and their deeper wisdom. And so, that’s what we explore in our Alchemy calls - and I’m here to hold your heart whilst we dig in and ask the juicy questions to help you become more conscious, intentional and heart-and-soul-led about what you’re choosing as your next steps towards your vision - and to see the true, deep wisdom that lies within you.

I also know that much fear can show up for women around stepping into the journey, and that is so, so welcome. I’ve been guiding women enough to know that our deepest fears can (understandably) show up even and especially in the Alchemy Call part of the process; it’s common for our wounds to surface as we step in.  One of the big ones - that’s so welcome here - is that there’s often a ‘mistrust’ of Guides by the time that women land in my space, and I feel your heart if that’s where you are as I was there too, once.  It makes sense because, until now, we’ve been innocently taught to outsource our healing power to others, instead of learning how to powerfully heal ourselves - and that can leave women very disappointed and disenchanted, feeling they’ve wasted money on another ‘quick fix’.  That’s the main difference in my path; I’m here to help you learn to heal yourself - so you can begin to stop outsourcing and mistrusting guides, and actually trust yourself.

So, firstly, to speak directly to that fear - let me reassure you - please know your heart is safe here; it is my deepest devotion to ensure there is no pressure, and there are no hard feelings if you don’t join any of my journeys; I’m here to help you lovingly and openly illuminate what is *aligned* for your soul -  and what’s aligned in terms of who is in my holding space (because it isn’t aligned for everyone, and it does take courage to tenderly step in).

My time is deeply sacred, and filled with exploring with magical women who are committed to their journeys, so, to make our time together as potent as possible and really honour the process, the most loving thing for us *both* is to make sure that you’re not going to sign up for something that’s not right, or not the right time, something that’s not going to work for you at the point of your journey you are in, where you may waste time and feel disappointed.  If we allow that to happen, I will also suffer because it’s really no good for me if women who aren’t aligned for the work take the space of others who are (and who will rave about the work!).  This is why I always ask are you sure?before you book an Alchemy Call to explore working with me - because it is so important that it is a fit on both sides.  

That might sound a really strange question to ask - as if I’m putting you off - because most people want to get ‘anyone’ on a call, but it’s so important to me that the alignment is true for us both.  

And,that’s not me saying “you’re not ready” and you shouldn’t book a call; you will *know*, deep down - your body will let you know with the butterflies in your tummy, or the soul-stirring tingles and goosebumps of resonance - if it’s truly aligned to explore openly together.  And you’re welcome, even if it turns out not to be aligned.

It’s an invitation: let’s slow it down a little.

Let’s pause, take a nice deep, loving breath, and make sure you are fully and consciously choosing this sacred Alchemy Call exploration from love and true, heart-led, soul alignment.  

Let’s firstly tend to some of the common fears and wounding patterns that can come up even around booking to speak to me.  Because it’s in the pause that we get a much deeper Yes (or No), and truly can make a powerful choice.

If perhaps you’re feeling unsure about working with me specifically - if you *know* you’re not yet ready to fully commit to your vision for self-healing and opening to your gifts that’s absolutely welcome (note: this is different from feeling fear about doing so, which is natural and isn’t directly indicative of your level of devotion or readiness).  And it’s really serving to explore that before you book a call as there are other free resources or low investment group offerings I can point you to, to get started, that could be more aligned for where you are now.

We want to come to know: is it this vision, is it right now, is it me as your guide?

And whilst we *will* be exploring that and your blocks on the call, for the love of both of us, here’s a little about the Alchemy Call and who it’s for so we can ascertain if the call is aligned:

This is a fit for you if you:

  • are a sensitive woman who wants to stop ‘fixing’ and lovingly open to your soul and discover your possibility - and healing yourself and discovering your healing gifts so you can express them in the world is important to you

  • are longing for an authentic, soul-paced journey to learn how to heal yourself (and you want to take responsibility for that)

  • are willing to choose to create time for yourself each day to devote to invitations (at your soul’s pace) 

  • are willing to look in the mirror at sometimes difficult to see underlying patterns that arise to be seen (lovingly and fully supported)

  • feel a call to a life of more meaning and impact - perhaps as a healer, teacher or guide, even if that feels terrifying (though you may also not know this specifically - all sensitive souls are welcome)

  • are willing to honour the sacredness of the journey

  • longs to get support with clarity on her next steps into her healing gifts and is willing to work through the fear and take soul aligned-action

  • are contemplating whether you are aligned for something deeper - either a Soul Reading or working more deeply 1:1 - and you’re willing to meet yourself in your fear and tenderly step in, if it’s what’s aligned.  If you’re feeling called to the work, but you want a more tender step in, then you might want to check out our lower investment group journeys which offer my support in a way that makes it really accessible and a great taster for the deeper path.

If you’re ticking all these off, that’s a good sign you could benefit from a call.  *AND* before we book, let’s take a look at some of the common wounding patterns that show up for deep healing that might make this less of a fit - unless you are willing to heal and alchemise them together...

This is *not* a fit for you if you don’t want to heal and alchemise the patterns of:

  • wanting to keep outsourcing your healing to ‘quick fixes’ - I won’t be healing you, because we can only heal ourselves

  • not wanting to create the time and space for yourself to dive into the deep work - engaging with enquiries, practices, rituals provided

  • wanting to keep numbing and closing your heart - if you’re not willing to learn to open through your fears and lovingly tend your nervous system and inner little girl (I don’t expect you to have alchemised this, I just ask that you’re open to moving through your challenges)

  • tending to over-commit and have other priorities that are currently higher than your self-healing and healing gifts (please choose this wholeheartedly)

  • not being willing to take action where it’s aligned (again, I don’t expect you to have healed this, I ask that you’re open to healing your wounds around it, with my support)

  • wanting to rush the journey of becoming a healer and want to keep trying marketing ‘quick fixes’ to set up your business

  • not being willing to lean into trusting being guided by me into your own soul’s wisdom (we may well have some ‘gritty’ moments together in your deepest darkness, and I’m here to love and hold you - *and* you have to be willing to trust me for that to work)

  • feeling so much fear of investing in yourself that you already *know* you won’t choose it - if you are convinced you can’t afford the investment (for whatever reason), and aren’t open to co-creating, let’s not book the call

I don’t expect you to have healed and alchemised these things - just to have an openness that allows you to move forwards into your vision.

Remember, there’s no shame here, if you’re reading this and feeling resonance - it doesn’t mean that you’re not ‘ready’, it’s just possibly that it’s not the right time for you yet - you might be more aligned to take slower, smaller, more tender steps via one of our group crucible journeys, if you’re experiencing some of these blocks.  There are lots of options.  And - all of these fears are completely normal and welcome in this journey: I love you so deeply in whatever is surfacing for you.  I’m here to hold you in whatever patterns are being illuminated, if you are willing to open to your deep healing (that’s what I’m here for).  Let’s just have that be a soul-led, conscious and powerful choice, rather than a reflex that’s completely (innocently) unconscious. 

I invite you to sit with these questions before you book, with no pressure either way:

  • Are you really wanting to step into the journey of self-healing and opening to and learning to express your healing gifts, right now?

  • Are you willing to tenderly love yourself in your fears and blocks (with my support) so you can step in and open to possibility?

  • Do you have some sense that I might be able to help you?

If Yes, then please do book your call here sweetheart - I look forward to exploring with you:



Choose from your soul, sweetheart.

All my love,

Nicole x