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‘Secret Witch’s Apothecary’

- /ˈsiːkrɪt/ /wɪtʃ/ /əˈpɒθɪk(ə)ri - noun

“a sacred portal for the woman who feels ancient healing magic in her bones - yet trembles at the threshold.”

I see you, Secret Witch...

You have always felt ‘different’. You’re the woman who feels magic in your heart, yet hesitates at the edge of the unknown, hiding who you really are, feeling fear. You sense you were born here for something more, something deeper - perhaps living a more magical destiny as a healer - but that feels a million miles away - fear whispers doubts into your ear, and you sense there’s some more personal healing to do first. You question: What if they judge me? What if I fail? What if embracing my truth destroys everything? The thought of opening to your healing power calls to your soul, yet simultaneously terrifies you – as if one wrong move could send your whole world crumbling. And so, you hold back, caught between longing and fear, aching to be your unapologetically magical self while secretly wondering: ‘What if I’m not cut out for this?’

On the outside, your life looks ‘fine’ – successful, familiar (even if busy and chaotic at times)! But inside? You’re exhausted and bored. Burnt out from a dutiful life that demands too much and gives too little. Stuck in a cycle of people-pleasing, weighed down by resentment, overwhelm, and a quiet, persistent numbness. Maybe your body has been trying to tell you something – through mysterious symptoms no doctor can explain, through an exhaustion that no amount of rest can heal. You’ve spent years trying to ‘fix’ your ‘broken’ self - your sense of being both ‘too much’ and simultaneously ‘not enough’ - only to find that nothing ever truly lasts. And yet… deep down, you know. There is a path, a truth, an ancient feminine remembering waiting for you – a life where healing isn’t about ‘quick fixing’, but about finally, lovingly welcoming home all the lost parts of yourself that you’ve felt ‘missing’ in this half-life.  

Are you resonating?

Here’s the truth...

It’s heartbreaking to me when magical women land here feeling this way, because I remember feeling this way myself, over a decade ago as I entered my own initiation into healing myself and becoming a healer for others.

Oh, how I feel your heart, sweetheart.

And after journeying with this myself and guiding many other women, too, I’m here to show you a new way. Let me explain my point of view for a moment… Because I don’t believe you are ‘broken’. I *know* you don’t need ‘fixing’. I know that even your fear isn’t a sign that you’re “not cut out” to be a healer (in actual fact, if you’re feeling this, it’s a sign you were born for this).

I believe that when we arrive to this ‘perfect moment’ (which likely doesn’t feel very ‘perfect’ at all), it’s really just a sign that there’s more healing to do - but it’s time to learn to heal our inner


- aka to reclaim the authentic, magical, powerful part of ourselves that has been shoved down, shamed, suppressed - and hidden.

And that the real remedy that will create lasting change is to learn to heal yourself - by understanding how to harness your own


In other words, it’s time to stop all the ‘quick fixing’ (slow down on buying all the ‘shiny’ courses that are offering the false promises of ‘do it my way’ that haven’t created real change, and stop giving your power away to other healers), and learn the real magical art and science of ‘self-healing’.

You see, our ancestresses - ancient medicine women - didn’t go chasing ‘certificates’; they became healers by embodying their healing for themselves first - by living into their own ‘heroine’s journey’ and integrating the healing remedy they would pass on. As I always say, “our gifts are found in our wounds” - and this is extremely true for healers.

And just because you feel all the fear of being a healer doesn’t mean you’re not “cut out for" it - it just means there’s more healing to do (of yourself and your soul expression). It means you’re here for a journey of becoming a healer. Because it is that - a ‘becoming’ - and that requires us to learn to heal ourselves (and especially our wounded healer).

Don’t die without expressing your soul’s magic, beauty. I see your possibility to reclaim your ‘witchy’ self-healing magic so that you can live your destiny - whether that’s for healing yourself, or becoming a healing remedy for others.  Either way, it’s the ‘witch’ who will be a remedy for you, as she is the Archetypal Remedy who initiates us into accessing our inner apothecary of remedies so that we can intuitively heal ourselves, discover our gifts, express our witch and live our destiny.

And you don’t have to journey this alone, sweetheart...

Soon, I’ll be opening the doors to our coven - to our new Secret Witch’s Apothecary membership - where you can journey, with guidance from me and with a sisterhood of like-minded souls, into your self-healing and magic.

Are you hearing the call of the Secret Witch and her inner Apothecary?


This is for you if...

🖤 You feel lost and trapped in a busy, unfulfilling, small-feeling life, struggling to create space for your magical witch. You feel torn between the ‘mundane’ and the ‘magical’, constantly putting out fires, and you’re longing to manifest a life that feels truly aligned and authentic.

🖤 You experience burnout, exhaustion, or mysterious health symptoms - your body whispers (or shouts) through things like chronic fatigue, autoimmunity, IBS, pain, womb and menstrual imbalances (like endometriosis or PCOS). You sense there’s an underlying pattern to heal and are ready to stop outsourcing your healing, learning instead to connect with your body’s wisdom.

🖤 You’re deeply sensitive and easily overwhelmed - you *feel* more than others, whether emotions, energy, or physical senses - you might be overwhelmed by noise, lights, odours, touch, electricity or people (or have an attunement to ‘other worlds’). You suppress your feelings to ‘be positive,’ or, they might inevitably explode in emotional melt-downs, panic or anxiety, leaving you feeling ashamed or numb.

🖤 You live in hyper-vigilance or distraction, either anxiously anticipating problems or numbing and distracting yourself with work, TV, food, alcohol, drugs (e.g. anti-depressants), social scrolling, or other ‘quick fixes.’ You long to slow down, soften, and embrace your feminine flow.

🖤 You struggle with people-pleasing and guilt, saying ‘yes’ when you want to say ‘NO,’ putting others first at the expense of your own energy. When you do honour yourself, you feel selfish or fear judgment, making it hard to prioritise your magic.

🖤 You sense you’re meant to be a healer-witch but doubt yourself. You feel a mysterious call to all ‘witchy woo’ - including herbs, the moon, reiki, manifestation, homeopathy, synchronicities, channelling or spirit communion work - yet fear being judged a ‘lunatic’, fear failing, or feeling like an imposter.

🖤 You feel alone and long for a like-minded sisterhood - a space where your witchiness is fully seen and celebrated (even if being part of a community feels terrifying because you’ve often felt the ‘outcast’).

If this is you, maybe it’s time to:





your gifts.


your Witch.




as a healer.


Imagine 12 months from now... Come on a journey with me...

Imagine 12 months from now.  You’re creating more time and space to connect to your inner witch and your deeper, more meaningful destiny - at your soul’s slower pace, and in small doses. You’ve learned the fundamentals of witchy ‘self-healing’, and how to intuitively heal yourself with archetypal remedies. You’re granting yourself PERMISSION to be your witchy self - even to open to your gifts as a healer. You’re in regular ritual magic and practice, and loving being part of the witchy ‘party’!

You’re getting more and more clarity on your heart’s deeper vision and what magic you’re here to manifest, and you’re healing - you feel connected to your body and heart - and you’re beginning to trust the wisdom of your magic. You’re learning to welcome all the secretly ‘witchy’ aspects of you, tending your sensitive nervous system, and loving yourself (and your inner little girl) deeply enough to hear your emotions, and more fully embrace your magical way of being in the world. 

You’re listening to and feeling more connected to your intuition and trusting the signs and synchronicities you’ve been experiencing.  You’re trusting yourself to listen to your body, feeling more playful, alive, radiant, energised and ‘topped up’.  You’re healing physically. You’re aware of the deeper underlying fears that have had you doubting yourself and stopping you from trusting your magic - and you’ve experience of the realness of ‘alchemy’ - so that you are able to love yourself in those old patterns - and begin to choose differently - into holding your magical vision and trusting yourself to flow with the mystery. You’ve gained a beautiful magical sisterhood and community around you, and you feel safe to express your magic with them. Perhaps you’re even beginning to share your magical worldview with your partner or family, and loving yourself in the messiness of that. You might even be leaning into opening to ‘admit’ you have magical gifts that you desire to step into, or trusting your gifts more deeply.  You’ll most definitely be hearing the deeper calls of your magical soul, and opening to manifesting them. 

If you’re further down the ‘healer’ path (which isn't a requirement, this is for any sensitive magical woman who longs to heal herself), you might begin to reveal more about your unique healing gifts, or be leaning into expressing yourself more ‘magically’ in your business - perhaps you’re showing up and embracing your ‘magic’ on podcasts, or sharing your message at events, or working more intimately with 1:1 clients, or sharing the magic that has been in your heart for ages on social media, with deep love.  Either way, wherever you are in your journey, you have a much deeper sense of your own ‘inner magic’ - and you’re beginning to love and welcome this ‘witchy’ part of you that has been kept so secret - until now.

This is what the Secret Witch and her Apothecary of Archetypal Remedies helped me create - even though at one point it felt impossible to me, too.

If you’re resonating with this - perhaps you’re feeling ‘truthbumps’, or you’re nodding along like “yes, yes, this is me”, or perhaps you’re experiencing synchronicities calling you this way (hello witchy things showing up everywhere!) - then it’s likely your soul is calling you to the tender next steps of opening to rekindle your magic.  Likewise, if you’re instead feeling deep resistance (especially to the idea of being a ‘Secret Witch’), then know this: soul often calls to us in less than desirable and glamorous ways, so this, too, is just as much a call as resonance is… 

Is something stirring in your body, calling you deeper?  If so, it might be an aligned next step to liberate your secret witch and activate your inner apothecary. Read on…


Your Journey in our ‘Secret Witch’s Apothecary’ Membership

One of the most potent forms of alchemy is found in the place Secret Witches can often dread (and simultaneously long for) most: in sisterhood. My point of view is that people are remedies for each other (grounded in the universal healing law of ‘similia similibus’ -aka that ‘like cures like’ - which means people LIKE us, or SIMILAR to us, are medicine). There’s so much healing created in an alchemical sacred circle space that I knew in my bones it was time to create a membership that feels like a safe space for women to come and gather round the virtual fire together, in alchemy (I’d also been asked for this by several women who have been in our previous group journeys who said “this please, but MORE!”).

And so, naturally, I’m creating an alchemical holding space for those Secret Witches who want to learn to create time and space for your witch and learn the real art of self-healing so you can embrace your gifts, and fully express your authentic, magical, powerful, WITCHY selves.

This is the membership to HEAL AND LIBERATE your Healer WITCH.

BECAUSE TRUE HEALING IS really ABOUT learning to FULLY EXPRESS OURSELVES and lovingly reclaim our whole-souledness.

The ‘Secret Witch’s Apothecary’ Membership offers the tender first steps in the journey of self-healing, discovery and expression, so that you can live your destiny. It is a sacred home for witches who want to learn to harness your inner apothecary to heal, get playful in your embodiment of the witch and become the woman you were born to be. It’s home for any witchy soul who wants to grant yourself PERMISSION to be your full, unaplogetically witchy self and manifest a more magical life!

And this *is* a membership, but it’s not your ‘average’ muggle membership - it offers SO much *more* than that.

Really, this is a tender, yet focused, space for you to create a habit of carving out time to journey towards your heart’s dream of becoming a healer, whilst also helping you integrate magic into every day life (rather than simply doing a healing course, and then forgetting about it). It’s a space of learning the fundamentals of magic and ritual and ceremony - a magical, witchy party! It’s a loving, nurturing space to help you slow down and tune inwards. A space to connect with like-minded soul-sisters for connection, empathy, cheerleading and encouragement to help you when you feel like giving up (if you want to). A loving holding space to receive witnessing, reflection and guidance from me that’s taken me over a decade to integrate (and a lot of wasted time, energy and almost £100,000 to learn), that helps you feel confident to trust yourself to take more soul aligned-actions. It’s all very well walking the path of becoming a healer by yourself, but it’s a whole other thing having guidance - you get to ask the questions you’re stuck with and have a real human supporting you to illuminate your own wisdom along the path (and see and love your shadows). It’s a space where you can learn from witnessing me as an embodied healer - learn how to be a healer by experiencing healing for yourself in our Witch Clinic (we have to heal ourselves first to become healers for others). It’s a space to receive real, honest and loving reflections from me and your sisters along your journey - and to practice providing them for yourself too. It’s a safe space where you will learn that *all* parts of you are welcome and you will cultivate an inner safety for your witchy soul expression . This membership is your playground to heal and liberate - a space for you to practice showing up as the true you, and serve your own remedy.

I know that it might feel daunting to you to open to joining a group, but I can promise you that there are ways to engage with this at your own soft edge (whether that’s sitting in the background and soaking in our healing rituals and learning from others until you feel comfortable to share, or full on showing up live to share your heart unapologetically).

Within a circle of women, we’ll journey together exploring and creating around these themes:

  • Self-healing (aka self-loving) with archetypal remedies

  • Soul discovery and self-illumination

  • Unapologetic witchy embodiment and expression

  • Universal laws and principles of real magical healing and manifestation

The unique ‘Archetypal Apothecary’ path guides you in transmissions of Archetypal Remedies that help you heal your witch, harness energy healing, enter self-illumination, journey with embodiment practices, tend your nervous system, lovingly heal your inner child, and enter magical initiation and practice like ritual and visioning - in your own home and in the wild.

We gather in circle 2 times a month, online via Zoom and in our community for archetypal remedy Healing Ceremony and transmissions, ‘Witch Clinic’ Sharing Circles, and for Q&A (which can be asked anonymously if desired) - and whatever else Nicole is guided to create and share in response to the group’s needs (co-creation is welcome).  I’m creating a group container in this way to provide a much more accessible way to work with me than my 1:1 fees allow, and making it possible for anyone to join globally.  

It’s a potent healing space, where you’ll be held lovingly - and, perhaps for the first time in your life you’ll begin to understand the phrase “all is welcome”.  There’s no ‘sharing’ required from you in the live circles - though it will be invited if you desire to share - and there will also be a private community which is a beautiful and alchemical space for you to share as much as is aligned with your sisters along your journey.


You’ll Receive:

Each month, we gather live on Thursdays, twice - in ceremony and circle - within our private and fully confidential online community space to receive healing, guidance, and support. You’ll have access to:

🌙 New Moon Healing Ceremony – A live ceremony where you’ll be served with an archetypal remedy transmission - as part of your healing journey.

Full Moon Witch’s Clinic – A live circle space to share what’s coming up for you, ask for reflection and witnessing, and receive spot-healing and guidance around working with remedies.

🔥 Ongoing Invitations – Simple but powerful self-healing tools, including enquiries and journal prompts, rituals and embodiment practices to help you integrate self-healing and magic into your daily life - at your pace.

🌿 Access to the Archetypal Remedy Library - A library full of our self-guided archetypal remedy journeys - including Rosa, Aurum, She-Wolf, Luna - and more as the library expands

🕯 Monthly Q&A Thread – A chance to ask anything about healing, magic, working with your archetypal apothecary, or becoming a healer.

🧙‍♀️ Sisterhood - be part of a loving, global coven of sensitive souls.

This membership is designed to be accessible worldwide, providing a more affordable way to work with me than 1:1 sessions allow. It’s a potent healing space where you will be held lovingly and perhaps, for the first time in your life, truly understand the phrase ‘all is welcome.’


Feeling the Call to Join Us?


You’ll Become a Woman Who Is:

🌙 embracing self-healing - you’ll be learning how to heal yourself, reclaiming your self-healing power with your inner apothecary, rather than outsource your healing to others

🌙 creating time and space for your inner witch, and feeling more feminine, alive, juicy and passionate with a sense of purpose and a renewed inner ‘fire’ - more like the ‘you’ you once were

🌙 opening your heart to your true possibility, beginning to kindle your magical, creative, ‘manifestation’ power to create a more magical life as a healer

🌙 learning to tend your fear and love and welcome all parts of yourself (including your inner little girl), so you can be the powerful adult women you long to be - reclaiming your Feminine soft-power

🌙 releasing your ‘Secret Witch’ fears and beginning to discover your gifts and express yourself unapologetically - so you can open to living your destiny as a healer

🌙 beginning to reclaim your voice and express your truth, unapologetically - and reclaiming your authentic self

🌙 hearing your body’s wise calls and feeling more confident in your magic, trusting your your inner witchy, wise, intuitive messages to be your compass

In other words, you’ll have begun the tender healing journey into your body to open to trusting your self-healing gifts and taking aligned-action towards living your magical destiny as a healer witch.


This is a fit for you if you:

✨ Are a sensitive woman ready to stop ‘fixing’ and instead lovingly step into your power to heal yourself magically.

✨ Long for a soul-paced journey to reclaim your inner magic - owning your responsibility in the process.

✨ Will commit to watching replays of live circles within 1 week to stay aligned with the journey.

✨ Are willing to create 1 - 2 hours a week for rituals, practices, and enquiries - even when it feels ‘inconvenient.’

✨ Are open to looking in the mirror at the deeper patterns around your magic, receiving loving yet powerful reflections of truth.

✨ Feel a call to a more meaningful, impactful life - perhaps as a healer, teacher, or guide, even if that feels terrifying - and you know that the first rite of passage to becoming a healer is healing yourself

✨ Will honour the sacredness of the journey by engaging in a way and at a pace that feels right for you.

This is not a fit for you if you:

❌ Want to outsource your healing to ‘quick fixes’ - I won’t be healing you, because we can only heal ourselves.

❌ Aren’t willing to create space for the work - whether that’s live circles, rituals, or reflections.

❌ Don’t want to look deeply at your wounds, open through fear, or tend to your nervous system and inner little girl.

❌ Have higher priorities than self-healing right now - please choose this wholeheartedly.

❌ Want to rush the path of becoming a healer or rely on ‘quick-fix’ healing and marketing tactics.

❌ Are not female - this space is for women only, as we work deeply with the feminine, including biology, energetics, and cycles unique to female bodies.



Being in the Secret Witch’s Apothecary Membership opens a powerful portal - offering a tender next step in your initiation.  It will lovingly reveal and begin to heal things you’ve not previously opened to look at.  This Membership is only for you if you’ll take responsibility for your power, walk into the fire and submit to magical initiation, whilst being held in deep, soft, love. You will work live with one specific intention you’d like to transform - join with one in mind.

commitment required is 3 months, then monthly




Monthly Subscription.

Investment will be on a ‘Pay What You Can Afford’ model, so that I can meet you where you are whilst honouring the potency of the work.

More details coming soon. Register interest to hear first when we open enrolment.

NOTE: This is going to be the space where I’ll be serving all future Archetypal Remedy journeys, so if you’ve been called to our Remedy journeys before, this is the place to be. The intake may be limited at each opening, so please do honour your call when we open, as I imagine this will be a popular offering (we’ve enrolled for other Archetypal Remedies before they’ve even been released). My 1:1 fees begin at £3333, so this is an incredible opportunity to begin to walk the path at a much lower investment - and it’s an ideal tender first step into the path (it will meet you at whatever depth of the journey you are at - whether beginner or more experienced).



Can you hear the magic of the Witch calling you, ancient one? 

It’s your time to grant yourself permission to rekindle the magic your medicine woman was born for.

Will you honour that call, sweetheart?

Hear Tammy’s Experience of Walking the Path...


What Other Women Say About the Path...

“it confirmed my magic”

“Before this journey, I hadn’t really believed in my magic side, I’d been discovering it but not really trusting it. But in the final circle, a few women bathed me in words like “transcendent and other-worldly” and it confirmed my magic; something that I’d been doubting about myself.

I have a better idea of what my own medicine and gifts are - who I came here to be and how I can be of service to others. I had agreed to develop a collaboration with another organisation before the group journey and I feel like the work I did in this journey to get to know myself has made it easier for me to get across what it’s all about, what I’m all about, and how I can help others to find their own magic through their voice. It’s made my path a lot more clear.”

- Laura Hill, Crucible Participant


Additional Words from Women About The Path...

“The one thing I would say I’ve taken away is that we all have this incredible power and magic within us. It's in you, it's in me, it's in all of us - and working with Nicole will open that door and unlock that and let it out for you to express in the world. And that's a gift that you'll give to the world - and it's why you're here: to use that beautiful power and magic. That's what you're *here* for. Let Nicole help you.” — Tamlyn Godsall, 1:1 client

“Working with Archetypal Luna was a game changer. At the beginning of the journey, my intention was to heal my fear of being seen as a lunatic. I was about a 1/10 on this and I felt shame around that too - the hiding of my truth and my desired expression. Wow, I actually healed this fear magnificently during this journey! I feel like I’m an 8/10, and although a fear immediately comes up that I should wind that back, I will own that I feel I am at an 8 in expressing my truth, my soul and my magic. I created a new instagram page and I’ve been sharing myself there - personal thoughts, alchemy, wild wanders, desires. I’ve been finding likeminded people, adding them and freely sharing and resharing content that’s aligned - it’s so freeing. I’ve also shared more with my husband and I created an intention with my parents and brother to go back to the land I was born on this summer, to camp, hike, explore, listen and feel. I’ve shared more with my friends, I’ve sat in healing, grounding and feeling more often - which feels so good. Slowing down, finding my feminine rhythm. I’ve connected with Luna as a new guide - I love her magic, her darkness, and her glow. I’ve deepened my relationship with my womb and my moon cycles. I’ve begun to create new female friendships, finding spaces to express myself in my local area. Sisterhood and community building for myself and my children is really important to me. I am feeling drawn to connect with plants, plant medicine, and animals as kin. I feel alive, grounded and expressed, happy and grateful. Thank you Luna, thank you sisters, and thank you Nicole for holding all of this through this journey. It’s been pure magic!” — Colleen, Luna participant

"Participating in this program has been a phenomenal experience that is truly inspirational. Knowing now that I am so much more powerful than I think I am and my life can truly be what I want it to be is exhilarating! Going forward after this program, my life will never be the same; my eyes have been opened to so much possibility within myself. I now embrace the magic within me and all around me!" — TA, crucible participant

“The journey is very safe and very Feminine, based in Feminine energy. And so soft but with that strength of being held - it allows for that transformation and magic to arise.” — crucible participant

“Working with Nicole has been nothing short of magical. The way she can hold a group with such love, warmth and care. Her true unconditional love is so very healing. Her gentle, gorgeous way, so knowledgeable, so wise, so humble and so deeply gifted.” — Deborah Binun, Rosa participant

“Wild expression is just being who I am, but feeling safe with that. Because through my old stories, I felt very unsafe with being wild. My experiences of living with my wild parents, it made me feel like I had to barrier myself against wildness and against magic - and I've learned that I’m safe to be wild, safe to be magic. Safe to express it.” — Victoria Brown, 1:1 client

“To anyone considering hiring Nicole, if you're sitting in front of her and you're having this conversation with her, it's probably a Yes already because you wouldn't be there if it wasn't. You'll absolutely have the most magical journey and you'll get way more than you ever thought possible. You'll get to know yourself better, you'll get to know your gifts better, you'll be expressing them in the world, you'll have much more clarity on your vision, you will have help with everything that you're going through - whatever you bring to each session with Nicole, Nicole is there, holding the space. And so she's magical, she's powerful, she's gentle, she's a friend and you'll just absolutely love the journey. There's absolutely no regrets that I've had. I did two journeys with Nicole - and probably will do more in the future. So, feel into your heart and your heart will know the answer. It'll be magic. ” — Tamlyn Godsall, 1:1 client

“I have illuminated layers of wounding and old stories. I came to a new and higher level of loving myself which feels amazing, powerful magical and so healing.” — Marion, Aurum participant

“If you’re considering this, don’t let the fear of the “witch” + “magic” put you off - these are parts of yourself that you don’t know yet - parts that can bring wonderful insights and healing.” — crucible participant

“This journey has been so illuminating. I've been able to start to more consistently honor my intuition, that inner voice that often speaks to me, which I sometimes hear and sometimes shy away from (for fears of what it might mean to answer it). I've begun to see myself in my authentic expression and welcome it, and feel empowered in that and believe my inner knowing. And be seen by other like-minded, powerful gifted women. This feels so deeply satisfying. I’ve awoken… to that inner voice. It has been a truly magical experience, and I am so grateful to Nicole for pouring her heart into this work, and for being such an available and present guide. She is such a gift!! She actually responds to everything we share individually, and offers such meaningful reflections. She can help you look behind blocks and go into spaces you may have wanted to go but hid from until you felt truly safe, or even illuminate things that have been completely outside your current view. And to all of my sisters that journeyed with Aurum with me, thank you for being willing to be so authentic and go into all of the places!! It made such a difference. I love you all.” — Colleen, Aurum participant

"It was life-changing for me to choose into this work - and it continues to be. Nicole opened my eyes to the profound magic of daily practice. The group showed me what it can be like when sisters come together to be vulnerable and loving, and that intimacy can exist without being shamed or chastised. I’ve learned to see “yucky” or “undesirable” parts of me as fragmented parts of me, shadows that can be loved back into wholeness. I have stepped into my magical power because of the love and wild remedies you so lovingly dosed. I am so, so grateful. Thank you, from the bottom of my heart.” — ES, crucible participant

“Our Archetypal Luna journey has just been wonderful - some difficult moments and deep work, but I've really felt how powerful it’s been. The magic of it has brought a lot of light and joy too, which I've absolutely loved. The support and holding you give makes this all possible, and the triggering too! It was really during Luna that I started seeing things you were triggering in me as wounds to be released, and also as possibilities, which has been opening and allowing something to shift in me. I feel so much more open to magic which was my intention (not all the time! Still and always will be a work in progress!!) but I've really seen so many synchronicities and moments of magic. And more than that, I've *felt* them, and felt the difference that looking at my wounds and tending can make. In all honesty, I wasn't sure I would feel much difference, but Luna definitely felt potent from the start, and I engaged with all the invitations in ways I hadn't with any other journey. My sacred vision definitely is to open more and more and live more in this magic and in the fullest version of myself. I’m more aware of when Im creating from shadow now, which is something I will definitely be carrying forward! Even today, I felt ‘out of sorts’ and while asking myself what was coming up and what my little girl needed, I happened to look up and was walking past a shop called Luna. Its been a magical journey and I will carry this work forward, although I’m already missing our sisterhood! Thank you so much wonderful sisters for your support, love, insights and your healing presences.” — KM, Luna participant

“I haven’t worked for the last 6 years as I’ve been a stay at home Mum, so I didn’t think it would even be possible for me to invest this time and money in myself to create a soul-led life and business (especially with having a 5 year old and 3 month old baby when I started!), but if your soul is calling you to this path and you choose it, there are magical ways of creating the time and money you need to invest in it.” — Olivia Roff, 1:1 client

“I am so incredibly grateful for the magic of this journey. Difficult (like you said - more difficult than I expected) but so miraculous. There’s no going back! Thank you so much Nicole.” — AR, crucible participant

“Nicole is like a loving fast forward button to deep healing” — crucible participant

Claim your Space in Circle

Is your magical soul feeling the call?


Q: I can’t make the live sessions, can I still join?

A: The live sessions will be recorded and replays will be shared. There are both ‘transmission/teaching circles’ and ‘sharing' circles’ (sharing opportunities will be provided, though they are optional), and whilst there’s the invitation to join us live, it is optional and so much can be gained from absorbing the energy healing in the replays. We do ask that you try and co-create a way to join us for ceremony as it’s nice to gather everyone together and be connected, but it’s not a requirement if it’s a real challenge. We’ve scheduled sessions across time zones, so there’s room to participate when it feels right for you.

Q: I’m not sure if I want to be a ‘healer’ - I feel a call to healing myself, but the idea of becoming a ‘healer’ terrifies me - is it for me?

A: Yes, this is absolutely for you - this Membership is mostly about healing ourselves firstly (because healing ourselves comes first). If you feel a calling to heal yourself but fear stepping into the role of ‘healer,’ know that this is completely normal. It’s often the fear of embracing your magic that leads to true personal healing, too. This path is about tenderly reclaiming your power, at your own pace, with no rush or pressure to define yourself. Come with an open heart and see what’s revealed - this is a journey of learning to soften and tend fear, and open to what your heart actually desires, so it’s perfect for where you are, and can be navigated at your soul’s own pace.

Q: I resist the idea of being a ‘witch,’ does that mean this isn’t for me?

A: Resistance often signals the exact healing you’re being called to. The term ‘Secret Witch’ reflects the parts of yourself you may fear - hidden gifts, power, and magic. If this has you in resistance, it’s likely because these lost parts of you are longing to be seen. It’s a gentle invitation to meet those fears and reclaim your magic. It’s likely this is the exact healing you need to create your more meaningful life - will you trust that?

Q: I’m not sure I trust magic - I’m logical and prefer scientific explanations for things, but I am still feeling drawn to this - is this for me?

A: Many sensitive souls feel torn between logic and magic, and it’s a paradox many women experience. It’s natural to want to rationalise things, especially when your magic feels so unknown or inaccessible. If you’re drawn here despite your skepticism, trust that this journey will help bridge the gap between your logical mind and your magical heart, giving you a grounded, healing approach. It’s likely actually the very journey you need (because this membership especially helps us heal this fear). Will you trust your heart to lead?

Q: I’m a complete beginner to magic and I don’t know anything about Archetypal Remedies - do I need to?

A: Not at all. This journey is aimed at those taking the very tender first steps into magical healing, which means there are no prerequisites to know anything about magic - or the Archetypal Remedies - at all. There will likely be many women who know nothing about magical healing, but just feel a deep call from their soul to be with us, so you are completely welcome. This will be your first magical initiation. If you would like to geek out on the art and science, you can check out this event replay I hosted, which dives into the “What, Why and How of Archetypal Remedies.”

Q: I’m an experienced healer - I’ve already explored so many healing modalities - including homeopathy, or aromatherapy - how is this different to other healing, and is it for me?

A: Whilst some of my women are beginners to healing, it’s also really common that my women have journeyed with #allthehealing before arriving at my door, so this is a really powerful question. If you’ve already experienced various healing practices, you might find this path to be a profound deepening. The Archetypal Apothecary offers a unique philosophy that connects healing with your soul’s purpose. It’s not just another modality - it’s a holistic, transformative journey into soul that helps heal the fears and blocks keeping you from fully expressing your gifts in the world. Archetypal remedies will activate you in deeper levels of your healing, meeting you where you are. The Archetypal Apothecary path offers a totally unique Soul Map for women to heal, discover and express their gifts, and in this way, remedies aren’t just another modality or ‘thing to do’ - they offer a unique philosophy that guides women into the ‘science and art’ of deep healing - and it is likely that this will be the deepest work of your life yet. Many women have explored other modalities and found them unhelpful in isolation (it’s not an either/or - it’s both) - because they lack the deep healing homeopathic, archetypal and energetic healing work that is integrated in this path to heal all of the trauma layers in the way of you being a healer in the world. The deep healing of your ‘witch wound’ will help you begin actualising your soul purpose.

Q: I’m worried about triggering my nervous system. And yet, I’m really called to this - is it for me?

A: I hear you, my love. The path of healing can sometimes feel overwhelming, but this journey is intentionally slow and gentle, designed to support sensitive souls. You will be guided with love, and your nervous system will slowly learn to trust that your healing can be tender and nourishing. All of you is welcome here, exactly as you are.

Q: Is this circle only for women?

Yes, this space is for women only, because the work we will be doing is about becoming aware of and honouring different aspects of the Feminine, including biology, experiences, energetics and cycles that are specific to female bodies.

Q: I prefer a spiritual path that doesn’t require much ‘doing’ - is ritual work necessary??

A: I understand this feeling, especially if you’ve been on a more ‘ascension-focused’ path. This journey invites you into the embodied experience of magic, where ritual and practice are essential for grounding your soul’s purpose on earth. It’s not about ‘doing’ for the sake of doing; it’s about weaving soul-led action into your everyday life. Our work in this path is that of embodiment - and magical practice and ritual is a hugely important part of that. Will you trust your soul to be leading you where you need to go?

Q: I’ve done a lot of spiritual work that tells us we don’t need “healing” because it’s all ‘just thought’ - is this for me?

A: I hear you on this one - that was my path too, and many women who journey with me have been here (many of them exploring spiritual ascension). It’s not really an either/or - it’s actually both - we co-create as spirit in a body, and this descent back to the body is really the next breadcrumb. Healing is really another word for ‘expansion’ - yet it can be misinterpreted for us needing ‘fixing’ (which we don’t). If we are rejecting ‘healing,’ we ignore the wounds held in our bodies and that leaves them creating unconsciously for us and stealing our focus, without us knowing. To truly create what we desire, we need to come back into our bodies and face these unconscious wounds and love them so that our focus can fully be towards love, spirit and truth. Ultimately, love is the healer, and as we learn to love the parts of ourselves that we have shamed, they no longer steal our focus, and we come back to wholeness and can harness our focus toward what we truly desire. These two podcast episodes will be serving for you - Episode 28 - Do We Need Healing with Dominic Scaffidi + Episode 20 - How to Harness your Focus to Create Intentional Magic with William Whitecloud.

Q: I’m really called to this path but it feels really “unknown” and I’m a bit nervous to go there. How can I get over the fear of joining?

A: This is again such a common and welcome fear along this journey. The path of soul is not easy - and it is not for everyone - but you’ll know if it is calling you because you’ll begin to be activated in ways you’ve not felt before - and you may also begin to notice synchronicities calling to you. The only way to really overcome this is to offer yourself as much love as possible to the parts of you that want to ‘know’ the way. If you are intuitively sensing it is for you, then it likely is for you - and it will keep calling you until you answer. Can you offer yourself the love you need to choose it anyway? I promise we will go gently, and all of you will be welcome.

Q: I don’t even know if magic or power are available to me - I doubt my gifts - what if I’m the one person that it’s not possible for?

A: I think this is the question that pretty much all of my women feel applies to them; and this fear is so welcome. And still, I’ve never met a woman drawn to working with the Archetypal Apothecary who isn’t magical and powerful (even though she likely doesn’t feel it). Usually there is simply some deeper fear about magical capability and worthiness that is in the way of you seeing your gifts. Paradoxically, this is the very work that Archetypal Apothecary healing modality guides you into seeing. The greatest paradox in the path of soul is that the wisdom we gain within the journey helps us to see the truth we feel we need to choose it; so the deeper invitation is to allow yourself to be courageous and choose to trust your heart to lead - this is the deep work here. The only ticket required to enter the gateway to this journey is hope.

Q: Is sharing required in this program? I’m nervous to share in front of other people.

A: Firstly, I’m loving you in this - I’ve been there, and I can almost guarantee that every woman joining this program will feel this fear of being seen and sharing. Secret Witches often feel deep fear of being seen and long to hide (hence being ‘secret’), so our Membership is intentionally designed to ease you into our sisterhood gently (I speak to making yourself comfortable around ‘sharing’ in our ‘welcome’ guide). Sharing is always optional - we’ve created a space where you can ease into sisterhood in your own way. If you want to share, there are spaces for that, but you can also simply be present and absorb the healing. Your journey is yours, and you are always free to move at your own pace.

Q: I'm drawn to this but life is really busy and don't know how I'll fit it in to my schedule.

A: I so feel you I hear you. Many women feel called to the witch’s path but struggle to find the time. This membership is designed to help you slow down and carve out small, meaningful moments for your magic. It’s a reminder to make space for your witch, even in a busy life. Slowly, slowly, softly, softly is the way - and archetypal remedies will help you attune to that way of being, amidst the chaos. Your inner witch is calling you - will you grant yourself permissions to create space for your soul’s calling?

Q: If I join this and don’t like it, can I leave?

A: Of course! This is a monthly membership which has been intentionally designed to be a flexible and affordable way to walk the Archetypal Apothecary path and liberate your Secret Witch. The initial subscription is for a minimum of 3 months so that you can get a full experience, and after that it is a monthly subscription, requiring only 1 month’s written notice to exit.

Reach out if you’ve any more questions that will help you choose…

If you’re still unsure whether ‘Secret Witch Apothecary’ Membership can help you...

Oh my heart, if you’re still reading this far, I’m honouring you for still being here; and I can sense you have some understandable fears or reservations arising.  Believe me, I know it’s feeling like a risk for you to choose into a journey like this - and you may be thinking “will this be worth it?” or “what if this is another thing that just doesn’t work?” or “can I really do this?” - or “what will others think if I allow myself to choose this, and I powerfully create magical healing transformation?”  I want you to know, these are all such normal fears, and they’re so welcome in my space - and you’ll come to learn to love yourself in these, if it’s aligned for you to join us.  

I’d love to know: if you’re still not sure, what is it you need to create from our journey together, in order for it to be worth choosing?  Message me to let me know and we can explore if what you desire is possible in this group program…

If you’ve not already, I’d recommend you see our vast number of testimonials from other women above, and I invite you to check out some of the above FAQ’s, to help you see if your particular question is answered there.  

Regarding my own experience, I’ve been guiding women in their healing journeys for a decade - and you don’t have to just take my word for it - our work with Archetypal Remedies has been featured in lots of press.  Over the years, I’ve shared my voice as a leading specialist in both healing and mainstream press, including Kindred Spirit Magazine (nominated for their awards!), Witches Magazine, Soul and Spirit Magazine, Holistic Therapist Magazine, Tiny Buddha blog, Yoga Magazine, Metro, Badass Woman’s hour radio, Natural Health Magazine, Oh Magazine, Wellbeing Magazine, True Health, Sivana East, MgGill Media and many others - and written educational pieces for holistic colleges, including leading homeopathic college the Centre for Homeopathic Education (CHE) in London and New York. I’ve also hosted or been invited to hold space at events and leading holistic wellbeing festivals like Fire + Alchemy, Mind Body Spirit, Rest Fest, The Life Centre and More Yoga in London, sharing my healing ceremonies, or keynote talks.  I’m fully insured as a professional, qualified healer, and am a specialist Consultant for global healing organisations and suppliers, including Base Formula, for whom I regularly write educational blogs.

If you’re just beginning here, we also intentionally offer a Starter Pack which contains lots of great free resources - including an Illumination Workbook and free Taster Healing Journey with Archetypal Rosa, as well as links to our press features, blogs, Secret Witch Show podcasts (which are full of magic) and free workshops around ‘how’ the magical technology of the path works. I’d recommend you begin here as it is intentionally designed to help you begin the journey yourself and get a taster to see if you like our work.  Check it out below…

Want a Taster? Begin with our Starter Pack, Illumination Workbook and Free Journey with Archetypal Rosa...

How to know if you’re ready to heal your soul & open to your healing gifts

- even if it’s terrifying


PS: To Recap...

To recap: in this membership, you’ll be tenderly opening to your self-healing power and magic with Archetypal Remedies. It’s a space that will help you to heal yourself, discover your gifts, and learn to express your magic - opening to living your destiny as a healer.  It’s a vital step towards becoming a healer - for yourself or others - and will act as an anchor point, inviting you to slow down, carve out space and time for your inner witch and manifesting more magic in your everyday life.  This membership safe space is the result of over a decade of my experience as a healer, teacher and guide, and offers the path I *wish* I’d had so that I didn’t spend all the time, energy and money I did; all carefully and magically curated to guide you along your journey in the most loving way possible.  This is likely to be a popular monthly membership, and may be limited numbers for each enrolment opening, so if you’re feeling the calling to kindle your magic, ensure you register to hear more so you can secure your space with us in circle when enrolment opens.

Still Not Ready? That’s Okay...

I completely honour when it’s just not the aligned time for women to join - and it’s really important to me that women honour that for themselves, because we want you to join our programs and feel able to engage and get the most from them.  I’d recommend tuning into your heart - beyond the fear - and weighing up the costs and benefits of joining, in order to choose consciously, and if it is still not aligned, then I’d recommend listening to our Secret Witch Show podcast which is full of gems for you to travel yourself - you can check that out here (and join our Secret Witch Society on Facebook, to share with us too):


Initial subscription is 3 months minimum commitment, when it then becomes monthly and you have the capacity to cancel with 1 month’s notice.

This requires a commitment to your soul, therefore payments are non-refundable.