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Welcome to The Secret Witch Show!

This is the Top 10% global show providing a safe and alchemical altar space of conversations which help powerful women escape half-hearted, mundane lives and rediscover the freedom of becoming their unapologetically magical selves.  

This is the Show for You If

You want to join us every other week to explore how to cast aside the wounds of shame, guilt and fear connected with fully being yourself, so you can grant yourself permission to stop hiding, ground soulfully back into your body, illuminate your whole-souled desires, tend your soul, rediscover your powerful gifts, reclaim your healing power, express your magic and manifest your wildest alchemy.

Listen in to liberate your secret Witch!

”I listened to your podcast today for the first time and I had so many full body *YES!* moments whilst listening. I gave it a 5* rating and can’t wait to listen to more! I really do love your podcast! Rich with wisdom and generous in spirit.”
— SP

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