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Tamlyn Godsall - Case Study

Archetypal Remedy: Lioness

Medicine Name: Wild Mama Africa, Lioness Queen and Village Witch

Soul Work: Wild Mother Healer


Where Tamlyn Began:

Tamlyn arrived at the Archetypal Apothecary path as an ex Marketing Manager for a corporate beauty brand who had later turned ‘Happiness Coach’ - and she was feeling the deep rupture of the transition to new motherhood in her work.  She loved what she had previously shared about ‘happiness’ as a coach but somehow the ‘professionalism’ of it didn’t seem to quite fit with who she was now she was a mama.  She wanted more work-life balance, and to find out what her deeper purpose was. 

She felt very disconnected and isolated as a new Mum, who had just moved from South Africa to relocate near London in the UK - it was a far cry from her wilder and more supportive community back home, and she was in a portal of initiation with a complete lack of village (though she wasn’t aware it was that at the time).

She was very used to making logical decisions from her head (as all brilliant women often do, when they arrive here) - and she was ignoring her body’s sensations and outsourcing her healing to many different healers - trying to ‘fix’ herself - rather than trusting her own healing wisdom.

She knew she was here for something ‘more’ - she knew that it was something radically different - perhaps as a ‘healer’ - but she wasn’t quite sure what that looked like - and she deeply doubted that she was able to be a ‘healer’ - thinking ‘who am I to be that?’ ‘I’m not as experienced as others, what can I even offer?’ and even ‘I don’t have any magical gifts!’ - and ‘what will people think of me?’  

She knew she had a huge vision and wanted to make a huge impact in the world, though it felt scary and she wasn’t entirely clear on what that looked like.  She did know that she was here to be a Mother, and she wanted to create a business that was more balanced and worked around that - and create a like-minded village of Mama support.

She also had a deep temptation to want to push and force and rush ahead (which is often conditioned in our Masculine, driven culture), rather than softening into the pace of her soul - which had impact on her body and her energy, and the soul-aligned creation of what she longed for.

Where We Journeyed:

The Archetypal Apothecary Path has ‘3 Layers’ of ‘becoming’ a healer - 1) Self-Healing, 2) Discovery of Soul Gifts and 3) Expressing Gifts into the world.

Tamlyn journeyed with all 3 steps of the path. Here’s where we journeyed together, in our 1:1 work, including the 8 Elements and Archetypal Remedies of the Archetypal Apothecary path.

1) Self-Healing

Tamlyn began as we always do; by being in the deep work of revealing her heart’s deepest vision and opening to what was truly possible beyond what she believed (Element of Opening / Archetypal Rosa).  She went deeply into connection with her body (via dance and massage) and connected in the wild of nature in order to fully access this, to heal and alchemise the ‘logical’ (Archetypal Quartz) parts of her that wanted to ‘think’ her way into it (yet also felt she wasn’t ‘brilliant enough’), so she could instead *feel* what her deeper vision was (Element of Embodiment).  

As she did, so much was revealed - she illuminated a big vision, including being a healer - which brought in all the fears to be loved and welcomed and illuminated. We began a journey with her Old Stories and fear emerging around her Feminine soft-power and the role of the Mother, which we began to illuminate (Element of Self-Illumination) and work with more deeply for healing alchemy. 

In the journey, Tamlyn began to heal and alchemise her Feminine power (Archetypal Aurum), allowing herself to sink into a softer, more receptive, more soul-aligned pace of creation for her soul business.  She allowed herself to create more from the Feminine - meeting her needs more deeply, and learning to open and receive, instead of push - and stopped ‘rushing’ and ‘pushing’, instead, loving herself in the ‘guilt’ of that temptation, which was a huge part of her alchemy (Element of Majesty).

2) Discovery of Soul Gifts

As we continued our exploration and embodiment with these stories, it became clear that Tamlyn’s core wounding was around the Matridonal (Mother) Archetypal Remedies - part of the Feminine wounding we had been journeying with earlier.  This meant that her gifts were also to be reclaimed from here (Element of Soul Alchemy), and we illuminated that she was born here to be a healer for Mothers.  She also felt this deep lack of community and connection, which became part of her unique gifts, also - her vision became to create a village for mothers to embody their inner wildness.

Tamlyn’s Medicine Name became clear during this time, and she began to work with embodiment of her unique soul as Wild Mama Africa, Lioness Queen and Village Witch. Typically to how healers respond to their gifts being revealed, she had some fears and resistance to this as her unique Archetypal Remedy, because she wasn’t sure she had any ‘magic’.  However, she worked with calling in this aspect of her soul and embodying it (Element of Invocation).

It was at this point that she became pregnant with her second child, which felt like the most magical synchronicity and deepest manifestation of her true gift (Element of Manifestation).  This pregnancy went on to become a deeply important part of her soul alchemy and reclamation of the wild healer she was becoming: it was the perfect soul-aligned opportunity to fully embody and express the ‘Wild Mama Africa, Lioness Queen and Village Witch’ she truly was (Archetypal Lioness).

We worked deeply with her unique Soul Map of Archetypal Remedies to lovingly illuminate the wounds Tamlyn had around fully embracing her wisdom and gifts - including several portals of journeying with her self-healing power, which had her claim her power (Archetypal Aurum) to heal herself naturally, avoiding mainstream medicine during her wild pregnancy - and beginning to realise that she did, indeed have some magical healing gifts that she was firstly embodying for herself (Element of Self-Illumination)

With the support of the deep work of self-healing in our journey together - particularly around trusting her Feminine body, learning to soften, open and received (which is deeply serving in birth, and life) and embracing her inner magic (Archetypal Luna) and wild expression (Archetypal She-Wolf) - she manifested an incredible wild free-birth, birthing her baby son into the world entirely without medical intervention or even anyone present other than her family.  She was totally in her wild power, supported by her husband and witnessed by her other son, becoming a courageous inspiration to so many women.  She truly embodied Wild Mama Africa, Lioness Queen and Village Witch, for herself - providing evidence to inform her confidence that she did indeed have spectacular healing gifts and deep wisdom to share with the world.

3) Expressing her Gifts and Birthing her Soul Business

Throughout her deep healing and embodiment of her gifts, we had also been working with more ‘soul business’ bodies of work to distill her unique path - her ‘Client Avatar’, her unique ‘healing path’ and ‘point of view’ and map of the journey she would offer other women, distilling where she would take them from and to, and began illuminating how she wanted to create offerings.

Towards the end of her pregnancy, Tamlyn began to create some offerings to offer the tender first steps of her path, creating a local in-person woman’s circle, that proved to be a potent practice-ground for her to begin to share her unique Remedy.  She began to lead these circles regularly, with a few women attending, which had her begin to step in slowly to the woman she was here to be, at her soul’s pace, and in a way where she began to see that she could help other women and did have gifts.  

She also began sharing her wisdom via social media, vulnerably meeting herself in sharing her story of her free birth, and beginning to express her Wild Mama Africa Remedy with the world more widely.

Where Tamlyn is Now:

Tamlyn has become an embodied healer after our journey together in our 1:1 portal.  She is no longer someone who doubts she has ‘healing gifts’; she learned to soften into her soul, and really became a medicine woman - Wild Mama Africa - during our journey together.  She learned to heal herself, and truly embody her own medicine first - which is so important - before beginning to express her gifts into the world via beautiful offerings that women were called to.

She healed and alchemised so much fear and doubt about the fact that she has ‘magic’ and is here to be a ‘healer’.  She has learned to work with Archetypal Remedies for her own deep self-healing - healing things that she had felt were challenging to heal herself - and learning to trust her own deep healing wild wisdom.  She found great clarity on the unique gifts that she is here to serve to the world.  She began to step into authentic wild expression of them, creating beautiful harmony and embracing being a mama whilst also sharing her gifts.   She continues to allow herself to ‘dream big’ and has downloaded a vision to create a whole ‘wild mama village’, and is taking soul-aligned action towards that. She still doubts herself at times, yet she has now got embodied experience of how to heal herself so she can move through this - she knows that doubt or fear is rarely truth, and that holding her vision can create the life she truly desires.

She’s shined a torch for all women who feel a deep call to something ‘wilder’ - yet doubt they even have ‘magic’, being a true example of how we can feel fear and go onto discover and embody our soul purpose and learn to express it from a place of integrity.


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