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How to embody the woman we desire to be... Powerful, magical 'adornment' 101 💃✨

How to embody the woman we desire to be... Powerful, magical 'adornment' 101 💃✨


"We don’t just one day wake up confident, magical, powerful, and capable — we BECOME that woman, gradually, cultivating those parts of us to feel welcome."

- Nicole Barton

How to embody the woman we desire to be... Powerful, magical 'adornment' 101 💃✨

I've heard many Secret Witches (aka powerful, magical woman who hide their power and magic) talk about who they want to become this year, courageously sharing their hearts' visions with me. It fills my heart to witness women opening and dreaming.

And then, much in the same way I have experienced, often what happens next is that natural fear creeps in around manifesting it - at which point we can often shut down our heart's dreams and our soul's deeper callings, saying:

💔 "But I'm not ready".

If that's you, then I feel your heart more than you know - *and* I'm also here to tell you the truth, which is this:

♥️ We will likely NEVER feel 'ready' for our bigger visions.

You see, we've been 'lied to' (innocently) about how self-healing transformation works.

We don't really just 'wait' until we feel ready and then one elusive day just become the woman we want to be. If we do, we will likely wait forever. Which begs the question, how long are you willing to wait to feel ready - a lifetime?

If you don't want to wait a lifetime - and maybe more, then know this: we don't just one day wake up confident, magical, powerful and capable -

💃 We BECOME that woman, gradually, cultivating those parts of us to feel welcome

And one of the ways we can begin to access this is through FEMININE EMBODIMENT.

The truth is, it is *embodiment* of the energy of the woman we long to become that has us truly *become* her.

And listen: despite what we've been taught, embodying the ENERGY always comes FIRST (before feeling it).

Whis MEANS, we have to begin with the smaller steps and choices into fully stepping into the woman we truly are (beyond all the thinking that we aren't).

This is the beauty (and juiciness 🍉) of working with archetypal remedies, because part of what we work to do is work to embody their GOLD (their healed full expression). 🌟

There's work we can do to illuminate how to embody who we want to be.

Firstly we ask ourselves:

❔ What would the woman I long to become do to feel fully embodied as the woman who can create this vision?

💅 Might she have her nails done in the colours of her archetypal remedy? I did this for Aurum (Gold) and Stellar (Star) for Christmas ✨

💃 Might she dance to some wild woman music to embody She-Wolf's wildness? 🐺

🛀 Might she run herself a rose petal bath to embody the softness of Rosa? 🌹

👗 Might she adorn herself with a particular dress or piece of jewellery that has her feeling the feminine energy of who she wants to be? 🐍

What is it that will have you feeling your fullest expression NOW?

This art of adornment has been invaluable to me in creating my life as a healer witch - I have cultivated a relationship with my archetypal remedies and embodied their gold, fully expressing who my soul came here to be. And the good news is, witches tend to be very powerful at archetypal embodiment, too. 🧙‍♀️

As I said to a cherished 1:1 client recently, the question to contemplate is this:

"If you were literally going to step into your unique archetypal remedy, right now, what would that look like?"

I caveat this with the fact that we don't want to RUSH straight to this GOLD embodiment; often there is a process of some deep journeying into the body to excavate our deep wounds first - otherwise this gold embodiment just lacks depth and becomes what I've called 'Goddess dress up' that plasters over our deeper layers of wounding (I'll link to an old blog I wrote on this).

But when we do, one day, arrive at a place where we're feeling kinda 'done' with our wounds, when our 'Old Stories' become 'boring' to us, and we are opening to the 'New Stories' and our heart's vision - maybe, just maybe, it's time to refocus towards reclaiming our gold.

That's when archetypal gold embodiment is potent.

- And, by the way, we will still never feel 'ready' for it.

PS - wherever you are in that journey, whether at healing your wounds or embodying your vision, I can support you into accessing your wisdom and becoming the woman who creates what your heart desires. Reach out - there are access points at all levels. ♥️

⁣All my love ♥️ ⁣

Nicole x