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Wisdom & Insight

Why we do the work... Reason #4 Creative Power

Why we do the work... Reason #4 Creative Power

“My point is, it was only the "deep work" of real healing that helped me to own my inner Creatrix and learn to claim my feminine soft-power to create life differently and own my healing gifts. Before that, I felt powerless. Learning to *heal my power* was absolutely VITAL in helping me manifest life differently - and create a magical life as a healer.”

- Nicole Barton

Before I entered 'the work' I was living a busy, chaotic, mundane life, that I felt trapped in. I hear many of the women who feel the call to the 'deep work' of becoming a healer feeling the same, whilst simultaneously feeling that 'the work' is also 'non-essential' and 'self-indulgent". Both ideas which can stop us fully choosing it.

Why we do the work... Reason #3 Health

Why we do the work... Reason #3 Health

“I no longer suffer with any of the 'incurable' health challenges I had - no paralysed face, no chronic fatigue, no endometriosis, no chronic cystitis, no diabetes, no thyroid issues. Instead, the healing work has me energised, vital, and healthy. To me, that makes this the most *vital* and essential work of all. And the least selfish - because now I'm able to help others walk the same path and heal themselves, and go onto helping others the same way.”

- Nicole Barton

One of the things that came up for me - and that I hear come up for many women feeling - in the call of soul to the 'deep work' of becoming a healer is the idea that it's 'non-essential' and 'self-indulgent". Both ideas which can (innocently) stop us fully choosing it.

Why we do the work... Reason #2 Family

Why we do the work... Reason #2 Family

“Choosing the work is the least 'self-indulgent' thing we can do: it's life-transforming for *all* of those we touch, and especially our families. It's the best investment I've ever made - and by far the biggest ever reward of it all. “

- Nicole Barton

"Why we do the work" - Reason #2 - FAMILY 👩‍❤️‍👨👩🏼‍🍼

I often hear women fearing that the 'deep work' of becoming a healer will be judged as 'selfish' - and this can be something that stops us choosing it fully. Recently, I've been contemplating all the reasons the deep work of healing and becoming healers is actually necessary - (aka the very opposite) - and there are so many reasons.

Kindred Spirit Feature: Is it in your soul’s plan to be a healer?

Kindred Spirit Feature: Is it in your soul’s plan to be a healer?

“My point of view is that our gifts can only be found in our wounds and we are only initiated into our soul’s plan through challenge. The fears and difficulties we experience in the healer journey are all part of the alchemy - though that’s not how we are taught to see the world.”

~ Nicole Barton

We are so delighted to share a feature we curated for Kindred Spirit Magazine all around 3 unexpected signs it might be in your soul plan to be a healer 🌙🌹✨⁣

Phosphoric Woman

Phosphoric Woman

I used to channel poetry and today, out in the woods, She-Wolf had me reclaim this lost part of my soul expression... So....

Introducing my new poem, 'Phosphoric Woman'...

Sensitive woman,

You weren't born here to play 'small.'

You are made of Phosphoric fire and moons:

You are a beautiful, glorious, messy paradox

of roses and she-wolves.

Kindred Spirit Feature: How to work with Archetypal Remedies for Deep Self-Healing

Kindred Spirit Feature: How to work with Archetypal Remedies for Deep Self-Healing

Highly sensitive and magical souls – who actually have the power to heal themselves (and are often the ‘secret healers’ of the world) – often spend years seeking fixes externally, thinking they need others to heal them. In their feelings of brokenness, they begin to innocently ‘outsource’ their healing power..”

~ Nicole Barton

We are so delighted to share a feature we curated for Kindred Spirit Magazine all around how to work with Archetypal Remedies for Deep Self-Healing 🌙🐺🌹✨⁣

Do you dare to dream your wild dreams? 🐺

Do you dare to dream your wild dreams? 🐺

“Bone by bone, hair by hair, Wild Woman comes back. Through night dreams, through events half understood and half remembered...”

~ Clarissa Pinkola Estés, Women Who Run With the Wolves

Years ago, I was not living my unapologetic wildest dreams and desires as a healer. I didn't even resonate with the idea of being ‘wild’ (quite honestly, the idea terrified me).

There were lost pieces of my wild soul, wounded and shattered, hidden out of sight in my ‘shadow bag’ of wounding, that I’d suppressed and shoved behind me, never to be seen again.

Secretly, I deeply feared *rejection* and I felt *unworthy* - inside and out. I was full of shame. 

Do you feel ‘selfish’ for honouring your soul? Your invitation…

Do you feel ‘selfish’ for honouring your soul? Your invitation…

It may be the first day of your life, the prime of youth or several decades in, when Medicine Woman calls you. Your name on her list. Her new initiate. She crept in whilst you were sleeping, when you over-exerted, when you kissed him, or ate that, or lived there or pushed too hard just one time too many. She crept in and curled up in your cells, your heart, waiting to meet you. Longing to know you. Longing for you to know her, at last…. (Lucy Pearce)

Is it time to ‘re-mother’ yourself and reclaim the real you?

Is it time to ‘re-mother’ yourself and reclaim the real you?

And the real medicine is learning to love those aspects of ourselves back home, and welcome the parts of ourselves that we have shamed and judged and rejected (aka to ‘self-heal’). 

- Nicole Barton

Hello, sensitive one,

Do you ever feel the deep fear and shame at the idea of peeling back your mask and revealing your authentic self? And does that stop you fully opening to your healing gifts?  Perhaps you fear “what will my partner think?  What will my friends think? What will my parents think, if I open to a more magical, meaningful purpose?”.

I so feel your heart, beauty - and I know how tender it can be to even open to a journey of reclaiming our true, authentic selves, when we’ve spent years ‘fitting in’..  Your scared heart is so welcome here.

I remember a time when I simultaneously deeply longed to follow the nudges of a deeper soul calling I had to a more meaningful purpose and life, yet deeply resisted opening to my gifts as a healer, because I felt that my deep sensitivity, my natural (‘woo’) self and my true emotions were ‘too much’ and would be rejected and shamed - by my family, friends or anyone who I told.

What will people think of me if I open to becoming a healer? What if people judge me?

What will people think of me if I open to becoming a healer?  What if people judge me?

My point of view is that what it really means when we have some fears is that we are just on the cusp of actually beginning to see what IS true for us - and that there’s just a bit more healing to do - of our wounded inner healer (who fears losing approval, bless her heart).  It’s really just a deeper call into healing ourselves (which is what our Archetypal Apothecary modality is all about - especially the first layer of SELF - OR ‘SOUL’ - HEALING). 

- Nicole Barton

One of the deep fears that the beautiful, sensitive women who are called to journey with Archetypal Lupa is that they find themselves stuck in wondering:

“What will people think of me if I become a healer?  What if people judge me? Can I really do this?”

And oh my heart, I so feel you in this one, if this is you, beauty.  I know how the fear of losing   a p p r o v a l   can stop us from even ‘accessing’ our deeper wisdom and wilder dreams and yearnings for a more meaningful life, living our soul purpose.

How She-Wolf helped me open to my gifts as a healer through the fear of rejection and losing approval… 🐺

How She-Wolf helped me open to my gifts as a healer through the fear of rejection and losing approval… 🐺

Archetypal Lupa - or She-Wolf - offers an energetic ‘permission slip’ to be our true, authentic selves.  To begin to reclaim the parts of our soul that have been lost to this wounding of ‘not enoughness’ - the fear of judgement and rejection, the fear of being ‘outcast’ as a lone wolf, especially for being our true selves. 

- Nicole Barton

Oh, how I know you may resist that label of ‘wild’ (maybe it’s terrifying) - and maybe it also somewhat excites you too, deep down… 

I so feel your heart, because that was once me.  I was contemplating the other day, how I used to feel totally the opposite of ‘wild’ - I felt caged, trapped and contained, not ‘free’ and ‘fully expressed’.  I felt stuck in a dull, grey mundane life - a life I just didn’t feel fulfilled in. I see now, I was the Archetypal “Good Girl”; I lived my life in fear of judgement and rejection, seeking approval, sticking close to the conditioning that ‘success’ looked a certain way, and that I had to ‘fit into’ that. And, in contorting myself this way, I dishonoured my ‘No’ and shoved down and shamed my true authentic self-expression, keeping myself small.  

Of course, I knew somewhere, deep down, that I had ‘wild’ emotions - sometimes rage or deep emotional outbursts - but I shamed these ‘wild emotions’ as ‘too much’ (whilst feeling ‘not enough’) - feeling like the ‘weird’ one, who couldn’t just be ‘normal’ like everyone else and contain my raw feelings.  

Imagine… A day in the life of a healer…

Imagine… A day in the life of a healer…

‘The world needs the unique Remedy you’re here to offer.’

- Nicole Barton

Will you come on a journey with me? Imagine, just for a moment, that you step out of the life you are in right now - you’re just 3 years older, wiser, more expressed, and you’ve been on a journey of initiation into the woman you long to become.​​​​​​​​​

You’re now what people would call a ‘medicine woman’ - a true healer. You’re a woman who has been into the depths of her own wounds and learned to alchemise them into gold - and you’ve gained the kind of embodied wisdom and beauty that you see in women who have crinkly foreheads, and kind eyes. You’re an ‘old soul’ kind of medicinal one, a sensitive one, who knows and embraces her uniqueness.

Have you read our feature on Kindred Spirit? How to harness the power of Archetypal Gold to nurture your soul (and others)

Have you read our feature on Kindred Spirit? How to harness the power of Archetypal Gold to nurture your soul (and others)

“We all want the alchemical gold - yet very few of us are prepared to do the necessary deep work to lovingly reclaim it from within the darkness...  This January, I share how we can harness Archetypal Remedy ‘Aurum’ (Gold) to truly reclaim our power to kick-start your New Year - if you are feeling courageous enough for true, loving healing…”

- Nicole Barton

We are so delighted to share a feature we curated for Kindred Spirit Magazine all around our Archetypal Apothecary Remedy Aurum 🌟✨⁣

We all want the alchemical gold - yet very few of us are prepared to do the necessary deep work to lovingly reclaim it from within the darkness... This January, I share how we can harness Archetypal Remedy ‘Aurum’ (Gold) to truly reclaim our power to kick-start your New Year - if you are feeling courageous enough for true, loving healing…

Are you harnessing the True art and science of healing?

Are you harnessing the True art and science of healing?

"The real truth is, our work in healing is never done. If you keep going with 'quick fixes' you will forever need a guide, yes. In the Archetypal Apothecary path, though, I'm teaching you to own your POWER to *heal yourself.* That might take a little longer to learn to begin with - but then you've got your *own tools* for a lifetime - and you know your power to use them."

~ Nicole Barton

I was having a rich conversation with one of my previous guides, and now dear friend, Lian a little while ago, in which we were talking about what had unfolded since I had a shamanic healing with her.

I've been in the deep work, since the healing, of reclaiming a lost part of my soul from young adulthood - and I have found myself being nudged back to old commitments from that time, including movement, yoga, music and horse-riding.

And what stood out in our conversation for me was something I've been saying for a while about how healing isn't something to 'go to someone else for' and expect a "quick fix"; it's about learning how to *integrate* what comes up in our healings for ourselves.

Do you shame your powerful Feminine full expression?

Do you shame your powerful Feminine full expression?

"Now, it is an embodiment practice that I recommend to all the women who walk this path - because we can harness this art to embody the woman we want to become. I often invite women to adorn themselves with something that represents the Archetypal Remedy they are working with, for example Gold jewellery for Aurum."

~ Nicole Barton

Do you shame your powerful Feminine full expression?

I have changed somewhat in how much of the 'glamorous' side of me I'm willing to express - even in what could be seen as 'mundane' situations. 

I wore this to visit a potential school today, to decide about where and when to send Miss L for her education. I realised, as I went out the door, that most people probably wouldn't wear a beautiful white fluffy coat (from the moment I put it on I felt magical) and bright red lips to such a mundane event. I most certainly wouldn't have done in the past. 

And though I was always actually raised to wear 'pretty' dresses (and not jeans because they weren't 'Feminine' - I specify that because the appreciation for Feminine beauty in early life is actually quite a rare experience, and part of my gift) - somewhere in life, I learned to *shame* the part of me that loved Feminine glamour. 

Is your womb calling you into your Feminine soft-power? Resources for you… 🌹🌟

Is your womb calling you into your Feminine soft-power? Resources for you… 🌹🌟

"I myself used to suffer with deeply debilitating womb pains and endometriosis, and I've also been through much womb trauma (my baby's birth a great example). Each of these initiations has revealed something of my gifts, shown me the way back into my body and helped me learn how to heal myself by honouring my true Feminine soft-power nature. "

~ Nicole Barton

We are taught to look at 'symptoms' as things that are “wrong” and need "fixing", in our modern culture. 

I don't see it this way - and sometimes, I forget how radical my magical worldview is. I forget to point out what is obvious to me, yet rarely seen by the rest of the world.

Because my worldview is that any "symptoms" are messengers from the body. 

From our *intelligent* bodies - which hold a deep and ancient wisdom of how to heal innately. 

We are just so used to outsourcing our healing power in this modern world - to doctors, or things that numb, drugs, alcohol, TV, sex, work - that we don't see this truth that we can heal ourselves. 

My worldview is that 'symptoms' are our initiations back into our self-healing power.