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How Your Resistance is Calling You to Embody the Power and Magic of Your Wild Witch...

How Your Resistance is Calling You to Embody the Power and Magic of Your Wild Witch...

“I'm deeply called to your work, but I'm just not sure if I'm a Witch, I feel so much resistance to the Witch!"

~ Secret Witches

Mmm, this *exact* resistance is one that comes up frequently for women who are beginning to take the tender first steps into the path I share; the path of Living your Wild Alchemy. And it makes perfect sense, and is completely welcome. 

Quite magically, though, this resistance is (paradoxically) the exact reason why this work is the exact *medicine* you need.  You see, the wild Witch really offers you a story by which to understand your life - a mirror that, when held up for you to see into your own Soul, helps you discover who you really are. She helps you see all the places hidden within you that are also hidden within her - both the wounds and the gold. 

What that means is she is a powerful and medicinal archetype who - if you are willing to submit to her - will have you embody all the wild longings of your heart, and have you be able to look courageously into your darkness and reclaim the beauty from within it.

You see, whilst this archetype initially conjures up ideas about spells and potions, it's actually so much deeper than that; and you may or may not resonate with her spell making.  Instead, you may resonate with her love of the wild, her healing capacity, her manifestation abilities, her intuitive wisdom or her feminine power. *Or* you might also resonate with her wounds

And so, the resistance you feel is likely fear - because if you're feeling resonant with the Witch, hers is a story that also *activates* your wounds - the fear of being outcast, the fear of your wasted potential because your power scares the world, the fear of not being enough - just as you are, the doubts you have about your power (think Glinda the Good Witch in the Wizard of Oz - “you always had the power my dear, you just had to learn it for yourself”), the way you hide and keep yourself small in case you're burned at the stake, the way you have been judged for your magic, the way you seek love, approval and security instead of allowing yourself to fully use your gifts. The Witch likely *activates* you - because she *is* you.

And so, her wounds will speak to your truth, because you're living her story. The good news is that, if you choose to move through the fear that her story brings alive for you, then all the other part of you - the golden parts you deeply (and probably unconsciously) long for will *also* come alive. 

The *power* and *magic* of the Witch.

If you let her, and listen to Her deeper call from Soul, the Witch will activate and alchemise you into the woman you truly long to be. Your wildest desires will become reality. Because the Witch is a magical, powerful being; she's not to be feared - she is of deep service to the world in her gifts. In her deep Feminine power, she is a wild, radiant, magical, healing, creative force of nature.

The reason you are *called* to her is because she is already within you, and she is your activation medicine. Likewise, the very reason you *resist* her is also because she is your medicine. Becoming who you long to be - who you really are - feels vulnerable and courageous.  It's the work of Soul, the work of magic, the work of powerful reclamation. It can be scary, it can bring resistance - and it is all welcome. 

And yet, somehow, it's the only work really ever worth doing, because it allows you to fully express who you are. 

How long will you keep resisting?

With love,

Nicole x