I’m not here to tell you the next step; I’m here to help you uncover your own magic, your own power, your own truth. That’s the witch’s medicine — to reflect what’s within, even when it’s uncomfortable.
- Nicole Barton
I’m not your average Guide (the power of the witch) 🧙♀️🔥🪞
I am not your average 'guide' 🧙♀️🔥🪞
It's taken me a long time to own the fact that I'm not what you'd call a 'normal' guide, coach or healer.
Like many Secret Witches - who fear owning their magic due to the possibility of judgement or rejection - I once *longed* to fit into the various boxes I tried on - 'holistic therapist, homeopath, branding mentor, facilitator, coach' being just some of the labels I 'tried on for size' over the years.
✴️None of them really 'fitted' me.
For a while I would feel I was 'wrong' - like I didn't have a place, and I was 'failing' at being of service. I wanted to be 'normal', which had me unconsciously not own my full potency healing power.
🧙♀️I see now that this is because I was really *born* to be a *witch* - and serve the witch's medicine.
And the witch didn't come here to be the 'same' as everyone else. In fact, she came here to be *different*. It's just that that 'difference' can sometimes have her medicine feared.
Over the years, as I've learned to embrace my inner witch and her apothecary, I've welcomed - and even celebrated - my difference. I've reclaimed that my role is to *activate* people into healing themselves - which can often feel uncomfortable (and sometimes come with a price).
Today, I unintentionally triggered most of my 1:1 clients - and likely some in my Luna group. 🖤
I say 'unintentionally' because, quite honestly, it really isn't something I create with the intent of *triggering* - I hold the vision of loving truth, and I simply reflect that and it holds up a potent mirror. 🪞
In honesty, my own inner little girl still often wishes that we didn't have to enter the uncomfortable cave to find the treasure we seek. 🕳️✨
But the witch, especially, demands it. 🧙♀️🔥
She wants us to face our wounds and alchemise them into our magic. And she asks me to guide women there, which I have at many times in the past resisted.✨
I share this, because I've recently been exploring how my work feels 'different' to that of much mainstream 'self-help' or 'self-love' work - which often offers 'quick fix' 3 steps or 'advice' rather than reflection and mirroring of people's inner wisdom. And because I've also illuminated unconscious patterning around how my inner little girl can feel the fear of being 'different' (and the judgement of 'crazy' - or even 'untrustworthy' - that can sometimes come with that, and breaks my heart). And it feels important to illuminate how my path is 'different' to that of others.
Because the witch is powerful, magical and a symbol of authentic true expression. Which means she came here to awaken women to their *own* power, magic and authentic true expression.
Of course, the witch is not 'mainstream' or 'average' - she's full on magic; made of fire, stars, roses, she-wolves and gold, with moons flowing through her blood. 🩸
In that way, I'm here to be a *mirror* for our power to heal ourselves and reclaim our unapologetically magical full expression - offering potent and alchemical reflections for you. Those sometimes may feel challenging to receive, even though I aim to serve them with the deepest of love (after all, a spoon full of sugar makes the medicine go down, as Mary Poppins said).
In contrast, much mainstream work 'out there' is designed from a projection of advice about what's worked for *one person*.
I'm not here to tell you the 'next step'. I'm here to help you access your *own* wise woman witchy wisdom. In essence, it means my medicine is to hold up a loving mirror to truths that:
🖤 Will reveal what patterns are (innocently) unconsciously creating for you (reclaiming your power)
🖤 Will reflect where you are tempted to outsource your healing (reclaiming your magic)
🖤 Will invite you into the fear of trusting your truth, so you can choose what's truly aligned for your soul (reclaiming your truth).
And, in full and vulnerable transparency, at times this witch medicine can deeply challenging for me to choose to serve and hold.
And, in full and vulnerable transparency, at times this witch medicine can deeply challenging for me to choose to serve and hold. It requires me, often, to get right down into the dirt and grit with you - holding projections, darkness, and sometimes (as women have described themselves) women's inner little girls' (innocent) 'tantrums'. (FYI: it's so healing for our inner little girl's tantrums to be welcomed by another - ask me how I know 😆). It requires me to hold you in truth that might, at times, feel deeply uncomfortable - for us both.
In other words, my work requires me to stand in the fire and invite you into it with me, not shying away from truth. 🔥
And that makes me *different* because *I am willing to walk into the fire with you*
- which isn't your 'average' guide's kinda work.
I'm *with you* fully in the fire.
🔥 No.
🔥 Matter.
🔥 What.
That means I will love you there, cracking my heart open and feeling your pain with you, whilst also holding you to your true power - even and especially when you doubt it. I will hold you in Love and Truth, *always*.
The reason that can feel edgy is because the witch fears being outcast and burned at the stake for being her medicine and speaking that kind of truth.
Aka - for being Femininely powerful, magical and truthful. 🌹⭐🌕🐺
Before now, my devotion to embodying those qualities has sometimes had women choosing 'out' of the path (even sometimes at my own cost), or judging me as a charlatan, or as 'crazy.'
Aka "different". ✨
The very thing I feared for so many years. Yet now, I'm willing to own it as gold. ⭐
I'm seeing that what makes me 'different' is my devotion to be of deep service to your witchy soul - even and especially when it's uncomfortable for us both.
To hold women in their healing requires me to do my own deep work to love myself in whatever comes up for me and my inner little girl in that process (I'm not made of iron, despite how magical and powerful you see me as).
So I've done - and continue to do - the work of returning to LOVE, amidst all the challenge, projection and material for my own liberation that working this way - that being my medicine - provides.
And every time I'm tempted to go into my little girl's wounds and hide my truth in case it's not 'liked', I remember the evidence to inform my confidence that speaking truth is vital. No matter the outcome.
✨ Expression is HEALTH.
It's that which reminds me that being the witch - being 'different' - is my *superpower*. Because I'm here to activate those, like me, who have similar power, magic and truth to bring to the world.
And that means I have to go first - and hold myself in whatever that brings.
So I can say, safely, that you're welcome to drink my medicine or not. You might prefer a 'normal' guide, rather than a magical witch - and that's okay. I will love you deeply whatever is right for you.
You can walk into the fire with me - or not. 🔥🖤
All is welcome - and in truth, it all depends entirely on the edge you want to meet, the vision you're holding, and the kind of guide you desire to support you - which I invite anyone to choose consciously.
I have done the deep work to know that those ready for my "different" (witchy) medicine will choose it, fully.
And those who aren't, won't.
It's just the same for you and those you are here to serve - your full expression will activate and speak to the hearts of those you can help most (and repel those who aren't a fit). 🌹
It's been my deepest alchemy to welcome this witchy 'difference' and superpower. To speak loving truth when it feels it could cost me love, and to choose it in the name of service to women seeing their own deeper wisdom and learning to heal themselves.
I feel so much love and admiration for the many courageous women who *do* choose into that medicine and receive it so open-heartedly and powerfully (both in 1:1 and in my group journeys). You know who you are, courageous ones. ♥️🌹
I'm here for 'Love under Will' because 'Love is the law' (Aleister Crowley).
And so, I'll love you regardless of whether you want to drink the 'different' witchy potion, or not.
Love me or hate me, I will never be your 'average' guide.
I'm magical, powerful and truthful. 🧙♀️
And I will lovingly invite you to choose nothing less than that for yourself.
Nicole x
PS, if you resonate with this, watch this space as something magical is coming soon - sign up to our email list to hear more🌕🧙♀️♥️