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Manifesting our heart's desires, magically- by working with Archetypal Rosa's soft, opening healing

Manifesting our heart's desires, magically- by working with Archetypal Rosa's soft, opening healing


"I hope you will go out and let stories happen to you, and that you will work them, water them with your blood and tears and laughter till they bloom. Till you, yourself, burst into bloom."

~ Clarissa Pinkola Estes

Yesterday the scared 'Secret Witch' in me (who doesn't know her own power and magic) had been feeling some contraction, some fear, some uncertainty. She was full of self-doubt and sadness, grief and loss because there's a lot to hold at the moment. I know we all feel that, collectively.

And a few years back I'd have just either spun deeper and deeper down, or bypassed how I was feeling entirely.

I found myself reflecting, later, on what was different about how I hold that now, and I started to honour the powerful part of myself.

Firstly, instead, I cancelled anything I'd planned for the afternoon to simply sit in the garden listening to the birds, journaling, journeying with my inner child. Letting my tears fall, feeling, healing and alchemising by being with what was there.

Being with my little girl.

And once I'd done that, I then spent some time last night sacred dreaming, visioning, feeling into my heart's deepest desires - the ones beyond the fears that had been arising.


In other words, I harnessed the medicine of the Rose and softened, opened and relaxed to reveal what my soul wanted to fully express.

Asking myself, with full permission-giving: "if none of this has to feel achievable, possible or realistic, what does my heart desire deeply?"

I tended any fear and allowed myself to openly dream and be in connection with my soul and her deepest most vulnerable desires.

And I was surprised what came up - and realised there was so much more to my vision than I'd felt worthy of.

It is this connection to our hearts, to our souls that gets lost in today's modern world, among the pressures of having to fulfill our schedules, having to rush, having to ignore the desires our bodies hold.

And yet, when we truly allow ourselves permission to access it, it is all there, our bodies waiting for us to catch up.

I've already manifested some in-person events - which was part of the reveal of my vision just last night. Overnight I called it in, bringing dreams to reality.

Manifesting my impossible-feeling heart's desires, magically

It is really always a case of softening and opening to manifest and receive what's already there for us - what our soul is already aligned for, and our little girl innocently shuts down.

Which, firstly, requires us to go down and find the thorny shadows that have us convinced otherwise. And secondly, open our hearts to what's truly aligned for us.

It's the*choice* to lovingly allow that permission for ourselves which offers freedom to bloom.

All my love,

if you've any questions, send me an email.

Nicole x