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Solstice & New Moon Ritual

Solstice & New Moon Ritual 🖤🌙

How are we being called to shine our Medicine Woman's healing light into the world?

Happy Winter Solstice, my loves. 🔥🌙✨

The next few days offers a powerful portal of both Yule and New Moon. And so, as we didn't gather in circle this week as planned, my Medicine Woman wants to share a ritual for you as an invitation to enjoy in your own time.

We are celebrating the longest night, and the depths of the darkness returning to light (and magically #darkness was our theme in this group this month) whilst also harnessing the New Moon in Capricorn.

It's a time of reflecting on what the darkness has taught us and beginning to discover what our deeper desires are.

And, with the Capricorn energy, Luna is calling us into an earthy, tangible devotion to our heart's deepest desires (the longer term ones).

We're being asked: how are we being called to shine our Medicine Woman's healing light into the world? (And, of course, that begins with us, first, so this ritual will begin that journey into yourself).

New Moon in Capricorn Yule Ritual

1. Tonight, wait until darkness falls and create yourself some sacred space with cushions, blankets, music (I've recommended a song in the comments), your journal, sage or incense, and a candle so you have a flame visible.

2. Lie down and imagine your heart opening, whilst gazing at the flame, and ask yourself "what are my heart's deepest longings to create in 2023?" Take as long as you need to receive downloads on all that comes up (and allow yourself to not put pressure on yourself to make it all realistic or acceptable)

3. When you're done, capture what gold came up in your journal - and then, separately, journal on what fear has come up for you as you begin to get clarity on what your deeper soul mission is. Notice what this darkness is here to teach you.

4. In whatever way feels loving, tend your fear (this could be something like self massage, bathing in rose petals, or tapping). Create some love in your nervous system.

5. Finally, make your way outside and be under the light of the New Moon - and courageously decree your intention for 2023.

I'd recommend you do this at some point in the next few days to honour the spirit of winter solstice and the new moon.

I would love to hear what comes up for you.

All my love,


if you've any questions, send me an email.

Nicole x