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Trusting Our Medicine Guides

Trusting Our Medicine Guides


 "It is the privilege of a lifetime to become who we really are."

~ Carl Jung


I'm feeling the enormity of my vision at the moment and yet, I've shifted - in my choice to own my power - from a sense of shadowy overwhelm (because, let's be honest, I've got soooo much to tell you about my modality and how it works) into a sense of pure excitement. 

I've been channelling new things - big things - #allthetthings this week and I'm feeling the potency and possibility of what me choosing *fully* into bringing this into the world could create - not for me, but for Wise Women all over the globe who hide and shame their truth and their magic, when it's so needed. 

It feels a big challenge to do this sacred technology justice, if I'm honest - it's like the gift I've been shown I am here for is so much *bigger* than little me, but here I am - it chose me as the soul for its mission. So I MUST be here for it. 

To give some context, what I'm channelling and beginning to birth is essentially a personality profiling system - a bit like Gene Keys or Human Design - grounded in real, sacred ancient magical art and science. 

It's quite literally a huge vision.  One that is life changing, with many facets, much nuance, much gold and much to educate on. 

And if that isn't enough, each Remedy in the personality profiling system also has its own Archetypal essence - which is essentially similar to working with a vibrational "essence".

Because of that, it's also got a very real life of its own - each Archetypal Remedy has a spirit, and acts as a guide for us to journey deeper into ourselves and our gifts.

I've spent so much of my life feeling that 'little me' had to figure out how to bring things like this into the world that, at times - even though I know it's not the way of soul - I've been unconsciously fighting my own Remedies with logic. And today, my heart feels so full to remember that these Remedies are guiding me, and I just need to open to receive their nudges. As I have, more and more has been revealed. 

I feel a deep sense of privilege that this medicine chose me to birth it. That my soul came here to live this out. And I am open to more being show to me. 

Just as Carl Jung said; "it is the privilege of a lifetime to become who we really are."

I feel a deep sense of emotion at this. Because I finally feel an absolute sense of knowing of my deepest purpose.

I can either look at that (from fear) as being "too big for me" - or I can look at it (from love) as  "bigger than me" and see that this means that I'm fully supported.

I'm ready to fully express this modality, following the wisdom of where I'm guided by the Remedies themselves. 

We have to learn to trust our Medicine, to become it fully. 

PS love this image by @thinloth as the Archetypal Equus (Horse) came to me recently to guide me and that feels like pure power 

if you've any questions, send me an email.

Nicole x