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What price are you paying by not choosing soul expression?

What price are you paying by not choosing soul expression? 


  This choice to sacrifice your soul - in order to gain security, control or approval - is often deeply unconscious as the sacrifice you are making by not choosing yourself.  

~ Nicole Barton

One of the common fears that has magical women dance around beginning to walk the path of soul and magic (which I love, by the way - imagine, in your head that I’m dancing with you) is that the cost of living in soul alignment can seem expensive.  

This fear can be of the time investment, financial investment, or the deeper costs of the energetic commitment to showing up to do the deep work - or it can be in the other ways it appears to cost us to step fully into our vision.

Examples of these costs could be us having to give up the way of being that we know feels safe - in the case of our Naja crucible, we have have to be willing to step into the mystery, the unknown, and be willing to give up the shield of armour that we wear to protect ourselves from deeper intimacy - to show up vulnerably. 

And though this journey shows you how to do that, it still takes courage.

Usually, the most obvious objection is the initial financial investment into one of our crucibles - which can occasionally feel edgy.  And when women resist making decisions around financial investment, I have come to know that the deeper, hidden objection is actually the power she will reclaim along the way - which is the biggest (and most unconcious) fear of all…  

Because, if she chooses to enrol into having a the loving support of a guide and her sisters - who does she really have to become?!  

What are the true costs of committing to that?

These costs can seem expensive - and scary to choose into. In all the ways. 

Even when you do feel a deep longing to transform, to create life in a softer, more soul-aligned way that has you able to express your truth and create the business you’ve always *said* you wanted to create.

Yet what my women rarely consider, is the COSTS OF NOT CHOOSING their souls - the deeper costs of being OUT of alignment with their soul - for themselves and their business.  

And this is an important enquiry, because the true costs of being OUT of alignment may just cost you EVERYTHING.

Not choosing to discover your gifts and create your business from soul alignment costs you:

  • Your authentic expression

  • Your connection to your body

  • Your uniqueness

  • Your dreams

  • Your passion

  • Your potential

  • Your joy

  • Your magic

  • Your power

  • The business that’s in your heart

  • Ultimately, it costs you your soul

This choice to sacrifice your soul - in order to gain security, control or approval - is often deeply unconscious as the sacrifice you are making by not choosing yourself.  

And so, I want to offer you a reflection so you can illuminate more.  I invite you to choose to spend some time with the following questions, either out in the wild, or somewhere cosy with candles, cushions and blankets - whatever feels aligned to you.

I’ll leave you with this enquiry: 

  • In what ways is your not-choosing to deepen into your soul expression costing you - personally and in your business? 

  • In which ways is not even *exploring* the alignment of deepening into your soul costing you? 

  • How long are you prepared to stay where you are, paying this price?

If, after you’ve enquired here, you’d like to explore more, I invite you to DM me or email me find out if it’s aligned for you to join us Naja in June.  There’s no cost to asking questions - and it might just help you free your soul.

Email me: info@nicolebarton.co.uk

How long are you willing to keep choosing to stay as you are? 

All my love,

Nicole x