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Are you going to let fear of rejection stop you from creating a magical business?

Are you going to let fear of rejection stop you from creating a magical business?


 “ Sharing, vulnerably, the deepest truth of who we are, courageously - is the most terrifying thing there is - And yet it’s also the most impactful thing we can do, if we are here to be healers and make a difference in the world. 

~ Nicole Barton

I was labelled “mute” when I was in my childhood trauma.  That label stayed with me for most of my life - I remember crying every day I went home from school and had been asked to speak in class, I hid from other children and kept myself to myself - armoured up, just in case I’d be rejected again (because my Dad left, when I was 4 and I was doing everything I could to not have that pain again).

And so, when I came to creating a magical business, it was a real journey of liberating my voice.

I remember firstly starting with writing - that felt safe, and I had a lot to say, so I started sharing on a blog.  And then came the social media criticism - 

I remember sharing a post on Twitter about homeopathy - and someone responded saying “you’re a charlatan”.  I was mortified and nearly deleted the post, but there was something bigger than me that stopped me - I knew I had a message to share and I wanted the WHOLE WORLD to know the medicine that homeopathy was.  It had healed me from chronic illness several times in my life, and I BELIEVED in the magic of it - even if no one else did.

That fear had me hiding my voice.

I remember going to Bali and training in yoga and sharing in circle that it was time I started to share more of my voice.  I was mid-divorce, and the man I’d married called me ‘wierd’ for sharing post around spirituality on social media. That was my first video, criticised.  Rejection, again, calling me into my medicine.

I started to share my voice more and more - I stood on stages in large exhibitions, talking about my magical subjects, I spoke at venues across London, and shared my message at festivals, and on radio - and across magazines and publications that went out to literally millions of people.

And it was liberating as hell - but it had very little impact, because the message I was sharing was NOT MY UNIQUE MESSAGE, but a deeper spiritual truth, that was universal.

No one cared.  And I didn’t understand why.

Fast forward to a transformative journey with soul, where I reclaimed my soul and healed my unique self-expression and rejection wounds, and I now see why my business wasn’t having impact.

I wasn’t sharing MY UNIQUE STORY.

You see, the deepest fear that I hit up against in creating my magical business was leaning into the edge of sharing MY FULL EXPRESSION - because that’s the edgiest it will get.

Sharing, vulnerably, the deepest truth of who we are, courageously - is the most terrifying thing there is -

And yet it’s also the most impactful thing we can do, if we are here to be healers and make a difference in the world. 

Essentially, the more expressed we can be - the more we can share our unique Archetypal story - the more medicine that will be for others.

The more I showed up authentically, shared my truth, from an integrated but vulnerable place, the more I created my vision to heal and serve.  And created the freedom, joy, and juicy fulfilled life and business that I’d longed for all along.

The challenge is, there’s usually one thing in the way of us doing that:


The deeper Witch Wound fear of rejection and being outcast for sharing our story is what needs healing to make an impact in the world with our business.

We can be called to liberating that wound, by our body - we can feel the call of our hearts to a journey of freedom with our voice, but the deeper fears of rejection, trust, our power, investment, energy - aka #allthethings - can creep in and make it seem like that journey isn’t safe.

I feel you, because it’s still scary, at times, for me to meet my edge in sharing my story now.  

But I know, once I look at the fear in the way, that it’s aligned.

My body calls to me to let me know “this is important”, “and this”.

Fear will always distract us - especially when we have wounding from childhood that says sharing our magical voice isn’t safe.

And it’s knowing how to tend our little girls so that we can choose more consciously to follow what’s aligned.

We’ll be diving into this in our month long integration of this in Naja on the 8th June.


Will you allow your body to choose to join us, or is fear louder than your vision?

And, what could life look like if you did?

if you've any questions, send me an email.

Nicole x