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The Universe isn’t going to choose alignment FOR you, my love.

 The Universe isn’t going to choose alignment FOR you.


 In our business, if we wait to take action until we have clarity, then we will never have clarity - because it’s in the action and expression that truth is revealed.

~ Nicole Barton

Oof, that’s a bit of a potent and triggering one, if we feel into it honestly, isn’t it?  I meant it’s probably one that will mess with your spiritual paradigm for sure, so I’m here to love you in that.

And, I mean, on one hand, there is a truth that the Universe and spirit often does actually choose for us - because we’ve not taken the aligned action to choose for ourselves…

But is that REALLY how we want to be living?  Floating around, ‘seeing what happens’ and ‘waiting to see what clarity we get’ but not hearing any ‘inner guidance’?

Lost, confused in our transitions, without an inner sense of guidance?

That’s a hard place to live from.  Trust me, I know it well.

And it’s wounding - because it doesn’t feel good (yes, it might feel like a relief after YEARS of people pleasing and running around doing everything to try and fix, but it’s still not a nice place to be when you’re wanting to bring a tangible business into the world).

PLEASE don’t get me wrong, I’m not advocating that we flip into the opposite end of the pole and deny spirit and the Universe altogether - that’s just as shadowy.

Trusting spirit is a HUGE part of my path - all the Archetypal Remedies we journey with are essentially spirit guides.  I’m not against trusting the Universe at all.

What I am suggesting, is that there’s a NEW OPPORTUNITY provided in our Archetypal Apothecary Mystery School in which you can learn to integrate the two, and learn to co-create with Soul + Spirit.

Because this idea of giving our power away to the Universe is the CORE misunderstanding in the spiritual world that I have come to see impacts our BUSINESS CREATION MOST.

I see so many aspiring spiritual leaders and healers bypassing the signals of their body wisdom and waiting for a sign for the universe before they know what to do.  Which is just what I did, and what I’ve journeyed with myself, hence now being able to teach it.


  1. They’re waiting for the Universe to decide for them - I call this “Universal Will”.  And they’ll likely feel lost, confused and uncertain of how to move forward here.

  2. They do this because they are fed up of forcing and pushing and trying hard and getting no where with their “Personal Will”.

  3. When they actually have what magician, Alistair Crowley, called “True Will” - aka what I call “Soul Will.”

And living from Soul Will, is essentially the journey of learning to channel Universal Will as Soul (which essentially means, acting as a human bodily channel for spirit to flow as).

In my experience, trusting only Universal Will or Personal Will usually doesn’t feel good or create a juicy fulfilling life of flow.

It take the journey into Soul to live from deep alignment and truly flow.

Because from Soul Will, we are able to channel spirit, and harness that energy by taking aligned action in the direction of what serves us and our Soul’s True WIll (aka live as the medicine we were born here to be).

To create the magical lives + businesses we long for, we need to be the full expression of our soul.

And if we’re allowing the Universe alone to choose that, without going deep into the well of our bodies and learning to trust those, we’re missing a critical step in actualising our gifts.

Yes, of course, the Universe can close doors it’s meant to close, and it can open doors for us - but we have to consciously choose to walk through them.

If we wait for those doors to open themselves, and for us not to have to do any walking, then we risk losing the opportunity we were born here for.

In our business, if we wait to take action until we have clarity, then we will never have clarity - because it’s in the action and expression that truth is revealed.

The invitation is to take aligned action on our body’s signals.

So, what’s your body calling you into?

If you’d like to learn more, we’ll be journeying into this in Naja in our upcoming crucible on June 8th. 

Claim your Space.

if you've any questions, send me an email.

Nicole x