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Are you Feeling Triggered by me?

Are you Feeling Triggered by me?


 “ In peeking, courageously, into that mirror she saw her own power to fully express her own magic.”

~ Nicole Barton

It takes a deep level of courage to choose into this work - often the choosing of the work itself is an initiation. And I'm here to love you in that.

I felt such a depth of love this morning for a magical woman who courageously opened to share with me, very powerfully, that she was feeling triggered by me. She's given me permission to share this, as it feels deeply serving.

Her message arrived to my inbox to let me know she was considering joining Naja, because she'd been feeling strangely drawn to it and was being nudged by magical synchronicity - a Snake arrived at her front door (she's not the first woman to share this)

AND she also shared, vulnerably, that she had, in full honesty, felt deeply triggered by my posts.

She found herself vascilating between feeling (her words about me) "who does she think she is to say people aren't living from soul? Is it really ok to talk like that?" and "she's incredibly brave speaking her truth".

And, I want to honour her, because instead of dismissing it, she chose to courageously open and go into her own inner work and reflect on this and arrived at seeing, courageously, that this trigger was her medicine. Even more courageously, she shared it with me.

She had felt I was holding a mirror that she didn't want to look at full on and that I was forcing her to look. And when she softened and looked, she saw that there was no forcing, and I was actually there just waiting for her to see the fullness of her own magic - and reflecting not to be afraid.

In peeking, courageously, into that mirror she saw her own power to fully express her own magic.

I share this important post for a few reasons:

One, because I *know* she's not alone in this - other women will be feeling the same way, and hearing this will be a balm for them.

Two, because I deeply desire for those of you who *are* feeling the same way to know that *all* of you is loved and welcome in my space - including the triggered parts of you that feel "too much" to share. You will be loved in this journey - in ways that some women have described that they've not experienced before.

And three, because what's revealed from this, is that it can take a deep amount of *courage* and vulnerability to choose into the liberating truth that is on offer here in this path. Which this particular woman did choose.

The magic is, that *all* of this is really Naja's medicine.

I'm merely a channel for her Snake essence - and the fact this magical one journeyed through this material for her liberation means the alchemy has already begun. So, if you too, are feeling triggered by my posts, it is Naja's essence that I'm prescribing into the world - and if you choose it that way, there's a magical gift on offer.

It is my medicine to channel the loving truth of the Archetypal Remedies - and my life's deepest work is to do this as cleanly as possible so it can activate those who *need* the medicine. By this, I mean, it's down to me to clean my energy of any shadow that's 'mine' and not pure channelling, so the remedies can express into the world through me purely.

My heart is so full that this woman shared with me, and the deeper intimacy co-created from that place is medicine for us all.

I want to offer 3 invitations if you, too, feel triggered by my (and Naja's) expression:

1. Firstly, can you open your heart and lean into the deepest of love for yourself - can all triggered parts of you be *truly* welcome, as they are here?

2. Secondly, are you willing to find the courage to look in the mirror?

3. Thirdly, please do reach out to me and share what your trigger is - and let me love you in it so we can alchemise.

All of you is welcome here - your fullest expression - and really that's the truest alchemy of all with Naja.

if you've any questions, send me an email.

Nicole x