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Aspiring Feminine Healing Leaders - Is Your Shadow Trying To Speed You Up In Your Soul Biz?

Aspiring Feminine Healing Leaders - Is Your Shadow Trying To Speed You Up In Your Soul Biz?

“It's likely your deepest life's work (as is the work of my lifetime) is to open to true Feminine creation.”

- Nicole Barton


So let's speak truth to a pattern I see in my witchy aspiring heart-led Feminine healers and leaders (aka Feminine Witches).

Often, you will be problem aware - in other words, you'll KNOW that you were born for a life of MORE than you've currently been living.

More deeply, you'll KNOW you want to create a magical, spiritual healing business from Feminine SOUL - not BURNOUT (though you may not call it this yet - you might think of it as your 'spiritual business', not your 'soul' business).

And yet, TRUTHBOMB (#1):


Your shadow is expecting to create your soul business from the very same shadowy *HUSTLE* speed that had you burn out in your corporate careers.


You've exchanged hustle in working for SOMEONE ELSE for hustle in working for YOURSELF. Push push push, faster, baby, faster.

What you don't yet know is that the ONLY route to a TRULY magical soul aligned business is to SLOW TF DOWN.

Feminine soul knows no time.

Oh how I know this pattern. This has been a big one for me to journey with - so I feel you.

It's likely your deepest life's work (as is the work of my lifetime) is to open to true Feminine creation. To open to slow, deep intimacy with yourself in which you're willing to do the deep work to INTEGRATE and HEAL all the parts of you that fear the Feminine being seen as lazy, or weak, or not enough (or the multitude of other stories that you might have).

If you're not doing that, you'll simply carry the same shadowy pattern from corporate into your own biz.



It wasn't *corporate* that burned you out - it was *your* unconscious shadow around the Feminine. Loving and owning your power around this wants healing before anything else. 😏


If you're rushing to discover your gifts and create the perfect looking business - without doing the deep shadow work to uncover why you're rushing - you're currently creating your "Feminine" business from unconscious shadow patterns, not soul. (And not from the 'Masculine' as you might think, either - because you're a Feminine essence being - but from Feminine shadow.)

And you were born here to be an open-hearted, fully embodied, powerful, soul-paced Feminine leader - am I right?! 💃🔥🌹

PS - that doesn't look like "doing nothing" either - that's just the opposite end of the same shadow pole...

if you've any questions, send me an email.

Nicole x