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Do you have a Love-Hate relationship with magic? ✨

Do you have a Love-Hate relationship with magic? ✨

"To return to who you are, via the Remedies of the Wild, you'll need to be prepared to open your heart and mind wider than what is "known" and choose fully into the unknown - the unmeasurable art of magic."

~ Nicole Barton

One thing that has become apparent to me is that my women often have a love/hate relationship with magic.

Phosphoric women (that is the constitutional Remedy that my women are typically born as) often become Secret Witches (who doubt their own magic). This is largely because, whilst they are born with a sensitivity to other worlds and are deeply magical, their sensitivity often gets layered over with wounding. They learn to deny who they are, for fear of approval, and being burned at the stake. They learn their beautiful sensitivity isn't welcome. And then, they become anxious, fearful and closed off to the very magic they came here for, instead of claiming their gold.

I was reflecting on that this week, with my own soul guide, because I noticed that often, whilst my women are drawn to magic by every fibre of their being, many of my women can also be skeptical of the Remedies of the Wild, and the philosophy underpinning them. In fact, so can the rest of the world. Homeopathy - which is the foundation of the Remedies of the Wild that I dose energetically (no longer in the traditional sense - more on this soon) - often gets a lot of stick for being "woo." 

And I don't see any problem with that, because it is simply being judged and measured by a paradigm that decided itself what the rules are about how we measure science - and then said that everything that 'wasn't that' was wrong.

Homeopathy has a philosophy to it, and it is an art. Ultimately, it is magic. And that's really important to know, because the only way to successfully activate the Remedies of the Wild is by invoking them; by calling them in, magically. Those who don't do that, and choose to remain closed off, will rarely recieve the potent medicine on offer. 

And magic really can't be measured by science (at least not fully and effectively in the way science currently desires), because it is MAGIC. And magic, to me, is also, the word for everything that hasn't been able to be explained by Science (yet). I've nothing against the Scientific paradigm and the way it measures (and the work it does); I'm just clean and clear on how it works, and the fundamental contrast to Magic.

As Dean Radin says in his book, Real Magic - when we do attempt to measure the 'extra-ordinary' scientifically, often - despite scientifically significant results - some in the scientific community say “extraordinary phenomena requires extraordinary evidence”, which initially wasn’t available. Having said that, with more research (particularly as meta studies have been carried out) we’ve seen that we are beginning to create extraordinary evidence for magic existing (if not yet an understanding of how that maps science's model of significance).

So, you see, the Remedies of the Wild exist outside of what we currently know scientifically. And that's the deep beauty of them; because they initiate us back into the lens of magic, and back to that open, beautiful, magical sensitivity that our culture has lost. 

Yet, so often, my women want scientific proof that this will 'work' for them - and I get it, because that's how we are used to seeing the world, in a society that only knows science and logic.

And still, to return to who you are, via the Remedies of the Wild, you'll need to be prepared to open your heart and mind wider than what is "known" and choose fully into the unknown - the unmeasurable art of magic.

It is a hard choice to make, but I can promise you it is worth it in the life force you will free up (from resisting it, alone).

If you're resonating with this, it's likely you're a magical one. And the question is, will you lean into liberating your fears about that?

In October, I'll be leading a new group crucible to help sensitive women invoke their magic via the Remedies of the Wild - called Invoke Your Wild Apothecary. There's no information other than that, yet, but register interest via the group crucibles page below be the first to hear:


if you've any questions, send me an email.

Nicole x