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Do you Struggle to Trust your Guides?

Do you Struggle to Trust your Guides?


 “ What’s more vulnerable to admit is I look back and see how I blamed them for that, instead of taking the beautiful lessons that came out of it and owning my power.  I had one really big initiation with this, in which I outsourced my power to a guide, and paid tonnes thinking that they would ‘fix’ my problems.  And the biggest takeaway I got from that was that I was giving my power away to someone else.”

~ Nicole Barton

Oh have I journeyed with mistrusting my Guides over the years?  And this is a really common fear that comes up when magical women are thinking about joining our Mystery School to discover their purpose + create a business from them.

I have had many a Teacher, Spiritual Guide, Mentor, Coach + Soul Guide over the years, ranging in investment from a few hundred pounds to tens of thousands - and in truth, when working with many of them, I’ve hit up against not creating what I wanted to create.

It feels vulnerable to share that - and against the grain when I’m here to guide women myself, but in my journey with guides from the self-help and personal development world I took away very little of what I’d hoped to gain.

What’s more vulnerable to admit is I look back and see how I blamed them for that, instead of taking the beautiful lessons that came out of it and owning my power.  I had one really big initiation with this, in which I outsourced my power to a guide, and paid tonnes thinking that they would ‘fix’ my problems.  And the biggest takeaway I got from that was that I was giving my power away to someone else.

I share this because my mission on this earth is to guide women into their own souls.  And that’s the biggest difference between the work I do and the work many other coaches do - particularly business coaches.

And yet, because women have only really had experience of the kind of guidance that offers “solutions” - rather than guides them into their own bodies and souls so that they can find the answers - there can be a deep resistance to ‘trusting’ what their souls are being called to.

Often women will feel the call to my crucibles, but because they feel they’ve been burned before, they will mistrust the possibility, mistrust me, and mistrust the very call of their OWN SOUL to something that their heart is begging for them to choose.

I get it - and I speak truth directly to it - because THAT WAS ME.

When I first came to the descent to soul, I didn’t trust anyone.  I didn’t trust my Soul Guide, and in honestly, she confronted me in the most triggering way that forced me to submit to my own soul.  

She gave me two choices: I could either trust what my soul had chosen into with MANIFESTING HER as my Guide, or I could choose out.

I felt the truth of this needed to learn to submit to my own soul’s choices, and so I chose to trust.

And I’m so glad I did - because it was the deepest healing alchemy and cracking open to love that I’ve ever experienced.

It was also the ONLY time where I learned I had the power to manifest my own vision, own my power and create my soul’s deepest longings.  It was the one time I created success in my business, where I NEVER had before.

The Gold in this, is that our soul will call us - letting us know via the body’s sensations - to what is aligned for us.  Oftentimes, our fears and our wounds and our past experiences will pop in, creating doubt - telling us that we can’t trust others.

And it’s all really part of intimacy wounding.  It will appear as a lack of trust in others - whether guides, or anyone we are in relationship with - but it is really a manifestation of a deeper - even more heart-breaking - lack of trust of OURSELVES.

Which is really a lack of trust of our SOULS.

Fear can get in the way of us knowing what’s truly aligned - so a big part of my support is helping you ascertain what’s FEAR and what’s TRUTH, so that you can TRUST your own true, deep choices.  You can know this, by tuning into your body and seeing whether you’re in fear or love.

This is why my work is so DIFFERENT.  I’m not here to Guide you away from yourself, into solutions and quick fixes - like many business coaches will. 

I’m here to guide you into YOUR OWN WISDOM.



So that you can own your power to create your deepest vision.

In honesty, that’s very different to most guides.  AND, there’s also a medicine in the times where we haven’t created what we desired, if we open to it - our soul chooses everything - even if we chose it unconsciously.

If your body is communicating a pull to that, that’s your soul communicating.  

The question is - will you trust yourself?

If you’d like to begin that journey, we’ll be journeying with beginning to connect more deeply to your soul so that you can discover + begin to express your magic into the world as a business, in our latest Archetypal Apothecary Mystery School group program coming up on June 8th.  


Here are some words from a previous group program participant: 

“Before this journey, I hadn’t really believed in my magic side, I’d been discovering it but not really trusting it. But in the final circle, a few women bathed me in words like “transcendent and other-worldly” and it confirmed my magic; something that I’d been doubting about myself.”

- Laura Hill, Crucible Participant

if you've any questions, send me an email.

Nicole x