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Going into the sensitive wisdom of the body…

Going into the sensitive wisdom of the body…


"I had no trust, back when I had a paralysed face, that I could heal myself (even though I had done it before, a million times over, and healed others) - and yet, taking the deepest plunge yet into trusting my body wisdom, even when it was terrifying had me not only heal my supposedly ‘incurable’ face, but it was also the initiation that had me discover my deepest purpose…  These portals often are."

~ Nicole Barton

Unfurling into our body wisdom...  🌹💃

Today, I remembered back to a time three years ago when, despite  having a great deal of wisdom about listening to my body (it’s been a lifetime’s initiation for me), I was still unconsciously choosing to ignore it - and it left me with an entirely paralysed face on the right side.

It was mid-pandemic and I was about to give birth and I’d been pushing and forcing my way through life, despite knowing that there was a deeper intelligence to life - a universal wisdom in my body - that was growing my baby.  

I was still ignoring the wise nudges of my body saying “slow down, please”.  And because of that, my body manifested numbness (quite literally).

I was simultaneously hypervigilant *and* ignoring my body at the same time.

And I share this because it was through that experience that I became initiated into soul - into my true, deeper purpose - and I owned my body’s deep wisdom, feeling, revealing and healing all the things that I’d spent so long ignoring because I didn’t want to see (even though I was already a healer at the time).

You see, what we're really journeying with in our upcoming Rosa crucible is an unfurling into our wildly sensitive bodies, and learning to open ourselves to really *hearing* them speak. Perhaps, often, for many women, this might be for the first time - and for others, it will be a deepening.

You see, our bodies *feel* everything; they're the keepers of our desires, the homes of our wise women, the harbourers of our truth. 

They are infinitely wise, trustworthy and intelligent. 

Yet, for so many of us women, we've learned (innocently) - in a world that doesn't value a wise woman's deep ancient wisdom - to shame and shut down our pleasure, our warning signs, our desires, our knowing.

🖤 We've learned our bodies and their Feminine wisdom aren't welcome.

In other words, all the soft, sensitive signals of our bodies that let us know how to *navigate life* have become banished.

We've become so disconnected from body, and its creative power - culturally - that we are overriding our nudges, our wisdom, our calls and soft pleas which say "please, this way, not that way".

The nudges from sensations that call to us:

🌹 Please don't push me, I'm tired

🌹 I'm a "no" to that

🌹 I'm scared

🌹 I'm a "yes" to this

🌹 Can we be tender?

🌹 Can we start our day with some self massage?

🌹 Let's move - I'm feeling tense and stuck

🌹 This is the right way!

And, especially, the call that says:

🌹 “I know I’m here to be a healer, teacher or guide to others, to make a meaningful impact in the world.”  - This call of the body usually gets stuffed right down, ignored and shamed due to the terrifying fear that comes with it - whether the fear comes at the ‘opening to our gifts’ phase, the ‘discovery of our gifts’ phase or the ‘expression of our gifts’ phase.

You see, we have learned to shut all that knowing down with logic, fear and mistrust. 

To conform to a world that we sensitive ones just don't fit into.

💔 And it's heartbreaking to me that women feel they can no longer honour their bodies and the wisdom held in them, for fear of being judged if they do, for fear of losing security or control in their mundane lives.

I feel your scared heart, beauty. And I also feel your body calling you into another way...

💃 One that feels softer, more alive, more juicy, more raw, more honest, more connected, more meaningful.

💃 One that allows you to open your heart to the possibility (despite fear) that you are here for a deeper, more impactful purpose - as a healer, teacher or guide.

And I know your suppression of this deep desire is also likely costing you in subtle ways you're not aware of - that low energy, pain or numbness, or perhaps overwhelm and low mood, or that hypervigilent nervous system.

These are all your body's communications, to let you know you're being called, pleaded with, to please listen. 

The medicine for this is to allow yourself to begin to open - open your heart to a new way, open your heart to your wisdom, open to hearing truth, open to possibility. Even if that’s terrifying - you can go at your own soul’s pace.

I had no trust, back when I had a paralysed face, that I could heal myself (even though I had done it before, a million times over, and healed others) - and yet, taking the deepest plunge yet into trusting my body wisdom, even when it was terrifying had me not only heal my supposedly ‘incurable’ face, but it was also the initiation that had me discover my deepest purpose…  These portals often are.

Rosa is here to help you begin to tune in more deeply to your body, open to more pleasure, more richness, more connection, more self-love, more groundedness, more softness. 

She's here to help you choose - finally - to open through the fear to hear your body's soft calls, so she can relax, open, soften, and fully express to you whatever wisdom she needs you to know.  

She’s here so that - regardless of whether you’ve already trained in a healing modality, or you’re just feeling the call to - you can begin to open to your purpose as a healer, teacher or guide and lean into the fear so that you can share your gifts with the world…

The question is - how long are you willing to stay ignoring her? 

Or will you soften, and let her be your humble, wise, beautiful, nurturing guide?

Will you let her guide you into the purpose you were born here for?

I know she will thank you for the latter.

Link to Rosa if your body is hearing the call and you'd like to choose to listen to her... ♥️


What others say about this journey…

“Before this journey, I hadn’t really believed in my magic side, I’d been discovering it but not really trusting it. But in the final circle, a few women bathed me in words like “transcendent and other-worldly” and it confirmed my magic; something that I’d been doubting about myself.” - Laura Hill, Crucible Participant

All my love,

if you've any questions, send me an email.

Nicole x