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What is Hering's universal healing "law of cure"?

What is Hering’s universal healing “law of cure”?


“Because the body is more clever than we know. It will reveal to us where our healing lies. And it will do so at the pace we are ready to journey.”

~ Nicole Barton

Sometimes when I talk to women I can predict - just by knowing their Archetypal Remedy constitution - their natural physical health patterns through life.

"Oh, you experienced a lot of tonsillitis, or chest infections?" I could have told them that, just by knowing that they liked ice cream, feared the dark and had big eyes and deep sensitivity (all elements of Archetypal Phosphorus).

It sounds weird, I know, but each Archetypal Remedy will have its own unique set of physical health patterns (which is something that's unique about the way my modality works, as archetypal psychology alone lacks this physical map).

And whilst I rarely talk about how Archetypal Remedies help us heal 'physically', they do - even if we work with them for self-illumination of our mental/emotional patterns.

It's not something I've talked much about because I've a deep interest in the inner child and her emotional wounds - it weirdly felt a 'by-product' to me that by doing the deep work to heal their emotional wounds that women were also healing physical things. I don't really know why, because our full physical health is so important, and desired by women.

And so, somehow, it feels so deeply important to revisit this physical healing aspect of our work in the Archetypal Apothecary healing modality.

I recently talked of the universal law of healing, 'similia similibus' - and there's another important universal law of healing that's potent to know of, called 'Hering's law of cure' - which explains this focus on the mental-emotional.

Hering's law of cure represents the formula of all real, true (non 'quick-fix') healing. It is a law that indicates the 'direction' of cure - one of moving from sickness to vitality. And its law is that in 'healthy' cure, healing will take place from the inside-out - or, said a different way, from mental emotional to physical. [Or it can also be top-down, from more important organs to less important ones, or disappear in reverse order of appearance.]

And so, as women start to work with connecting with their little girls, in the work we do with Archetypal Remedies, what they can so often find is that their health either starts to reveal more to them through physical symptoms, or begins to heal physical things, as they begin to express their full selves and heal the suppression they've been in for their lifetime.

Sometimes they can have skin expressions, which is a sign that something is working its way out (via the surface organs), sometimes they might find themselves feeling more energy after they've started to heal the patterns of emotional wounding that they've held onto innocently throughout their lives. Sometimes it can be some other physical healing entirely. Sometimes it can mean a cure of mysterious illness that no one has yet been able to explain, which women have suffered for years.

The healing process may reveal itself in apparently weird ways, to you - yet to me, and to Hering's law, it makes perfect sense.

Because this is how true healing (as opposed to 'quick fix' healing, where we outsource) works.

What I've also found is that old physical symptoms can show up, in the healing process - called a 'return of old symptoms' - to point us back to a particular time in our lives where we had emotional wounding that wants to be seen, felt, healed and expressed instead of staying in the body.

Sometimes I'll ask a woman - 'when did you have this symptom in childhood, and what significant event occurred just before it?' - and so much will be revealed around their core wound, because the body held onto the physical symptoms.

Because the body is more clever than we know. It will reveal to us where our healing lies. And it will do so at the pace we are ready to journey.

I often talk about the healing process can feel less than rosy, and how it can throw up "material for our liberation".

All of it is our little girl, beginning to feel safe enough to show us where our deep healing is. All of it an invitation into learning to heal ourselves.

All of it a call for deeper love.

The good thing is, our little girl will only reveal things as she begins to feel safe enough to become conscious of them and heal them, so if you're experiencing anything like this, you must be ready for healing.

Likewise, if you're here to be a healer, it's likely you'll have come here to learn to work with this law of cure, both for understanding your own healing - and to begin to see whether your own patients are healing in the direction of cure, and spot their patterns.

Part of the work we do with our Archetypal Soul Map is to help women have a clear roadmap of their layers of wounding to know what to work with next for optimal order of cure - as well as illuminate their unique healing soul gifts.

I'd love to know, have you noticed the link between mental emotional and physical symptoms? And do you want to learn how to work with the law of cure more consciously for true healing - and an understanding of the deeper patterns at play in your health (on all levels - physical, mental, emotional, spiritual, soul)?

Email me if this resonates and we can explore what your tender next steps might be - and don't worry, it will all be at your soul's pace, and you don't have to obliterate your life to begin.

All my love,

if you've any questions, send me an email.

Nicole x