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Why we do the work... Reason #1: Freedom

Why we do the work... Reason #1: Freedom


“The work is not ‘self-indulgent’. It's miraculously life-changing and freedom-creating, for us, for our families and for our communities.” - Nicole Barton

Why we do the work" - Reason #1 - FREEDOM 🌴

I remember the fear that can show up when we begin to step into "the deep work" when we are called into the path of soul and becoming a healer. We can feel both some kind of unexplainable call in our hearts, we experience all kinds of magical synchronicities - and, simultaneously, all the self-doubt, fear of failure and even a lack of safety to pursue our dreams, sometimes fearing we will be judged as 'selfish'.

And I've recently been contemplating all the reasons the deep work of healing and becoming healers is deeply important - (aka the very opposite of 'self-indulgent'). There are so many that I've decided to devote to sharing a mini series about all the reasons why this work is *vital* (in a society where it's deemed not to be).

It feels fitting to begin with reason #1 - FREEDOM ✨

Back when I was a professional in the corporate world, I felt so trapped in a mundane world of busy, busy, busy, push, force, hustle my way through my routine - and I utterly burned out. I was exhausted, trying to juggle all the things, including renovating a house and working all hours. I didn't feel any sense of freedom; I felt like a slave to my life (and a life I didn't feel I'd designed). If I'd had a child back then I'd have been in full time work and barely seen her. 💔

And as I'm two weeks away from heading off on a month-long adventure to Bali, to get married to the love of my life, before my usual August off, I'm reminded of just how much freedom has been intentionally created as I've magically designed my career change into being a Soul Guide and Magical Teacher.

✨ I used to dream of a life with my soulmate where we could travel and take off and live in another country, with our little family, staying in the jungle in an exotic country, with a pool in my garden and a coconut in my hands. 🥥🌴

✨ I dreamed of a life of freedom where I could help other women heal, holding space for 1:1 clients and soul readings and holding dreamy women's circles to help them expand into the healers they long to be, created from soul and magic and wandering in the wild - anywhere in the world. 🌿⭕

✨ I once dreamed of a life of freedom where I could work the hours I desired around being a Mama, have a whole month off each year, and spend my days with my little girl, having our weekly 'Mummy and Lily' days. 🤱🏼🌹

✨ I dreamed of a life of freedom where I could be soft and tender and honour the rhythms of my Feminine body and rest when I was on my bleed (back then I had debilitating endometriosis which has healed by me creating space to honour this). 🩸💃🏼

✨ I used to dream of the spaciousness and freedom of receiving support from a magical team, so that I could relax and focus on what I wanted to create (I have cleaners, childcare, and a whole team in my business to help me create all I do). 👩🏼‍💻🧙🏼‍♀️

✨ I used to dream of a career which involved lazing in rose petal baths, singing to the moon in ritual, oracle cards and magic, over spreadsheets and corporate meetings. 🌙✨

They say that one day you'll look back and have what you once wished for and felt was impossible. And I truly have magically created that. It's still so tempting to beat ourselves up for the next part of the vision that we've not created, yet as I reflect on the phenomenal level of freedom I *have* created, I feel a deep appreciation for the younger version of me that chose this work - through all her fear.

I had the*deepest* fears of committing to the woman I longed to be - like losing money, fears of it not being possible for me and me failing, or people judging me. 🖤

There have even been deep 'arguments' between my soul, heart and truth and the scared inner little girl in me who tried to keep me from not choosing what was in my heart. 💔

And yet, for the absolute freedom I've manifested in all parts of my life, it's so worth it.

This is what's possible when we lean into trusting our souls to lead the way.

It's not self-indulgent. It's miraculously life-changing and freedom-creating, for us, for our families and for our communities.

The experiences we can now provide Miss L because I've done 'the work' to be able to take her abroad for a month is phenomenal, and my heart is so full that I had the courage to lean in and choose my heart's vision.

The same is available for you, beauties - though your version of freedom might be different. I wonder, what freedom do you long for?

And is it time to lean in to claim it?

All my love ♥️

Nicole x