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Why we do the work... Reason #4 Creative Power

Why we do the work... Reason #4: Creative Power


“My point is, it was only the "deep work" of real healing that helped me to own my inner Creatrix and learn to claim my feminine soft-power to create life differently and own my healing gifts. Before that, I felt powerless. Learning to *heal my power* was absolutely VITAL in helping me manifest life differently - and create a magical life as a healer.”

- Nicole Barton

"Why we do the work" - Reason #4 - REALISING MY CREATIVE POWER

Before I entered 'the work' I was living a busy, overwhelming, chaotic, mundane life, that I felt trapped in. I hear many of the women who feel the call to the 'deep work' of becoming a healer feeling the same, whilst simultaneously feeling that 'the work' is also 'non-essential' and 'self-indulgent". Both ideas which can stop us fully choosing it.

I've been sharing a mini-series contemplating all the reasons the deep work of healing and becoming healers is actually *necessary* - (aka the very opposite) - see reasons #1 - #3 in an earlier post.


11 years ago when I began this healing work for myself, I just no idea of my power. I felt stuck in anxiety and overwhelm, trapped in the same four walls, having lost my job due to extreme burn out and exhaustion, to the point I couldn't walk. I literally had manifested a physical lack of power.

It is heartbreaking to look back to this time where I felt so lost and broken. I didn't see any possibility to create a different life - having been used to creating all of life from hustle, push and force, I was purely stuck in a mode where I felt a failure for having burned out. All of a sudden all of my energy had gone

I'm a different woman now. I'm unrecognisable compared to that woman. And that's not to say I've completely healed, don't get me wrong - I can still feel the temptation to push - but I have a different relationship to my Feminine power these days.

This deep work has helped me to see that I have a power to create my life differently. I have power to *choose*:

I can choose to say No to things that aren't aligned

I can choose to say Yes to what *is* aligned in my heart

I can choose to open my heart to my vision

I can choose to open to possibilities that I didn't think were possible.

I can choose to slow down and create space for what's important, and for my deeper purpose

In other words, I've learned that I have the power to create all of my life consciously and intentionally - where once, back then, I felt very much in victim to my circumstances (I'd also have hated that word, by the way, so if you're feeling that, I'm with you).

And there's no shame there, beauty, if you're reading this, thinking 'it's my destiny to be a healer but...' 'I can't do that' or 'that's not possible for me'. There's no judgement. In fact, if there is, it's a sign your inner little girl is very powerfully creating for you - in a self-critical beating-self-up way that wants some tender love (Secret Witches are very good at creating what we don't want, unconsciously)

My point is, it was only the "deep work" of real healing that helped me to own my inner Creatrix and learn to claim my feminine soft-power to create life differently and own my healing gifts.

Before that, I felt powerless.

Learning to *heal my power* was absolutely VITAL in helping me manifest life differently - and create a magical life as a healer.

I'll be guiding women into an opening to this tomorrow, in our free Manifesting with the Moon new moon heading event, if you feel called to join us in the tender first steps of magical life creation.

Link in the comments.

All my love