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Are you ready for some Loving (and triggering) Truth?  

Are you ready for some Loving (and triggering) Truth?    

"The real measure of whether you're ready for the path of soul is whether you're willing to keep choosing to open to love through the triggering to find the deep gold in the Truth."

~ Nicole Barton

One of the things that the Secret Witch (who doesn't know her own magic and power) struggles with is speaking her Truth and expressing what's in her heart. Often that will leave her suppressing parts of herself that want to be seen, felt and heard. She will hide herself, keeping herself small and not showing what's truly in her heart. 

I know that one well. It has been my own wounding to not speak my Truth incase I'm "not enough" and people will leave, based on the old stories I created around my childhood experience of my Dad leaving. That kept me in jobs, relationships, friendships and a life that just wasn't aligned for my soul - at times even when I denied that it wasn't aligned, because it was easier that way. 

One thing I've noticed in my women is that this has them either in avoidance or denial of their Truth (which has them in Victim) or rebelling by speaking their Truth without Love (turning into Persecutor). Both of these have been my own pattern, from the dichotomy that we can either have Truth or we can have Love, and it is has been my deepest work to learn to speak Truth from Love.

It's also been such a deep wound for me that it's where the most gold has been found, as that's how this kind of alchemy works; we reclaim our gold from our darkness. And through that journey I've seen that I'm here to speak pure, clean Truth, in order to activate my women - being a channel for the deep healing of the Remedies of the Wild that come through me.

It makes complete sense, as the Remedies of the Wild that I'm here to channel the spirit of are remedies that return us to our Truthful core - to who we came here to be in this life. Dosing them peels back the layers of wounding that have our core golden essence - who we were born as - hidden in our wounding. 

And at times, though it will be filled with Love, the Truth in these Remedies (and even the bits that don't appear triggering to me at times) can feel triggering for my women. That's the darkness of the Witch coming in; if you're here for her healing, you're here for some darkness in order to magically transform your life. And that's not something that's been easy for me to adjust to, because my own Secret Witch prefers to be a Rescuing Perfectionist who likes to keep the peace, and make sure she appears just as people expect, so she is loved. 

My Gene Keys tells me that my life's purpose is Naturalness (aka that my perfection is found in being truthfully me).  And so, my deep work is to live from this place of Natural Truth, without the fear that I'll lose love for being my full, remedial expression. And so, that might mean that - if you're in work with me and we have an agreement that I work with you in this way - I speak directly to your wounds with Love and Truth that triggers you into a deep healing response.

The real measure of whether you're ready for the path of soul is whether you're willing to keep choosing to open through that triggering to find the deep gold in the Truth that I'm pointing you to, as your Soul Guide, that often you're not seeing (because it is difficult to see our own shadows, for the very reason they are pushed into the dark to have us avoid them). And this is so that you can become your Truth. Of course, I have my own version of this with my own Soul Guide, so I know how deep this work is, and how tempting it can be to avoid it. 

And so, know this: it isn't easy for me (though I always get told it looks it). And I'm also not doing it to gain any advantage and lead you down a path to dupe you (often one of the fears of my women is that magic isn't real and they can't trust their leader).

The reason I choose it, over and over, is that I know that Love and Truth are the two main ingredients in living and creating our true Soul Will. And so, I'm always choosing to pay the Sovereign price to speak to your heart, and dose Truth from Love. That's me, choosing Soul, at whatever cost that means for me. In the name of healing and returning us *both* to full, True Soul expression.

We can't learn to become our true soul expression without taking the remedy of Truth ourselves first. The real question is, are you willing to open your heart to loving yourself enough to pay the Sovereign price to look at the deep truth of where I'm pointing - even when it feels hard and like you want to avoid or rebel - so that you can live a life of Truthful soul expression, too? 

If you're drawn to peeling back the layers and beginning to heal with the Remedies of the Wild, I'll be guiding women into their healing in October. More details soon, register interest via button below to hear when enrolment opens ♥️

if you've any questions, send me an email.

Nicole x