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The Feminine: A Lazy, Weak Victim Or Wise, Medicinal Healer?

The Feminine: A Lazy, Weak Victim Or Wise, Medicinal Healer?

This is about returning to the truth of our Feminine souls. Beyond the stories and ideas we hold about the Feminine (and the Masculine).

~ Nicole Barton


Our bodies tell us, if we listen carefully, exactly what medicine they need.

I've been interviewing heart-led, aspiring healers and Feminine leaders today and each of them held a story about the Feminine. She was (innocently) feared being seen as lazy, weak or in need of empowerment.

Each of these stories is understandable given our cultural conditioning. And each of them is also putting her in victim and denying healing.  When she's actually super powerful and can tell us how to honour her needs and create powerfully - if we are prepared to listen and take the aligned-action she calls for, to fulfil her soul's mission.

I've "not listened" to her soft voice for almost a lifetime, but after a run-in with Lilith this week (for yet another time!) - and after a hypnagogic dream (which was less of a dream and more the stuff that nightmares are made of ), I have chosen to listen fully and honour her calls this week.  For Lilith is the ultimate Sovereign woman (witch!) - who knows she is in total charge of herself and her body. She is the archetypal medicine of submission to Feminine soul - if we're talking Archetypal Apothecary remedies here, we're still talking Anacardium.

This is about returning to the truth of our Feminine souls. Beyond the stories and ideas we hold about the Feminine (and the Masculine).

And this morning, though tempted to prove that the Feminine wasn't 'weak' (to push through my own story and force myself straight to my desk), I sank into serving myself with what my Feminine body longed for (liberating my ideas about being 'lazy').

I allowed myself this morning for movement - especially stretching out my tight, angry hips - and stroked my skin, allowing myself to spend some time dreaming and processing.

I filled my cup. I chose to hear my body's calls and messages. I allowed myself to honour the powerful Feminine's longings for nourishment, softness and tenderness. Especially at Full Moon.

I gave myself permission to listen to what medicine I needed in that moment.

And I saw this week that inspiring aspiring Feminine leaders into choosing their Feminine souls is what I'm *here* for (it literally says that in my Human Design chart and my Gene Keys).

So many aspiring healers innocently think they have to outsource their healing to others. When really, we are our own medicine - and that means, the real answers are ALWAYS in us. There's no outsourcing the deep work. *Groan* as you might.

If you'd just listen into your soft, wild body - clean of shadow fears - you'd hear the truth of what your soul begs of you to choose next.

The reality is: that choice often comes with costs that will unconsciously stop you choosing doing so fully. The compelling 'thing to do' (though inevitably operating from a full energetic cup has you more creative and in flow), the people that are annoyed AF, the judgement of yourself - and actually *doing* the thing that you're dancing around choosing in fear, but which your Feminine heart is calling you to.

There will always be a reason to outsource your Feminine healing and stick to your story of her.  And each time it will take you further from your true Feminine heart.

The deepest question of all is, are you willing to choose to listen to your Feminine's calls to heal yourself, follow your soul and become a healer for others - or will you keep putting her off and making her victim?

PS, you'll find me honouring my Feminine needs for slowness and space this week as I ground back to England after my travels

if you've any questions, send me an email.

Nicole x