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What New Language Will You Choose To Magically Create The Life You Desire?

What New Language Will You Choose To Magically Create The Life You Desire?

"Every word we speak is a spell."

~ Lisa Lister

I've quoted this before and heard it many times - and, at a certain point in life, I came to see and understood this more deeply - especially in my 3P journey as I began to see how powerful thought was in creating our lives. It is so true: we are speaking our lives to life - that makes sense.

And yet, in the modern world, this isn't something we are taught, so it often goes unnoticed. Because of this, most commonly, Secret Witch (who isn't aware of her power here) will speak to herself in Persecutor mode. She will criticise herself, point out her own flaws - and perhaps even more significantly, point out all the things that could go wrong. She will speak out all of her fears.

This is true for my Secret Witch, and I've been noticing it more and more the last few weeks as I've witnessed myself saying "I'm stressed, there's so much to do, there is no time, I can't do that." And this has been one of those times where I'm deeply appreciative of having the support of my Coach who can trigger me (with love) back into my truthful Queen Witch (and yes, I do mean trigger me - she doesn't hold back ). And, I have to say, I've done the same for my clients even just this week too.

And there's something deeper in this that I want to explore here than just Secret Witch's tendency to tell everyone how stressed she is, or predict the future will go badly. That something deeper is the importance of language. Because what my Queen Witch has begun to feel and embody the understanding of (particularly yesterday) is exactly what Lisa Lister said - that we literally create our lives with every word we speak.

When my Secret Witch says the word *stressed*, I feel it in my body. That's what I'm embodying and choosing. And that's what spell I'm casting - whether I mean it or not. And it's an old story, created from more old, mundane stories - it's not ever truth. My Medicine Woman and Queen recoil at the word, bless them - and bless my Secret Witch for her innocence in forgetting her power to create life.

And so, seeing that leaves me with no other alternative but to consciously choose to remove words like "stressed" from my inner and outer vocabulary and book of spells (aka my dictionary). Because "stressed" is not what I desire to create more of, and yet - I have been creating it, powerfully, with my unconscious focus.

So, now, it's time to choose again, from my Queen. It's time to stop creating mundanely and return to creating magically. And to love myself through all of the times when Secret Witch doesn't. From now on, I choose my mantra to be "I powerfully and magically create life with ease". I'm speaking my new story into being, powerfully. Because *every* word we speak is a spell.

This isn't to say I won't take these times when I'm creating from fear to my Coach, but Queen Witch has made an agreement that she will lovingly identify this as shadow and communicate it as such, so that she creates elevation from the shadow first.

This is the work of Soul; the work of our Witch Queens. To love all of the parts of ourselves that we deem unlovable enough to criticise - both in our heads and out loud. To love all of the parts of ourselves that fear we aren't enough, we can't do it. And to love those unconscious parts of ourselves that innocently create what we don't want - instead of what our hearts desire.

The deep work is choosing to love ourselves enough to be able to choose to create it all differently. Even, and especially, our vocabulary.

It's choosing to create from Love, rather than Fear. Over and over, and over again - until that's all our bodies remember how to do. That's the Medicine we all need to take.

What language will you choose to evict from your internal and external dictionary? And what will you replace it with to create magic?

Much love

Nicole x