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Which parts do you feel shame about and hide? 💔

Which parts do you feel shame about and hide? 💔


We must have the courage to welcome ALL - passionate rebel and imperfections, especially.

- Nicole Barton

Which parts do you feel shame about and hide? 💔

My new husband said he finds my curated content hard to watch sometimes, because I'm not being the fullness of me - he said only he gets the privilege of my full passion, and he wishes I'd just show it to the world (ooh err!).

Now he doesn't mean I've been 'lying' but that even though I'm deep in the work of soul expression, I'm still 'hiding' parts of myself, showing perhaps the more 'palatable' sides of me - the loving and soft pieces.

He was reflecting to me, honestly, that there's also a part of me that's passionate, angry and (in his words) "gets shit done."

He's referring to my inner (Phosphoric) fire and my powerful Creatrix witch, of course

As he suggested that, I realised it was deeper layers of the same wounds I have journeyed with for years and that I help women overcome. And ultimately, we hide because we are told who we 'should' be in this culture - and there are narratives about how to create 'success' that can stop us being fully who we are. (Being a passionate 'witch' usually isn't one of them - you hear me don't you, Secret Witch?! !).

So, I've been hiding parts of myself in the illusion it will keep me "safe". Often, the fiery, passionate 'rebel' in me will be scared to show herself, admonished for not being 'perfect' enough - shamed for being 'shadowy' (and yet the good girl is okay, even though she's shadow, too, right?!).

This isn't something new to me - I know I tend to do this, but recently I saw just how much my inner 'rebel' was still shamed and shoved down. How I welcome the Good Girl swing of the pole but shame the Rebel swing.

And yet my guide lovingly reminded me that we are pretty much always in shadow expression...

He invited me to make a mess, to 'fuck up', to stop shaming this part of me - to love and welcome my own inner rebel. To truly love and welcome this unapologetic, passionate part of me that I hide from the world in the idea that it's "shadow" - in the shame that bubbles up about this expression.

And so I'm devoting to that...

In the spaciousness of these few months off, I can feel myself rekindling my fire and passion, my connection to parts of me that I'd dismissed. That I'd hidden and shamed.

As we all innocently do, in this society.

Because these are the parts that remain 'Secret Witch' until I/we lovingly welcome and reclaim them (our passion and our rage are rarely seen as welcome).

You see, I may be a guide in this and I'm also still deep in my own work.

One thing I've seen about this, during my time off, is that I'm definitely not here for "pre-created" content. That's when my 'Good Girl' comes out to mask my true passionate self.

And so, from now on - even though that construct has kept me feeling the fantasy of safety for the last year - there will be no "pre-created" content, planning and over-thinking in my posts.

I'm devoting to the passionate aliveness and sharing of the deepest truth of what's in my heart and soul - to fully expressing that.

I'm slowing down and creating in the moment, like I used to. Just pure, fiery soul truth

That doesn't mean I'm no longer loving and soft. I'm that too, those parts *are* true. AND there's more...

I'm getting ready to burn down what no longer serves me. To make some big, bold moves, as they reveal themselves to me. It's time to strip back, burn the script, and get truly naked. Baring myself, without all the 'pre-preparation' that (honestly) sucks the life out of me.

Because, my loves, that's how Feminine MAGIC is DONE!

And because that's what women who work with me for are here for; to become FULLY expressed, own their gifts, and manifest magical lives.

To do that, we must have the courage to welcome ALL - passionate rebel and imperfections, especially.

So, here's to becoming *all* of myself - and to you becoming all of yourselves alongside me.

If your soul is activated by this share, reach out - I've some new 1:1 options to work with me downloading and simmering away recently and I'd love to explore if they could be a fit for you.

All my love

If you've any questions, send me an email.

Nicole x