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Episode 81: How to heal hidden emotions with somatic movement

With Loren Cellentani

On the Secret Witch Show today our guest is Loren Cellentani. Loren used to feel like a victim to her body and emotions sabotaging her dreams. It led her to deeply listen and work with the body to uncover how to harness life force energy, process emotions & alchemise her pain into power - all through breathwork, somatic movement and visualization. Her mission is to help lightworkers get out of their heads and into their bodies so they can fulfil their purpose and potential in this lifetime. Loren guides women to own their power, rule their reality and live their purpose in her group program, Sovereign Mastermind, and her podcast, Witchy Wellness Radio.

In this episode Loren and I co-create around so many synergies in our worldview; in particular, the importance of embodiment.  Exploring ‘somatic movement’ as an embodiment practice for ‘moving’ our emotions and discovering the hidden patterns held in our cells, Loren explored how our inner little girl carried old stories in her body - and that to truly ‘rule our reality’, we need to alchemise these and embody who we long to become - harnessing movement for both things.  We spoke about the importance of connecting to our emotions and healing via movement - with Loren offering some very practical tools and tips for beginning to work with it and what practices to get started with.  

What You’ll Learn from this Episode:

  • The etymology of ‘somatic’ means the ‘body’ - and the body feels emotion - or ‘energy in motion’.  We harness movement to combine the two - to move energy, to heal, to manifest our desires - and to do that, we have to get out of our own way (out of our mind into our body)

  • We are not ‘victims’ to our bodies - our bodies are not ‘in the way’, they are ‘the most spiritual thing about us’ - they act as an ‘alarm system’ saying “this is not for you” (or “this *is* for you”).  And our bodies want to heal

  • The true definition of “Sovereign”, according to Loren,  is the “Divine right to rule our reality” - and every moment we have the opportunity to own the gold that can be found in our wounds, when we are courageous enough to go into the body and alchemise the energy in there into our Sovereign power

  • Our menstrual cycle is powerful - our bodies show us, via our cycle, where we have avoided looking at things for the month - even small things. When we give our bodies grace, love them and let them guide us , and learn to trust them, we are able to manifest what we truly desire

  • It doesn’t have to be scary - we just take the next small step, and the next - beginning to tune into our bodies - until the big decisions eventually become the next small step too

  • Somatic movement can be anything that moves the body - it can be yoga, ecstatic dance, working out, going for a run, slow dancing - but essentially it’s anything where we are ‘making love’ to our bodies - and it doesn’t have to be in a sexual way, but a ‘sensual’ way, where we are present with our body’s senses  

  • We can begin with a simple exercise of asking “how does my body want to move?” and notice if you were judging yourself, or feeling resistance, and loving yourself in that, and letting the body lead the way.

  • We can work with embodiment in two ways - both for processing wounding and also for embodying the woman we long to become. 

Resources and things that we spoke about:

Thank you for listening, we’d love to know what comes alive for you in this week’s episode, so please let us know.

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Thank you,
Nicole and Team Secret Witch xox

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