Ep 28 - Is it all 'Just Thought' - or Do we Need Healing to Manifest Magical Lives?
With Dominic Scaffidi
My guest today is the brilliant Dominic Scaffidi - and oh, did I love this magical conversation. Dominic is an ICF Master Certified Coach and partners with clients to point them to the unlimited potential of who they really are. Through accessing their own innate wisdom, clients are supported as they create a life that they love, both personally and professionally. Grounded in the teachings of Sydney Banks, he applies a deep and practical understanding of the teachings of Abraham-Hicks for how we create our own reality.
Dominic and I have both walked the path of Ascension and the Three Principles, and in this unique episode, we explored a juicy debate commonly found in the worlds of Ascension and Descension: is it all Just ‘Thought’, or do we need healing to manifest magical lives? What we co-created was a beautiful synergistic expression of what healing actually is, how contrast creates healing if we stay open to it and choose it that way. We alchemised some common myths and misunderstandings around the Three Principles and Ascension paths, and explored how our bodies are central to manifesting magical lives - and the power that can be found in descending into the body to heal and alchemise its wisdom and expand into embodiment of our True magic.
What You’ll Learn from this Episode:
Today’s episode was really illuminating of all things suppression and expression. Here are my takeaways:
It can be so tempting to dismiss something we don’t agree with - e.g. the idea we may need to ‘heal’ - yet the real alchemy is found in openly going into our resistance and contrast with curiosity as to where the synergy can be found
Healing is really an “expansion” - a seeing of all that is held unconsciously (in shadow) - which could be called our wounding - and expanding into the fullness that we have always been beyond our shadowy fears and doubts (aka Thought)
Our work in healing, really is to catch all the places we don’t see where we are creating what we don’t want - and expand beyond that.
And the Secret Witch (actually, all of us) is already creating her reality - and it’s so healing to recognise this; as we come to know this more fully, through our expansion, we become the True and fully integrated expression of our Witch Queens - creating as our divine Soul’s essence.
The Witch really is a powerful symbol - a lens or an Archetypal story that acts as a mirror to reflect our true power and magic. The Witch, after all, is a powerful, wise, magical, creative force.
There are really no limitations; for you to be ‘less than,’ only you are creating it (and we must go into that powerful ownership only with the utmost love and compassion for ourselves, as otherwise we won’t see it)
The only place we can create magic is in our body. Dismissing our bodies, which is often done in Ascension path, innocently, devalues our experience in form; creating separation. And yet, there’s no such thing as unexpressed formless energy; Spirit and Soul are always expressing through you.
If we dismiss the physical body, we dismiss our full expression; and this is how we know we need healing (or expansion) - our bodies offer us the signs - via illness, dis-ease, imbalance, etc - until we choose to expand, heal and fully express.
In fact, we choose our bodies; we came here to live in our unique contrasts, because it allows us to expand (heal) into the Creator/Creatrix that you really are. And you choosing that will be healing for others on the same path as us. You wanted this life for your expansion - for the healing that is beyond the experience that restores aliveness where it was limited
There is nothing to do, but there is always aligned-action to take - you are a unique expression of the Universe, and you are here for 100 years - do you think the Universe wanted to show up here physically as you for 100 years and do nothing? You are here to expand into living fully as your unique expression - as Witch Queen (who knows her power and magic) - and you get to choose to do that.
You are the magic. And it does take a great level of Sovereign power to be able to fully own our innocent creation of it that we are not. This is the beauty of the path of Soul for the Secret Witch - who feels her wounding so deeply - walking the path towards her Witch Queen guides her into that power to own her creation and begin to express her fullness to become her expression of magic. And there’s a real power in having a Soul Guide who will know you are *already* a Witch Queen, along the way - until you know it yourself.
Resources and things that we spoke about:
Dominic’s Facebook Group - Ask and It is Given
Nicole’s Invoke Your Wild Creatrix - begins Wednesday 27th April
Nicole’s Secret Witch Circle - Facebook Group
Nicole’s Manifesting with the Moon Event
Thank you for listening, we’d love to know what comes alive for you in this week’s episode, so please let us know!
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Thank you,
Nicole xox