Episode 10: - How to Open your Heart to Visioning your Magical Desires
with Nicole barton
On the Secret Witch Show today Nicole is freestyling on the important topic of How to Open your Heart to Visioning your Magical Desires, exploring how you can begin to feel safe to take the first steps into visioning and dreaming, how to illuminate what holds you back, and the benefits of visioning as the necessary process of life-creation.
In this episode Nicole helps you understand how to open your heart with the ultimate of love, as well as how you’re already powerfully visioning (just with your focus in the wrong way) - and explore how to take the first steps into a more powerful and focused visioning practice.
What You’ll Learn from this Episode:
Visioning is not what it seems in the world of self-help. It isn’t something new to learn how to do; we are already doing it - it’s just likely we are focused the wrong way, and instead need to do the work to open up our hearts in order to create what we long for.
It’s likely visioning doesn’t feel easy - soul-aligned visioning will feel scary as you slow down and begin to consciously tune into your heart - but it’s something you have to choose into to receive the benefits - and you have the power to do so (even if it doesn’t feel like it because your power if Secret to you too)
You can start gently - one of the first steps is consciously giving yourself permission to go into the well of your body and listen to its soft animal. We need to become familiar with our body’s signals for desire.
To access our desire, we need to feel safe - and to create this safety for ourselves, we must illuminate all the old stories holding us back. Noticing is a powerful practice.
The central purpose of visioning is about letting ourselves feel into who we long to become - ask yourself: who is the woman I long to become, in the absence of “how” I’ll create that?
It’s almost a beautiful two step process - the Feminine opening and the Masculine holding space for and focusing on the Vision. During both, there is a lot of love required - love is the magical key!
Resources and things that we spoke about:
Gather with us at the free Manifesting with the Moon New Moon Circle - http://www.nicolebarton.co.uk/moon-circle
Join us in our Secret Witch Circle facebook group - https://www.facebook.com/groups/secretwitch
Wild Power book - https://www.redschool.net/wildpower
Thank you for listening, we’d love to know what comes alive for you in this week’s episode, so please let us know!
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Thank you,
Nicole xox