Episode 83: How to heal your 'inner healer's' fear of judgement and rejection so you can share your gifts authentically
With Nicole Barton
On the Secret Witch Show today, Nicole explores the juicy topic of one of the most common fears of becoming a healer, teacher or guide: the fear of ‘judgement’ and ‘rejection - and how to heal it so you can share your gifts authentically. She explores the Archetypal Remedy that you can harness to begin to unconditionally love and approve of yourself enough to not need approval, sharing a vulnerable story about her own experience of rejection and how going *into* the experience of rejection helped her heal her fear.
In this episode we explore the 3 stages of reclamation of our wild, authentic, true expression, why it’s important for healers that we are authentic, the signs we are being called to heal our fear of judgement and rejection - and the most important things to do as a beginning step into this self-healing.
What You’ll Learn from this Episode:
The common fear of being a healer and being ‘judged’ and ‘rejected’ is part of the Witch Wound, which makes sense due to epigenetics and how we feel this fear ingrained in our bodies
The challenge with healing our fear of ‘judgement’ and ‘rejection’ is that we have to experience it to fully liberate ourselves from it
We can take small, tender steps into learning to heal our expression, rather than having to make big leaps - steps that have us expand with a well-tended nervous system
The deep work of healing involves us learning to unconditionally love ourselves, harnessing Archetypal Mama She-Wolf’s (or Lupa’s) self-motherly energy. When we love ourselves deeply enough, others rejecting us can’t have the same impact
There’s a swing between the poles of Good Girl and Rebel that is often needed as we begin to heal our fear of judgement and rejection - and claim our true ‘wildness’ - but the real alchemy is in the ‘third way’; the way of learning to be our true, authentic selves, from love and vulnerability - baring our souls as the medicine they are.
Resources and things that we spoke about:
Tiktok - @archetypalapothecary
Instagram - @iamnicolebarton
Instagram - @archetypalapothecary
You Tube - https://www.youtube.com/@secretwitchsociety
Join our Secret Witch Society: www.facebook.com/groups/secretwitch
Next Crucible: www.nicolebarton.co.uk/lupa
Website: www.nicolebarton.co.uk
Books: Peter Levine; Waking the Tiger https://www.somaticexperiencing.com/se-books
Thank you for listening, we’d love to know what comes alive for you in this week’s episode, so please let us know.
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Thank you,
Nicole and Team Secret Witch xox