“ What’s more vulnerable to admit is I look back and see how I blamed them for that, instead of taking the beautiful lessons that came out of it and owning my power. I had one really big initiation with this, in which I outsourced my power to a guide, and paid tonnes thinking that they would ‘fix’ my problems. And the biggest takeaway I got from that was that I was giving my power away to someone else.”
~ Nicole Barton
Oh have I journeyed with mistrusting my Guides over the years? And this is a really common fear that comes up when magical women are thinking about joining our Mystery School to discover their purpose + create a business from them.
I have had many a Teacher, Spiritual Guide, Mentor, Coach + Soul Guide over the years, ranging in investment from a few hundred pounds to tens of thousands - and in truth, when working with many of them, I’ve hit up against not creating what I wanted to create.
It feels vulnerable to share that - and against the grain when I’m here to guide women myself, but in my journey with guides from the self-help and personal development world I took away very little of what I’d hoped to gain.