“I realised I had some resistance to showing up as the tender, soft pinkness of the Rose, because when I started this journey into my power, I rejected parts of myself that I called "Pastel Swan" - for the parts of me that were wilder. And this week, I realised - I am the union of them all. And even Rosa herself is the alchemy of her seeming opposites of thorns and softness, into a third way. “
- Nicole Barton
I've been feeling a lot recently into how soft and gentle Rosa's energy feels - and how different she feels to some of the other "faces of the Feminine" Archetypal Remedies we serve. Shes vastly contrasting to Naja's fierce truthfulness, and she will feel different again to Luna's magic and Aurum's power and She-Wolf's wildness.
You see, each of the Archetypal Remedies we serve in this path have their own unique medicine.
Their own personalities. 🎭
⚡ And each of these Archetypes is within us already - awaiting our activation and invocation.