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Which of the Feminine Archetypes are Calling to YOU to Reclaim your Power and Magic?

Which of the Feminine Archetypes are Calling to YOU to Reclaim your Power and Magic?

Often, my women don’t actually know they’re being called by the Feminine, let alone which archetype is calling them specifically. And so, recently, I have been exploring the various magical, Mysterious Feminine Archetypes of the Witch - and how they might each call to us during the Feminine lifecycle - in a mini series of short videos.

Are you being called to learn how to create from Feminine Soul?

Are you being called to learn how to create from Feminine Soul?

“Nature loves courage. This is how magic is done. By hurling yourself into the abyss and discovering it's a feather bed.”

~Terrance McKenna

Stress, fear, doubt and shame were always big things for my Secret Witch, who didn't know her own power. I'd feel frequently overwhelmed, live in fear, and often not see my needs, let alone meet them, leaving me burning out. I often felt trapped in a mundane life, always hoping that one day I'd fix myself.

Why Sister Circles Are Deep Medicine - Especially for Secret Witches

Why Sister Circles Are Deep Medicine - Especially for Secret Witches

"The Alchemy available in gathering women to begin to heal wounds and own their power and magic is huge."

~Nicole Barton

There's a deep alchemy in the work we do in circle here at Team Secret Witch - especially in the unique space we are creating, which has a particularly rare flavour of all being welcome, along with an initiation into owning your power and magic. I know this because I am held myself in these sorts of rare spaces, and I feel the potency of this way of being, in comparison to other circles I've...

How to Powerfully Own Your Medicine - And Why You Should

How to Powerfully Own Your Medicine - And Why You Should

"It's time, now, to fully honour my devotion, consciously. I don't know what Medicine for my Liberation this will bring, but there's really no other way for me to be."

~Nicole Barton

Last week I was in a Sovereign circle and I was feeling frustrated with myself for not feeling like I was magical (in a very Secret Witch way). As each woman shared, I began to alchemise what was coming up for me in each of their shares, and I began to open to more being revealed.

How do you love and nourish yourself?

How do you love and nourish yourself?

"Love yourself. Even the most wild and crazy parts."

~Lisa Lister

Incense is such a delight to my body. It actually has none of the healing, therapeutic chemical properties of essential oils, but it definitely stimulates my limbic system and triggers happy, relaxed memories of being in Bali.

As part of my morning ritual, I often have a long bath surrounded by incense and essential oils. That and a mix of yoga, meditation, visualisation, spell casting, energy healing and journalling, depending what my Soul/body needs each day. I'm learning more and more to listen into the call of my body.

Why Hope is the Gateway to Soul and Magic

Why Hope is the Gateway to Soul and Magic

“Once you set that spark of hope, possibility and desire alight, there's no stopping the magic it will begin to create.”

~ Nicole Barton

This morning I went to my tree and asked "what do my women need, right now?" And I heard "for you to be with them in hopefulness".

I've been thinking about how the gateway to my work is often "hope." Often when my women first begin to walk the path they will have experienced some depths of darkness that have had them feel deep in hopelessness - ill health…

Why Thinking You're Not Ready to Embrace Soul, Self-love and Magic Paradoxically Could Mean You Are

Why Thinking You're Not Ready to Embrace Soul, Self-love and Magic Paradoxically Could Mean You Are

“That's what this path is all about- learning to love yourself enough to be able to tend these fears and choose your Soul, choose your magic and choose to create life in ways that are in deep alignment for you. And all of it is a choice.”

~ Nicole Barton

Paradoxically, all the fears that have the Secret Witch (who doesn't know her own power and magic) lean away from deepening into the path are #alltheways that it will benefit her in the long run. The first hurdle is usually that my magical women think they're just not even good enough to participate…

How the Feminine Calls to You to Reclaim your Feminine Mystery

How the Feminine Calls to You to Reclaim your Feminine Mystery

"Because I'd not claimed my Feminine power during the various precious initiations I'd been invited into along my path, I'd entered unconsciously - without really considering what it meant to be a woman"

~ Nicole Barton

Mothers' Day a few days ago had me reflecting on how when I became a Mama to my beautiful Lily, I had absolutely no idea that it was going to be the transformational portal it was into the death to old parts of me and an initiation into me reclaiming my power.

What New Language Will You Choose To Magically Create The Life You Desire?

What New Language Will You Choose To Magically Create The Life You Desire?

"Every word we speak is a spell."

~ Lisa Lister

I've quoted this before and heard it many times - and, at a certain point in life, I came to see and understood this more deeply - especially in my 3P journey as I began to see how powerful thought was in creating our lives. It is so true: we are speaking our lives to life - that makes sense.

How to Feel Worthy of your Power and Magic

How to Feel Worthy of your Power and Magic

"Being soft and open, courageous, vulnerable and allowing our hearts to lead is the exact medicine we need to create magical lives."

~ Nicole Barton

The Secret Witch (aka a woman who doesn't know her power and magic) really beats herself up; she often feels a great shame about her dull-feeling life, and has a really big sense that she is not enough for the life that she dreams about. She doubts herself - and often doesn’t trust others, either, leaving her in protection mode - like an armadillo - more often than not.

How to Create Consciously from Feminine Power and Love

How to Create Consciously from Feminine Power and Love

“Wild Creatrix's first initiation is into the reminder of woman's power to create. This is the very power we were born with - after all, we have wombs which quite literally birth magic."

~ Nicole Barton

Most Secret Witches arrive here to this path not knowing that they are already creating. "But why would I create this?" they might ask, referring to the way they've been innocently and unconsciously creating everything they *don't* want.

Are you being called into Loving Devotion?

Are you being called into Loving Devotion?

“The benefit of devotion is the full aliveness found in the fullest expression of our Soul. The cost is our discomfort, the benefit is we find ourselves.”

~ Nicole Barton

This morning I went for an early morning walk in my devotion to Soul, Magic and the Feminine. It was raining as I got out of bed. I haven't got a rain mac for this rainy weather that is waterproof. I hadn't thought about what would happen in my devotion to early morning walks if it was raining. And so, I found myself feeling the resistance in my body to going out in the rain. Tension, heaviness, and excuses galore.

How to Allow Pleasure and Desire to Be our Soul’s Loving Guide

How to Allow Pleasure and Desire to Be our Soul’s Loving Guide

“Pleasure is our Birthright.”

- Michaela Boehm

This quote by Michaela Boehm really stands out to me this month as we move into the energetic of February’s New Moon in Aquarius, which is inviting us into realignment with our heart’s purpose - and our passion, pleasure and desires…

How Invoking My Medicine Woman Healed My Paralysed Face

How Invoking My Medicine Woman Healed My Paralysed Face

“It may be the first day of your life, the prime of youth or several decades in, when Medicine Woman calls you. She crept in… when you… pushed too hard just one time too many.”

- Lucy Pearce

Back when I had Chronic Fatigue, when I was age 10, I had no idea I was being initiated into magic. I had little idea of any of what was going on, really - I was too young, though I do remember the various holistic healing techniques we explored, and the haunting call of the Doctors "there nothing you can do to heal from this yuppy flu."

Embracing the Wild Darkness - and Why Trees Will Have you Crying...

Embracing the Wild Darkness - and Why Trees Will Have you Crying...

The more courage and vulnerability we have on this journey, the deeper we can embody the Witchy fullness of our Souls ~ Nicole Barton

I’ve been sitting in a women’s circle myself for the last few months, with some magical, powerful women - all coaches need their own space for expansion, and so my own deepening was into the Feminine, which I had experienced some resistance to (much like I explored the resistance many of my own women have to the word ‘Witch’ in my last blog). Where there’s resistance, there’s also usually gold - which is really what we are here exploring this this blog post today, as it’s all about embracing the darkness.

How Your Resistance is Calling You to Embody the Power and Magic of Your Wild Witch...

How Your Resistance is Calling You to Embody the Power and Magic of Your Wild Witch...

“I'm deeply called to your work, but I'm just not sure if I'm a Witch, I feel so much resistance to the Witch!" ~ Secret Witches

Mmm, this *exact* resistance is one that comes up frequently for women who are beginning to take the tender first steps into the path I share;

Why *Love* is Essential to Magic…

Why *Love* is Essential to Magic…

“For me, magick is love. Whenever you bring in Divine light to manifest one thing or the other in the world, what you’re actually doing is pulling in love. ~ Damien Echols

I adore this because it points to the critical interweaving of spirit and soul that I share along the journey to liberating your Wild Witch - when we co-create magic, we are ultimately calling in Divine love through our human Soul. Ultimately, that’s what magic really is; a manifestation of *love* itself. Wow……..

Signs You're a Secret Witch - Feature in Soul and Spirit Magazine

Signs You're a Secret Witch - Feature in Soul and Spirit Magazine

“A true ‘wild witch’ is an almighty powerful creatrix, capable of manifesting a magical life and serving greater good.”

~ Nicole Barton

I wrote this feature for Soul & Spirit magazine’s October issue, to call Secret Witches into awareness of their own almighty power.

How Reconnecting to the Wild can Heal your Witch Wound

How Reconnecting to the Wild can Heal your Witch Wound

“Witch wound: a deep-seated fear of being your fullest expression of self in case you are burned at the stake.” ~ Nicole Barton

Mmm, we are releasing this blog on the run up to Full Moon so, given September’s Secret Witch Circle Facebook Group theme of ‘Rewilding’, it feels like a great time to offer some support around how getting out in the wild can offer you deep healing for your witch wound…….