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Are you Ready to Become your Unapologetic Magic?

Are you Ready to Become your Unapologetic Magic?

“ The more unapologetically magical you can become - the more you shine who you are into the world - the more you will actually reach the hearts you are meant to, and those hearts that will love you.”

~ Nicole Barton

The path of becoming your own remedy in the world - of becoming your unapologetic magic - is not an easy path to walk. It's often one filled with tears, wounds and fear. It is one that takes deep courage and vulnerability. It's one that requires you to continue to face all the places that your heart wants to close and consciously choose to open them instead.

Is your Magic lying Dormant?

Is your Magic lying Dormant?

“If all Phosphoric Witches learned that their gifts were magical, needed and loved - if they learned they could harness their deep gifts of sensitivity and emotion powerfully, and if they learned that they weren't really that 'weird' - then they would learn to welcome all the parts of themselves that they've previously outcast, become their unique, magnificent, magical remedy for themselves, firstly - but also for the world..”

~ Nicole Barton

Have you been told that you "have magical gifts" (but you're a little bit scared of them)?

Are you ready to make Healing Magical again?

Are you ready to make Healing Magical again?

“As healers - and as any magical women who feel a call to becoming a healer - we have to learn to do the deepest work of all - and that is of dosing our own remedies and healing our own wounds, before we can dose others.”

~ Nicole Barton

One of the things I've been really witnessing recently is how Secret Witches (sensitive, open-hearted, spiritual and magical women who don't know, or suppress, their healing power) often come to learn magic with their typical wide-eyed Phosphoric enthusiasm - they usually start out really deeply called by all the healing modalities - perhaps reiki, or or aromatherapy, spirituality, or even homeopathy - or others.

What does the paradox of being deeply sensitive have to do with being a Phosphoric woman?

What does the paradox of being deeply sensitive have to do with being a Phosphoric woman?

“If you choose to soften, open and heal, you can heal and learn to become the most potent, beautifully sensitive, fiery, magical medicine - for yourselves, and the world.”

~ Nicole Barton

Yesterday I was reflecting on how there's a deep paradox to my Phosphoric women. I've been focused a lot recently on sharing their deep sensitivity, and how they feel everything so deeply, which can often have them in closure of their hearts.

Where does your suppressed energy need freeing up with some deep energetic healing?

Where does your suppressed energy need freeing up with some deep energetic healing?

“It is always our shadow - our suppression - that takes our life force energy and has us feel low in energy.”

~ Nicole Barton

The Secret Witch's (mine and my women's) deepest fears are often helplessness and failure. These are the ones that usually stop my women from taking aligned-action in the direction of soul. It is often what has them not choose themselves and the deep work. Their fear of losing energy by choosing into aligned-actions is a big one.

What we can learn from our Ancestors

What we can learn from our Ancestors

"It's often seen as a cultural taboo to be a Magical One, yet there's actually a magic and power and truth in healing ourselves. Our deep sensitivity, our magic, our capacity to heal and be medicine is a gift."

~ Nicole Barton

Since my recent shamanic healing I've been consciously working with my Ancestors a little bit more, as they had come to the healing with a lot of anger about not feeling "enough" - which makes a lot of sense, given they were Witches, likely burned at the stake.

Are you ready for some Loving (and triggering) Truth?  

Are you ready for some Loving (and triggering) Truth?  

"The real measure of whether you're ready for the path of soul is whether you're willing to keep choosing to open to love through the triggering to find the deep gold in the Truth."

~ Nicole Barton

One of the things that the Secret Witch (who doesn't know her own magic and power) struggles with is speaking her Truth and expressing what's in her heart. Often that will leave her suppressing parts of

What's your Deepest Cut - and how can that become your Medicine?  

What's your Deepest Cut - and how can that become your Medicine?  

"Your medicine is not in the tools that you have so desperately sought to fix your wounds, but in the wounds you've so desperately been avoiding."

~ Nicole Barton

Most of my women want to make an impact in the world somehow; they have a deep, burning desire to be medicine. Often with a deep desire to heal the world (and, yet, often feeling victim to their visions, too, as if they aren't possible).

Is it really a choice - or can we have it all? 

Is it really a choice - or can we have it all? 

"Anything, or anyone, that does not bring you alive is too small for you.”

~ David Whyte

I witness over and over again recently how my women often think that living from soul is something seperate from life. And I'd have once felt that too.

What if your deep sensitivity was actually a magical gift?

What if your deep sensitivity was actually a magical gift?

"Whilst there's shame and fear of being our magic as a medicinal one, you can also come to learn that there's a deep gift in your own deep sensitivity - that the world needs."

~ Nicole Barton

My heart always cracks wide open to my women who feel that their sensitivity and vulnerability is shameful. Especially when they are magical ones who have shut out their magic because of this shame.

Are you ready to energetically manifest the life your soul desires?

Are you ready to energetically manifest the life your soul desires?

“A Secret Witch isn’t a woman just playing with potions. She’s a woman who doesn’t yet know her power to create whatever she opens her heart to.”

~ Nicole Barton

There is no "push" or "force" in this journey; it is actually one of magical, energetic manifestation. And equally, that doesn't mean sitting back and doing nothing either, as most spiritual paths teach.

Do you have a Love-Hate relationship with magic? ✨

Do you have a Love-Hate relationship with magic? ✨

"To return to who you are, via the Remedies of the Wild, you'll need to be prepared to open your heart and mind wider than what is "known" and choose fully into the unknown - the unmeasurable art of magic."

~ Nicole Barton

One thing that has become apparent to me is that my women often have a love/hate relationship with magic.

It is so easy for "you"

It is so easy for "you"

"Whatever we choose, in the midst of our MfL, will have a deeper impact. And that's why the deepest work is to stay impeccable in our devotion to soul."

~ Nicole Barton

The journey to Soul isn't an easy one. I say this, time and time again, and still, many times my women don't believe me. And when it gets tough, I often have clients project: "this is so easy for you".

Are You The 'Phosphoric' Remedy of the Wild?

Are You The 'Phosphoric' Remedy of the Wild?

“It is from the tender, powerful and brave place of self love, that we can start to live more fully.”

~ Brigit Anna McNeil

Since my deeper devotion to my own medicine - channelling the Remedies of the Wild - I'm slowly (which is a pace I have to consciously choose, given my Secret Witch's temptation to rush) having more and more revealed…

Will you take the healing remedy of Self Love to honor your sacred Feminine cycle?

Will you take the healing remedy of Self Love to honor your sacred Feminine cycle?

“It is from the tender, powerful and brave place of self love, that we can start to live more fully.”

~ Brigit Anna McNeil

Recently I led my Feminine Mystery circle in a way that deeply honoured my Feminine cycle, by ceremonially wearing my sacred blood on my forehead.

How the Remedies of the Wild can help you to Discover your Gifts.

How the Remedies of the Wild can help you to Discover your Gifts.

"I'm seeing how my channelling of the remedies is becoming stronger and stronger. I am increasingly triggering and activating those around me, deeper and deeper, with the energetic medicine they need to be healed, just through my being."

~ Nicole Barton

In the last few weeks I've come to see really clearly how my gift is to be a channel for the Remedies of the Wild.

Will you allow hope to guide you into the possibility of creating a soul-led life?

Will you allow hope to guide you into the possibility of creating a soul-led life?

“Where there is hope there is possibility. Where there is possibility, there is Magic; Where there is Magic there is endless possibility.”

~ Beth Thompson

If there's one thing I've learned, as I've journeyed more deeply into soul, it's that we simply can't do this work from our heads.

From our heads, we desire logic and a step by step plan of how to get there. From our heads, we create from burden and burn out. From our heads, we allow fear to make the choices - even when we think it isn't.

How telling the truth can be the very medicine we need

How telling the truth can be the very medicine we need

“Tell the truth about your wound, and then you will get a truthful picture of the remedy to apply to it. Don’t pack whatever is easiest or most available into the emptiness. Hold out for the right medicine. You will recognize it because it makes your life stronger rather than weaker.”

~ Clarissa Pinkola Estés

It can be so tempting to plaster over our wounds. I have been there, perhaps more times than I can count, whether it was by directly numbing my emotions, when I was living out of alignment in my old relationship…

Goddess or Truth?

Goddess or Truth?

"The very essence of the Feminine is LOVE and TRUTH - not aggressive rebellion, or armouring by playing dress up as a Goddess."

~ Nicole Barton

One of the objections I notice in some women drawn to Invoke Your Feminine Mystery is that they've previously felt they've already done a lot of work with Feminine embodiment before.

In fact, often, whilst many of my women come to me dismissing their Feminine body and her signals entirely and not feeling feminine at all, I notice these particular women can often have reached a point where they've done so much work on themselves…

Have you been trying all the Masculine Fixes? Is it time for the healing remedy of the Feminine, instead?

Have you been trying all the Masculine Fixes? Is it time for the healing remedy of the Feminine, instead?

"Every woman who heals herself helps heal all the women who came before her and all those who will come after.”

~ Dr Christiane Northrup

The Feminine calls to women in various Mysterious ways - often, ways that don’t resemble a call to the Feminine at all. You see, the Feminine, on initial glance, feels to be a glamorous path full of roses, beauty, magic, love and softness - and she is in her embodied fullness; but her initial call - well, that’s very different.