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Dominatrix vs Submissive: Which Are You?

Dominatrix vs Submissive: Which Are You?

Anacardium is an energy of *identity*. She feels torn between the Angel on one shoulder and the Devil on the other. The Good Girl and the Rebel. The Submissive and the Dominatrix. And all are shadow polarity "personalities" that a Secret Witch knows well.

~ Nicole Barton


Soul is calling me, recently (amidst my pleas to go gently - oh God, please!😆 ) to places I never honestly EVER thought I'd be called to.

To the depths of hell and back - it feels. 🖤

Is Your Unworthiness Having You Trying To Dose Medicine Before You’ve Become An Embodied Shaman?

Is Your Unworthiness Having You Trying To Dose Medicine Before You’ve Become An Embodied Shaman?

Becoming a shaman or a Medicine Woman isn't a case of logically learning magic and then churning it out as a commercialised thing. It is a process of deep initiation, which takes time, space, devotion, and a willingness to be in the mystery of the Feminine. (And if I'm totally honest, blood, sweat and tears)

~ Nicole Barton


Something I've noticed recently in magical ones is the tendency to want to skip over the part where we *become* our remedy.

No One Is Coming To Save You - The Words That Changed My Life

No One Is Coming To Save You - The Words That Changed My Life

The biggest lesson I learned from this was NO ONE was coming to save me - and that I was going to have to choose to heal myself. And I'm still spiralling into deeper and deeper lessons of this, because it's my lifetimes's work as a Medicine Woman (whose very shadow and gold is trusting herself).

~ Nicole Barton


Medicine Woman first knocked on my door when I was the tender young age of 10. I had suffered grief and trauma on the run up for about 5 years, and it was catching up with me - I was so burned out that one day I just woke up, unable to walk, barely able to move and just numb. I remember being wheeled around on an office chair as a kind of makeshift wheelchair.

Do You Harness The Power Of Your Dreams?

Do You Harness The Power Of Your Dreams?

How are we being called to shine our Medicine Woman's healing light into the world?

Happy Winter Solstice, my loves. 🔥🌙✨

The next few days offers a powerful portal of both Yule and New Moon. And so, as we didn't gather in circle this week as planned, my Medicine Woman wants to share a ritual for you as an invitation to enjoy in your own time.

We are celebrating the longest night, and the depths of the darkness returning to light (and magically #darkness was our theme in this group this month) whilst also harnessing the New Moon in Capricorn.

Solstice & New Moon Ritual

Solstice & New Moon Ritual

How are we being called to shine our Medicine Woman's healing light into the world?

Happy Winter Solstice, my loves. 🔥🌙✨

The next few days offers a powerful portal of both Yule and New Moon. And so, as we didn't gather in circle this week as planned, my Medicine Woman wants to share a ritual for you as an invitation to enjoy in your own time.

We are celebrating the longest night, and the depths of the darkness returning to light (and magically #darkness was our theme in this group this month) whilst also harnessing the New Moon in Capricorn.

10 Lessons From 10 Years of Healing

10 Lessons From 10 Years of Healing

“There's a level of deep devotion required to navigate the ups and downs of becoming the Self-Healer and Magical Guide you truly came here to be.”

~ Nicole Barton

I have been embodying and teaching 'healing' for over a decade (woah, as I share that my Archetypal Luna remedy - my inner magical wise woman - is like "yes, I'm being owned! 🔥"). You see, healing is something I've lived and breathed the lessons of. It's something, as I often say, that I've "lived into" - over my whole lifetime, actually - and it's been the place where I've had my deepest wounds (which also means as I've alchemised it, it has become my medicine for others).

Who is ready for real truth?

Who is ready for real truth?

“True Self-Healing is being willing to go into our wounds - into the fire - and courageously look them in the eyes, and begin to love those pieces of ourselves back to wholeness”

~ Nicole Barton


The path of reclaiming your unapologetic magic is not easy to walk. I've said it over and over again (I'm pretty sure everyone still thinks I'm joking 😁 likely because the work they've done before is 'Woo Lite' - see my earlier post on this).

Are you willing to self heal?

Are you willing to self heal?

“True Self-Healing is being willing to go into our wounds - into the fire - and courageously look them in the eyes, and begin to love those pieces of ourselves back to wholeness”

~ Nicole Barton


The path of reclaiming your unapologetic magic is not easy to walk. I've said it over and over again (I'm pretty sure everyone still thinks I'm joking 😁 likely because the work they've done before is 'Woo Lite' - see my earlier post on this).

Are you here to rebirth yourself as the unapologetically magical healer your soul came here to be?

Are you here to rebirth yourself as the unapologetically magical healer your soul came here to be?

“One of the most calming and powerful actions you can do to intervene in a stormy world is to stand up and show your soul. Struggling souls catch light from other souls who are fully lit and willing to show it.”

~ Clarissa Pinkola

Secretly magical healers: let's talk REAL for a moment as to why searching logically for your "niche" isn't as important as you DISCOVERING, HEALING and BECOMING your own remedy for others.

Are you ready to heal your own wounds with love?

Are you ready to heal your own wounds with love?

“This isn't a journey for everyone. It takes deep courage and a willingness to go into the darkness and see what wants to be loved”

~ Nicole Barton


When I first came to shadow work, I would often use it as a tool to beat myself up with for all the ways I was 'sabotaging' my soul (my magical wand became a 'beaty' stick! )

Do you suppress or alchemise?

Do you suppress or alchemise?

“The woman who is here to work with her 'inner witch' is here to experience the darkness of being a human fully in form, and she's here to play there, making gold from it - because she's a manifestor here on earth.”

~ Nicole Barton


There's an absolute rage bubbling from an experience I created yesterday, and I can feel a big angry NO in my belly to our humanness being denied. I witness within myself that more fire is wanting to be expressed…

Are You A Fire Witch?

Are You A Fire Witch?

“Fire, as an Archetypal Apothecary Remedy, is one of transformation, of burning things down so that they can be rebirthed as their real, true, full potency”

~ Nicole Barton

And only where the forest fires have sped, Scorching relentlessly the cool north lands, A sweet wild flower lifts its purple head, And, like some gentle spirit sorrow-fed, It hides the scars with almost human hands.

How to Harness the Courage Required to Express Your Magic

How to Harness the Courage Required to Express Your Magic

“If she's not healed her Witch Wound (that deep seated fear of being her full self-expression), then no matter how hard she trains in magical modalities, it's unlikely that she will ever have the courage to bring that medicine to the world fully and completely.”

~ Nicole Barton

Oh my god has my Secret Witch been having meltdowns this week over where my business is going.

Are you Ready to Become your Unapologetic Magic?

Are you Ready to Become your Unapologetic Magic?

“ The more unapologetically magical you can become - the more you shine who you are into the world - the more you will actually reach the hearts you are meant to, and those hearts that will love you.”

~ Nicole Barton

The path of becoming your own remedy in the world - of becoming your unapologetic magic - is not an easy path to walk. It's often one filled with tears, wounds and fear. It is one that takes deep courage and vulnerability. It's one that requires you to continue to face all the places that your heart wants to close and consciously choose to open them instead.

Is your Magic lying Dormant?

Is your Magic lying Dormant?

“If all Phosphoric Witches learned that their gifts were magical, needed and loved - if they learned they could harness their deep gifts of sensitivity and emotion powerfully, and if they learned that they weren't really that 'weird' - then they would learn to welcome all the parts of themselves that they've previously outcast, become their unique, magnificent, magical remedy for themselves, firstly - but also for the world..”

~ Nicole Barton

Have you been told that you "have magical gifts" (but you're a little bit scared of them)?

Are you ready to make Healing Magical again?

Are you ready to make Healing Magical again?

“As healers - and as any magical women who feel a call to becoming a healer - we have to learn to do the deepest work of all - and that is of dosing our own remedies and healing our own wounds, before we can dose others.”

~ Nicole Barton

One of the things I've been really witnessing recently is how Secret Witches (sensitive, open-hearted, spiritual and magical women who don't know, or suppress, their healing power) often come to learn magic with their typical wide-eyed Phosphoric enthusiasm - they usually start out really deeply called by all the healing modalities - perhaps reiki, or or aromatherapy, spirituality, or even homeopathy - or others.

What does the paradox of being deeply sensitive have to do with being a Phosphoric woman?

What does the paradox of being deeply sensitive have to do with being a Phosphoric woman?

“If you choose to soften, open and heal, you can heal and learn to become the most potent, beautifully sensitive, fiery, magical medicine - for yourselves, and the world.”

~ Nicole Barton

Yesterday I was reflecting on how there's a deep paradox to my Phosphoric women. I've been focused a lot recently on sharing their deep sensitivity, and how they feel everything so deeply, which can often have them in closure of their hearts.

Where does your suppressed energy need freeing up with some deep energetic healing?

Where does your suppressed energy need freeing up with some deep energetic healing?

“It is always our shadow - our suppression - that takes our life force energy and has us feel low in energy.”

~ Nicole Barton

The Secret Witch's (mine and my women's) deepest fears are often helplessness and failure. These are the ones that usually stop my women from taking aligned-action in the direction of soul. It is often what has them not choose themselves and the deep work. Their fear of losing energy by choosing into aligned-actions is a big one.

What we can learn from our Ancestors

What we can learn from our Ancestors

"It's often seen as a cultural taboo to be a Magical One, yet there's actually a magic and power and truth in healing ourselves. Our deep sensitivity, our magic, our capacity to heal and be medicine is a gift."

~ Nicole Barton

Since my recent shamanic healing I've been consciously working with my Ancestors a little bit more, as they had come to the healing with a lot of anger about not feeling "enough" - which makes a lot of sense, given they were Witches, likely burned at the stake.

Are you ready for some Loving (and triggering) Truth?  

Are you ready for some Loving (and triggering) Truth?  

"The real measure of whether you're ready for the path of soul is whether you're willing to keep choosing to open to love through the triggering to find the deep gold in the Truth."

~ Nicole Barton

One of the things that the Secret Witch (who doesn't know her own magic and power) struggles with is speaking her Truth and expressing what's in her heart. Often that will leave her suppressing parts of